Philosophy in Tibb
Tibb is a total system of healthcare, based on the original philosophical principles of medicine by Greek scholars such as Hippocrates and Galen, and later Arab philosophers including the renowned Ibn Sina (Avicenna). Tibb philosophy not only recognizes that the body, mind and soul are interconnected, but also considers the relationship between the microcosm (man) and the macrocosm (the universe) and that both health and disease have physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual influences.
Ibn Sina’s definition of Tibb states that:
“Tibb is a branch of knowledge that deals with the states of health and disease in the human body for the purposes of adopting suitable measures for the preservation and/or restoration of health.”
It is important to note that Tibb philosophy places equal emphasis on both the preservation of health as well as the treatment of illness conditions. According to Tibb, by incorporating the Tibb philosophical principles, a healthy person can become healthier and will most definitely, delay the onset of chronic illness conditions linked to diseases of lifestyle. These principles allow for a better understanding of the pathology of disease and the application of treatment, that not only addresses the symptoms but also the underlying causes.
The philosophical principles of Tibb, which include Creation, Qualities, Physis, Temperament, Humours and Lifestyle Factors, provide a comprehensive understanding of not only How illnesses develop and the appropriate treatment for individuals, but more importantly Why they occur, with further guidance on how health can be maintained.
It is interesting to note that despite the technological advancements of the twentieth century, the philosophy of Tibb, and other philosophies of health such as Ayurveda and Chinese medicine, allowed many civilisations across the world to survive and prosper for thousands of years. The principles of Tibb are easy to understand and illustrate a “common sense” approach that can easily be incorporated.
Significantly, much of the latest research supports the Tibb principles when interpreted within the context of Tibb philosophy. Integrating these principles with the technology and medical advancements available in medicine today could ultimately evolve into a healthcare model that can be affordable and effective in this 21st century.
It is interesting to note that despite the technological advancements of the twentieth century, the philosophy of Tibb, and other philosophies of health such as Ayurveda and Chinese medicine, allowed many civilisations across the world to survive and prosper for thousands of years. The principles of Tibb are easy to understand and illustrate a “common sense” approach that can easily be incorporated.
Significantly, much of the latest research supports the Tibb principles when interpreted within the context of Tibb philosophy. Integrating these principles with the technology and medical advancements available in medicine today could ultimately evolve into a healthcare model that can be affordable and effective in this 21st century.

Tibb is not merely a medical system, it is a lifestyle that combines