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Welcome to the Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb

Bhikha’s introduction to Tibb began more than twenty-five years ago. In this heartwarming, personal interview, learn more about his journey to Tibb in South Africa, his dedication to holistic healthcare with improved clinical skills and service delivery through mindful responsibility to the greater community.


About my journey to Tibb

Prof. Bhikha’s commitment to healthcare is evident in his continuous efforts of establishing an effective, affordable and accessible healthcare model. Starting off as a qualified pharmacist in 1969, he built up Be-Tabs Pharmaceuticals into the largest privately-owned generic manufacturer in South Africa.

His journey to Tibb and the establishment of the Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb is a heartfelt one. It began more than twenty-five years ago when his youngest daughter, experienced severe breathing difficulties. After a lung biopsy she was diagnosed with fibrosing alveolitis, requiring oxygen continuously. 

Read more The pulmonologist informed Prof Bhikha that the cause of the hardening of the alveoli in the lungs was unknown and a daily dose of 50mg prednisone was the only possible treatment. This made him realise the limitation of conventional/Western medicine. The days that followed were as dark as night watching her breathe with an oxygen mask and seeing her pretty little face swelling up from the side effects of cortisone.

This was a turning point and a catalyst for him to research different philosophies of healthcare including Ayurveda, Chinese medicine and more specifically Unani medicine. His choice of learning more about Unani medicine was based on its rich history over many centuries and the contribution of Hippocrates who established this system on the principles of cause and effect.

In 1994, to learn about Unani medicine Prof Bhikha met Hakim Mohamed Said, from Hamdard University, Pakistan, and arranged for a medical doctor and a primary healthcare nurse to attend an introductory course in this system. In 1999, in an arrangement with Hamdard University, Hakim Abdul Haq, a specialist in Unani philosophy joined the Institute in achieving its vision of promoting the practice and training of Unani medicine in South Africa.

The decision to choose the name Tibb came after much consideration. Over the centuries this system was called by many different names; Greco-Arab medicine, Western Herbal medicine, Unani-Tibb (‘Greek medicine’) and Unani medicine (Indian subcontinent). The name Tibb (the Arabic word for ‘medicine’) provides a differentiation from conventional/Western medicine and is in keeping with Prof Bhikha’s willingness to incorporate all medical knowledge in the form of integrative medicine.

Prof Bhikha’s contribution to the development in the promotion and practice of Tibb has earned him many awards including amongst others from Hamdard University (Pakistan), National Institute of Unani Medicine and Aligarh Muslim University (both from India). He was also awarded the Inyathelo Lifetime Philanthropy Award.

He remains committed to community upliftment and health provision focusing on primary healthcare, training of professionals, and research. He has presented academic papers worldwide and authored numerous books.

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16 October 2023

Physis is Allah (SWT’s) Doctor in Every One of Us

The genetic wisdom of Physis was recognised by traditional systems of medicine for more than a few thousand years and was also hypothesised by Hippocrates, the father of medicine as Vis Medicatrix Naturae. Physis also highlights the perfection of creation in the maintenance and restoration of health between the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of every individual, at a cellular/sub-cellular level, between all the organs and systems of the body, by constantly monitoring and adjusting the millions of biochemical and physiological pathways that are genetically designed.


12 July 2023

Institute publishes latest reference textbook for the training of Unani-Tibb doctors

The Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb is proud to announce the publication of its latest book titled “Medicine of Hippocrates, Galen and Ibn Sina”. The book provides a comprehensive overview of the philosophy, aetiology, pathology, diagnosis, and treatment from a Tibb perspective based on the medicine practiced by its founders Hippocrates, Galen, and Ibn Sina as well as the Institute’s contribution over the past twenty-years. This reference book is aimed at medical professionals trained in Western medicine, wishing to integrate the principles of Tibb into their current practice. This book is available for free download.


29 May 2023

Drew University students visit the Tibb Treatment Centre

On 31st May 2023, Prof Brianne Barker and nine students from Drew University from USA, visited the Tibb Treatment Centre.


29 May 2023

Validating the link between Aetiology, Pathology, Diagnosis, and Treatment in relation to the Philosophical Principles of Tibb

This research project of validating the philosophical principles of physis, temperament, humours, and lifestyle factors within the context of aetiology, pathology, diagnosis, and treatment, has been completed in fifty (50) case studies with emphasis on diagnosis based on the predisposition to illness conditions in relation to the patient’s temperamental combination and qualitative and humoral imbalance, identified the cause/s of illness conditions, that facilitated a targeted approach in treatment.


17 March 2023

Development of the training of Tibb doctors in South Africa

The training of doctors in Tibb, was introduced in South Africa at the School of Natural Medicine, University of the Western Cape from 2003 onwards by the Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb. The training of Tibb includes the Institute’s contribution to the philosophical principles of Tibb over the past twenty-years. The Institute is willing to share the Tibb training of doctors with universities globally.


Archived News & Events

28 July 2022

The International Education of Students (IES) summer school students from USA visit the Tibb Treatment Centre.

A group of IES Abroad student and lecturers visited the Tibb Treatment Centre on the 22 July 2022.


07 July 2022

Ethics and Professionalism in the Medicine of Hippocrates

This paper provides insights into the Medicine of Hippocrates and Western medicine within the context of A Science of Medicine the Art of Care and has also provided a brief overview of the philosophical principles of Physis, Temperament, Humours and Lifestyle Factors.  More significantly it highlights the differences between the Medicine of Hippocrates and Western medicine with respect to Holism, Professionalism and Medical Ethics.


26 May 2022

Institute’s Contribution to Unani Medicine

This research paper highlights the contribution of the Institute, based on various research projects conducted between 2003 and 2020. The results contributed positively to the principles of physis/tabiat, humours/akhlat, temperament/mizaj, and lifestyle factors/sittah zarooriah within the context of aetiology, pathology, diagnosis, and treatment.  The Institute’s contribution facilitated the development of tertiary training material at both a 5-year Undergraduate Degree and a 1-year Postgraduate Diploma to be trained as Unani-Tibb doctors.


28 March 2022

Programme coordinators from IES ABROAD and Tulane University from New Orleans, visit the Tibb Treatment Centre

On 22 March 22, programme coordinators from IES ABROAD, based in South Africa and Tulane University in New Orleans had program coordinators visit the Tibb treatment centre as a prospective field site for students enrolling in the IES ABROAD program/s.


04 March 2022

Medicine of Hippocrates

“This research paper highlights the core concepts of Hippocratic medicine, focusing on an individualistic approach, ‘Vis Medicatrix Naturae’, and the humoral theory, in relation to lifestyle factors and its effect on health and disease. Furthermore, we acknowledge the contribution of Hippocrates to transforming medicine into a scientific and evidence-based system and recognising his pivotal role in medical ethics and conduct as we know it today.”


02 Nov 2021

Integrating Tibb: Holistic Healing with A Science of Medicine, and the Art of Care

prof video

In this video Prof Bhikha provides insights into the holistic approach of Tibb (Medicine) and the philosophical principles on which this system of medicine has been practiced for more than 2500 years as A Science of Medicine, and the Art of Care, and also why Tibb and Western medicine can be ideal partners in Integrative Medicine.


08 Oct 2021

Why Blackseed Can Be The Cure For All Illnesses Except Death

This paper substantiates the Prophetic tradition of “Hold on to the use of blackseed, as it has a remedy for every illness except death”, by detailing its phytochemistry and pharmacological action in the treatment of various illness conditions within the context of the Tibb philosophical principles, of the temperamental and humoral theory and more importantly Physis.


03 Aug 2021

Why Tibb Is: A Science of Medicine, the Art of Care

Tibb is an ancient holistic medical system that originated approximately 10 000 years ago, based on the humoral and temperamental theories that was hypothesised by Hippocrates and Galen.  The “completeness” of this medical discipline was influenced by other renowned scholars including Ibn Sina.


20 Aug 2020

Covid-19: A Tibb interpretation of risk factors and pathophysiology

Tibb philosophical principles based on the temperamental and humoral theory provides the rationale as to why males and the elderly are at an increased risk of progressive symptoms of the disease, whereas females and children are less at risk.


22 July 2020

Review of the relationship between Temperament and Qualities in the predisposition to Illness Conditions

Identifying and understanding one’s temperamental combination provides valuable insight into the predisposition to illness conditions and disease progression. The aim of this study was to validate the relationship between an individual’s dominant temperamental quality in relation to qualities associated with illness conditions, as an indicator to the predisposition to illness/es. The study was conducted over a period of six months by qualified Unani-Tibb practitioners at the Tibb Treatment centres in Cape Town. Five hundred (500) patients aged between 8-84 years old were included into the study.


24 June 2020

The Tibb approach for the prevention and management of Covid-19

The Corona Virus or Covid-19, a global pandemic that we all currently face, has for obvious reasons, sparked a great deal of fear and uncertainty. Although measures are in place to avoid the spread of the virus, this approach only limits the spread whilst doing little by way of strengthening an individual’s immunity or the presentation of signs and symptoms. This leaves many, especially the elderly, vulnerable to illness and even death.

From the Western medicine perspective, the only hope rests with the development of a vaccine that still needs to be tested for its efficacy and safety. Whereas from the Tibb perspective, based on the temperamental and humoral theory, the focus is to support the body’s inherent self-healing capacity, from the founders of medicine Hippocrates, Galen and Ibn Sina, which Hippocrates described as ‘vis medicatrix naturae’ – the body’s ability to heal itself – as a means of optimising the efficiency of the immune system.

The Tibb approach to the prevention and management of Covid-19 is based on its philosophical principles that provides an understanding as to why some people are more at risk and why children and young adults are less likely to be affected by the virus. Tibb also provides practical advice on lifestyle changes and herbal medication for the prevention and management of Covid-19.


23 March 2020

A strong immune system is vital. Prof. Bhikha talks about the Corona virus from a Tibb perspective 

In this video Prof Bhikha provides insight on the Tibb perspective with regards to the coronavirus


06 January 2020

Stellenbosch medical student completes elective at Tibb Treatment Centres

Raeesah Moola, MBChB – a fifth year student from Stellenbosch University, completed a three-week elective at the Tibb Treatment Centres in Cape Town and shares her views.


13 October 2019
Prof Rashid Bhika Honoured at 3rd National Pharmacy Conference

The Pharmacy Council of South Africa awarded Prof Rashid Bhikha with “The Legacy Pharmacist Award” at the 3rd National Pharmacy Conference held in Sun City last weekend.


25 September 2019
Is Excess/Abnormal Melancholic Humour the cause of Chronic Conditions?

In the above research, that was conducted at the Tibb Treatment Centres in Cape Town, one-thousand patients were recruited. The aim of the study was to evaluate the hypothesis that excess or abnormal states of the melancholic humour are a major and significant cause of many common chronic conditions. There was a steady increase in the incidence of patients with chronic conditions in patients with melancholic imbalances. In children and younger adults, it was virtually non-existent, and 15% in young adults. Thereafter it rose to 18% in mature adults, 56% in middle-aged adults, 71% in senior adults, 78% in older adults, and finally 100% in the aged patients. This clinical observation supports the hypothesis that excess/abnormal melancholic humour could well be the cause of most chronic conditions.


23 July 2019
IES ABROAD students visit the Tibb Treatment Centres

During August 2019, a group of International Education of Students (IES abroad) visited the Tibb Treatment Centre while on their student exchange program on Health, Culture and development. Students provided feedback on their experience at the Tibb Treatment Centre.



25 June 2019
The safety and Efficacy of Tibb Pharmacotherapy: Published in the International Journal of Development Research, Vol. 09, Issue, 05, pp. 27779-27785, May 2019

Pharmacotherapy is a traditional healing paradigm based mainly on herbs, with numerous pharmacopeia being compiled over the centuries. It was the dominant therapeutic option until superseded by modern chemical-based conventional drug therapy. As it is now experiencing a revival for reasons, such as better patient tolerance, more information is required on the mode of action and clinical efficacy of herbal remedies. In his Canon of Medicine, Ibn Sina details Tibb pharmacotherapy, allocating specific therapeutic herbs to different categories, or orders, of clinical efficacy and patient safety, based on the temperamental and humoral theories. Western drugs act on specific tissue receptors, whereas herbal remedies exert their action by restoring homeostasis via qualitative and humoral changes. Furthermore, herbal remedies support inner healing, or physis, so differ from Western drugs, which tend to oppose it. They also contain a wide range of active ingredients, which allow for a wide spectrum in pharmacotherapy effect. Consequently, Tibb pharmacotherapy is better tolerated, and less prone to adverse drug reactions.


12 Feb 2019
Institute’s latest e-book “Theoretical Principles of Tibb” available for free download 

In keeping with the Institute’s primary objective of promoting the training and practice of Tibb, the Institute has uploaded its latest e-book titled “Theoretical Principles of Tibb” for free download. The book provides a comprehensive overview of the philosophy, aetiology, pathology, diagnosis and treatment. This reference book can be a primary source in the training of Unani-Tibb doctors as well as medical professionals trained in Western medicine, wishing to integrate the principles of Tibb into their current practice.


22 Jan 2019
The Pharmacological Action of Common Herbal Remedies: Published in the American Journal of Internal Medicine, Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 99-107, August 2018 

Acceptance of the clinical efficacy and tolerance of herbal remedies by practitioners of conventional, Western medicine is strongly dependent on unambiguous and reproducible evidence, particularly their pharmacological action. A single conventional drug generally has one dominant pharmacological mode of action which accounts for its therapeutic efficacy, whereas a herbal remedy because of the various active agents it contains, generally influences several biochemical and/or physiological systems present in the body. Identifying this therefore poses several challenges. They are much more complex, and the active components of a herbal remedy may act synergistically or interact in other ways. Although the need to determine modes of action has not been a primary concern of complementary healthcare practitioners, there is increasing pressure to elaborate objectively on their pharmacological action.


16 Jan 2019
Long-Standing Community Partnership continues to make a difference 

The Ibn Sina of Tibb and Islamic Relief South Africa continue their partnership with Osizweni for 2019…


11 Jan 2019
World Aids Day 

On the 6th of December, Osizweni hosted an awareness campaign for World AIDS day themed “get tested”. The aim was to encourage people to routinely be tested for HIV, to break the stigma associated with HIV, and to empower the community to unite in the fight against HIV, through health education and Tibb lifestyle promotion. With knowledge comes great power.

16 Oct 2018
Tibb-Allied Communities Network Partnership takes Joburgers health seriously!

Following four years of commitment to the City of Johannesburg’s community health, the Alllied-Tibb Community Oriented Care Programme entered into a Memorandum of Understanding earlier this years with the City of Jo’burg’s Department of Health to render mentoring and coaching services…

16 Oct 2018
Tibb-Allied Communities Network Partnership takes Joburgers health seriously!

Following four years of commitment to the City of Johannesburg’s community health, the Alllied-Tibb Community Oriented Care Programme entered into a Memorandum of Understanding earlier this years with the City of Jo’burg’s Department of Health to render mentoring and coaching services…

10 Oct 2018
Herbal Products and Conventional Drugs – and Uneasy Alliance: Published in the International Journal of Human and Health Sciences, Vol. 02, No. 04, pp. 193-198, October 2018

This review examines the interaction between herbal remedies and conventional (orthodox) drugs. There has been a substantial increase in the consumption of herbal remedies in recent times for various reasons. They are often combined with one another, and are often used simultaneously with conventional drugs that are taken for a wide range of disorders, both acute and chronic. The probability of a real and substantial interaction between the therapeutic agents originating from different medical paradigms is likewise expanding. Whilst most of the herb-drug interactions are undoubtedly minor, benign, and harmless, there are reports of more serious interactions. Possible reasons for specific herb-drug interactions are examined, particularly from the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics perspectives.

08 Oct 2018
Revisiting Avicenna’s (980-1037 AD) anatomy of the abdominal viscera from the Canon of Medicine: Published in Elsevier History of Morphology, (2018) 102, 225-230, May 2018

Avicenna (980—1037A.D) was the most influential Iranian physician and philosopher in the medieval era. Avicenna composed and compiled treaties on various aspects of medicine in his famous book the Canon of Medicine. Avicenna’s treaties have inspired countless debates in all fields of medicine including basic medical sciences. In his treaties, Avicenna adopted the practical approach to the descriptions of the human body and the diseases associated. He made substantial contribution to the medical literature and medical education through his observations and clinical studies.

03 Oct 2018
Taking Greek Medicine back to Greece

The journey between Prof. Bhikha, chairman of The Ibn Sina Institute and Dr. Barrie Oldham of The Asklepion School of Tibb began over a year ago when they decided to “take Greek medicine back to Greece”.

21 Aug 2018
Impact of Tibb Lifestyle Factors in health promotion and illness management: Published in the International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Vol. 9, Issue 7(C) pp.27914-27918, July 2018

The impact on the Quality of Life (QoL) of 120 ‘well’ patients in a health promotion group and 480 patients with pre-existing, pre-diagnosed, mostly chronic conditions, in an illness management group was assessed over the period of one year after offering them an Individualised Health Care Plan based on the six Tibb lifestyle factors. The research was conducted by community healthcare workers affiliated to the City of Johannesburg’s 23 clinics in region D (Soweto), who were trained as Tibb Lifestyle Advisors. QoL assessments were completed at the beginning and end of the study. The healthy group showed a marked improvement in overall health, whereas the results in the illness management group was significantly greater. This study highlights the importance of the Tibb approach of lifestyle changes in health promotion and illness management that provides specific guidelines on air and breathing, diet, exercise, sleep, emotions and elimination. The importance of this pilot study’s findings is discussed in the context of financial and logistical factors as a way of halting the increasing incidence of chronic diseases of lifestyle.

26 June 2018
IES ABROAD students visit the Tibb Treatment Centres

A group of fourteen students from the International Education of Students Abroad (USA) visited the Tibb Treatment Centres to broaden their understanding about the various paradigms of healthcare available in South Africa.

24 June 2018
Stellenbosch medical students completes elective at Tibb Treatment Centres

Two Stellenbosch MBChB V students, Amirah Majiet and Maryam Harnekar, completed their four week elective at the Tibb Treatment Centres in Cape Town.

18 June 2018
Research affirms the impact of Tibb Lifestyle in Health Promotion and Illness Management

The impact of Tibb Lifestyle Factors in health promotion and illness management, measured in terms of Quality of Life parameters was researched in 120 healthy clients and 480 patients with pre-diagnosed chronic conditions. The research was conducted by Ward Based Outreach Teams affiliated to clinics in City of Johannesburg’s region D (Soweto). The healthy group showed a mark improvement in overall health whereas the illness group was significantly greater. The importance of this pilot study findings is significant within the context of financial and logistical factors as a way of halting the increase incidence of chronic diseases of lifestyle.

02 May 2018
The Tibb-Allied Partnership signs new contract of implementing Tibb Lifestyle into City of Joburg Clinics

Following the successful Allied-Tibb partnership, which began in 2015, for the training of more than 2000 Community Healthcare Workers/Ward Based Outreach Teams (WBOT’s), and Health Promoters from the 126 clinics in the City of Joburg as Tibb Lifestyle Advisors, and the successful research project “Care and Support for Improved Patient Outcomes (CaSIPO)” during the 2017-2018 year, a new contract to implement Tibb lifestyle within the City of Joburg clinics was signed.

13 March 2018
Prof Bhikha received the “Ibn-E-Sina International Award” at Aligarh Conference

In addition to participating in the “International Conference of Unani Medicine: Re-visiting Ilmul Jarahat (Surgery)” that was held at Aligarh Muslim University in India, the management of the university conferred upon Prof Bhikha the “Ibn-E-Sina International Award” in recognition of his outstanding contribution for the inception, procreation and research & development of Unani Medicine Globally.

05 March 2018
Prof Bhikha participates in an International Conference “Re-visiting Surgery” at Aligarh Muslim University, India

The department of Jarahat (Surgery), Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh India organized an International Conference JCON-4 “The International Conference of Unani Medicine: Re-visiting Ilmul Jarahat (Surgery)” at Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India. Delegates from more than twenty countries participated in the conference including representatives from four Iranian universities. In keeping with this theme Prof Bhikha presented a paper on “Surgery: What is the role of Unani-Tibb?”.

21 February 2018
Institute publishers a reference text book for the training of Unani-Tibb doctors.

The Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb is proud to announce the publication of its latest book titled “Theoretical Principles of Tibb”. The book provides a comprehensive overview of the philosophy, aetiology, pathology, diagnosis and treatment from a Tibb perspective. This reference book is aimed at medical professionals trained in Western medicine, wishing to integrate the principles of Tibb into their current practice. It will most certainly contribute positively to undergraduate students of Unani-Tibb.

20 February 2018
Prof Bhikha participates in an International Conference on Unani Medicine in New Delhi, India

The Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine (CCRUM), an autonomous organization under Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India organized an International Conference on Unani Medicine, as part of the celebration of Unani Day. One of the objectives of the conference was to promote the Unani System of medicine globally.

11 January 2018
Three Stellbosch MBChB students complete an elective at Tibb Treatment Centres

Three MBChB students from Stellenbosch University completed a four (4) week elective period at the Tibb Treatment Centres, supervised by Tibb Practitioners. Students share their views on Tibb

10 January 2018
Prof Bhikha participates in Prophetic Medicine conference in Iran

The Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Iran recently invited Prof. Bhikha as a guest speaker at a conference on prophetic medicine. In addition to presenting a paper on “Rationale that underpins the wisdom of Tibb al-Nabawi”, he had the opportunity to meet PhD students conducting research in prophetic medicine.

09 January 2018
Tibb highlights the role of Tibb Lifestyle factors and therapies at Heideveldt Day Hospital

On the 23 November 2017, the Tibb Treatment Centres were invited to Heideveldt Day Hospital to provide a talk for the staff at their health day session. Moerida Higgins, Clinic Administrator, accompanied by Tibb Practitioners- Drs Yumna Abrahams, Kashiefa Domingo and James Suteka presented at the event.

November 2017

Taking Greek Medicine back to Greece

On Friday 10th November 2017 Prof Bhikha from the Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb and Dr Barrie Oldham from The Centre for Bio-Regulatory Medicine signed a Memorandum of Understanding, to establish the “Asklepion School on Kos”, in Athens for the training of Unani-Tibb, (which literally means “Greek Medicine”).



17 October 2017

Training of City of Joburg’s Ward Based Outreach Teams commences in Roodepoort

After the successful training of City of Joburg’s Ward Based Outreach Teams (WBOT) in Soweto, as Tibb Lifestyle Advisors, Sister Dumsile Dlamini commenced with the training in Roodepoort (Region C), on the 16th October 2017. This training forms part of the arrangement between the Tibb Institute and the Allied Communities Network to train 4000 WBOT’s for the City of Joburg.



09 October 2017

The Theory of Humours Revisited: Published in the International Journal of Development Research, Vol. 07, Issue 09, pp. 15029-15034, September 2017

The Humoral Theory held sway for more than two thousand years, as it offered a rational and understandable model for the workings of the human body in both health and disease. It incorporated the concepts of the elements (fire, water, air, and earth) and the qualities (heat, coldness, moistness and dryness) which offered a viable explanation of both the microcosm (the body) and the microcosm (the environment). It also merged with the constructs related to the person’s temperament and lifestyle, and offered valuable clinical support in diagnosis, treatment, and recuperation. It fitted seamlessly into treatment modes such as phytotherapy, cupping, massage, and hydrotherapy. The Humoral Theory was ultimately superseded by the doctrine of specific aetiology, more popularly known as the Germ Theory. Even so, many aspects of the Humoral Theory are still relevant today, especially in the fields of physiology, neurochemistry, and personality research



15 August 2017

Handling Stress the Tibb way

Many of us are under a great deal of stress these days. What with financial problems, worrying levels of crime, the threat
of unemployment, environmental pollution, climate change concerns, the Rand plummeting… Unfortunately, stress can have a profound impact on our state of health, and on our quality of life. Tibb offers valuable guidance for understanding this disorder, and suggestsa number of remedies to counteract it.



10 August 2017

Tibb, a natural companion for ageing

Everyone wants to lead a long, healthy and happy life, but no one wants to get old. The unspoken dread among many of those on the wrong side of fifty is becoming infirm, physically or mentally – or both. Tibb accepts that there is no plausible or confirmed way of reversing the ageing process: no “Fountain of Eternal Youth”, “Elixir of Life”,exotic herbal formula or magical supplement. Even so, there is quite alot that we can do to slow down the process.



02 August 2017

The Pharmacology of Western Drugs: Published in the Asian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 08, Issue 07, pp. 5100-5106, July 2017

Western pharmacology can be divided into two broad categories: pharmacodynamics (the effect drugs have on the body) and pharmacokinetics (the effect the body has upon the drug). This research review is concerned with the former: the way drugs exert their pharmacological action. The keystone of Western pharmacology is based on the Receptor Theory, where the drug acts as a “key” to undo a “lock in specific parts of the body”. The receptor is a membrane-located macromolecule with both binding and activity sites. The pharmaceutical drug attaches to the binding site, and either stimulates (as an agonist) or blocks (as an antagonist) the receptor,initiating or inhibiting the receptor’s dedicated action.



11 July 2017

First interactive report back on the research of Tibb Lifestyle Factors to improve Community health outcomes

A remarkable number of Sowetans with varied illness conditions and currently using Tibb Lifestyle Factors to improve their health outcomes gathered at YMCA Orlando East to review progress, and to interact with their Tibb Lifestyle Advisors. These are part of the 150 clients/patients who are participating in the “Care and Support for Improved Patient Outcomes” (CasiPO) research project that is aimed at assessing the role of Tibb Lifestyle Factors in health promotion and in the management of illness conditions mostly lifestyle related; diabetes, hypertension, HIV & AIDS, TB, arthritis among others.



05 July 2017

Tibb and the Breath of Life

What does a newborn baby do first? It takes a deep breath, before greeting the world with a piercing cry. This is because the environment’s air is the most essential factor in maintaining life. Most can live without water for a few days, and without food or sleep for a several days longer. But without air to breathe we will scarcely survive for a few minutes.



29 June 2017

Resting helps in Sickness and in health

Are we getting enough rest? For many people, taking regular periodsof rest is rather frowned on. It is seen as idleness. But the need forresting is getting more and more pressing in our highly stressful present-day Westernised lifestyles. Tibb’s view is that resting contributes to better health and quality of life. Resting now has its proper place in three important areas – maintaining good health, helping to overcome disease, and supporting recuperation.



20 June 2017

Exercising your unique Temperament

Come on, get moving. You’ll be amazed at how alive you’ll feel. The difference between feeling good and feeling great involves
examining all areas of your life holistically and making changes that encompass body, mind and soul. Exercise is a great way to start. Tibb views exercise as an extension of an individual’s make-up or temperament, recognizing that each person has exercise needs that are unique to them.



14 June 2017

Herbal Products and Conventional Drugs – an Uneasy Alliance

The consumption of herbal remedies is on the increase. They are often taken together with conventional drugs for many ailments, so there is a real risk of a herb:drug interaction. Although most interactions are probably minor and benign, the possibility of a serious one does exist. This article examines the nature of the interaction between conventional drugs and herbal remedies.



06 June 2017

Tibb takes on Colds and Flu

“With winter making a sudden entrance this year, it seems that many of us are already reaching for the dreaded box of tissues. Although this is a topic that we often touch upon, we are always asked for information on treating colds and flu. It is our hope that you will find the advice in this article helpful enough to carry you through a healthy, happy winter.”



31 May 2017

Tibb Highlights the Importance of Sleep

“Sleep is the elixir of life. It is a time set aside to allow Physis to operate uninterrupted on both the body and the mind. Without sufficient and adequate sleep, the body cannot successfully renew and maintain physical and psychological performance. Tibb regards sleep as one of the six lifestyle factors that define overall well-being. In Tibb, sleep requirements vary according to a person’s Temperament. Your body is the best indicator of how much sleep you require.”



29 May 2017

Ramadaan – Rejuvenating Mind, Body and Soul

“Ramadaan, is a period of reflection and restoration not only for the body, but for spiritual and emotional organisation as well. It is a time of deeper consciousness where we practice self-restraint, appreciate our blessings and remember those less fortunate. Tibb advocates fasting on a regular basis as a means for the body to reorganize itself, thereby promoting a renewed sense of well-being. Following a healthy diet during the fasting period can have further health benefits. Ramadaan is an ideal time to take advantage of these benefits.” This article provides practical insight to receive the most reward from this holy month.



24 May 2017

Training of 4000 Ward Based Outreach Teams for the City of Joburg begins

On the 2nd May 2017, Sister Dumsile Dlamini began the Tibb Lifestyle Advisors training of the first group of the 4000 Ward Based Outreach Teams linked to the various clinics in the City of Joburg at Tladi Information Centre in Soweto. The participants’ feedback was very positive with comments such as “informative” and “life changing”.



24 April 2017

The genitourinary system: Interpretation of Avicenna’s (980-1037 AD) treatise in the Canon of Medicine

The eighth in the series of research articles that critically reviews Ibn Sina’s (Avicenna’s) description of human anatomy, in relation to the current understanding of anatomical structures of the human body.



21 April 2017

A brief review of the abdominal viscera and the digestive system from the Canon of Medicine

The seventh in the series of research articles that critically reviews Ibn Sina’s (Avicenna’s) description of human anatomy, in relation to the current understanding of anatomical structures of the human body.



04 April 2017

Research paper on “Tibb: A Science of Medicine the Art of Care“ published in the Asian Journal of Science and Technology

The above research paper authored by Prof Rashid Bhikha has been published in a peer reviewed international journal – Asian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 08, Issue 03, pp.4438-4442, March 2017.



23 March 2017

Research paper on “A critique on Avicenna’s (980-1037 A.D) studies on anatomy of the upper respiratory system and some otorhinolaryngologic concepts“ published in the Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science

The above research paper authored by Dr Pedzisai Mazengenya and Prof Rashid Bhikha has been published in a peer reviewed international journal – Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 16, No. 02, April 2017.



16 March 2017

Allied Communities Network and Tibb sign new agreement for improved patient outcomes

Following the success of the Allied-Tibb Community Oriented Primary Care programme (COPC) launched in April 2015 and its subsequent renewal and success of its second phase in 2016, the Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb has further renewed the partnership for an additional year.

The Care and Support programme for Improved Patient Outcomes (CaSIPO), 2017-2018, is a case study on 600 clients and uses Tibb Lifestyle Factors in preventing illness in healthy clients and in disease management in clients with chronic and common ailments.



07 March 2017

Tibb continues collaboration with IMA KZN & IMA Soweto

During the month of February the Institute renewed the annual contracts in the funding of Lifestyle Advisors with the Islamic Medical Association of South Africa. The Gauteng Branch was represented by Dr Yumna Hassim, whereas Sister Honey Allee, Clinic Nursing Director represented the Kwa-Zulu Natal Branch of the IMA. The four (4) Lifestyle Advisors in the Durban Branch are based at the RK Khan Hospital, Malukazi Clinic, Marianhill Clinic and also in the IMA Mobile Primary Health Care Clinic. The Lifestyle Advisor for Gauteng is based in Soweto.




01 March 2017

Tibb position statement: Physis and self healing

Each of us is protected day and night from disease and kept in best health by our inner power for self-healing. Known as Physis in Tibb, this maintains the integrity and stability of our ‘inner terrain’. It also effectively protects us from the hostile environment we live in. From the repair of a simple cut to the finger, to mending of a broken limb, Physis is totally committed to the healing process. Read more on this remarkable healing power.



17 Feb 2017

Tibb Position Statement: Cholesterol and heart disease.

The story of cholesterol and its link to health is one of continuing lively debate. Abnormally high levels of this essential substance in the blood are usually the hallmark of a faulty way of life and poor habits. Can changes in diet and other aspects of lifestyle restore metabolic balance? The conventional medical approach is based on powerful drugs, but Tibb prefers restoring inner harmony, and supporting the action of Physis, the ‘governor of the body’



16 Feb 2017

Research paper on “The Role of Tibb in Integrative Medicine for Disease of Lifestyle“ published in the Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science

The above research paper authored by Prof Rashid Bhikha and Dr John Glynn has been published in a peer reviewed international journal – Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 16, No. 01, January 2017, ISSN: 2223-4721.



15 Feb 2017

Research paper on “The Structure and Function of the Central Nervous System and Sense Organs in the Canon of Medicine by Avicenna“ published in Archives of Iranian Medicine.

The above research paper authored by Dr Pedzisai Mazengenya and Prof Rashid Bhikha has been published in a peer reviewed international journal – Archives of Iranian Medicine,
Vol. 20, No. 1, January 17.



15 Feb 2017

Research paper on “An Analysis of the Structural and Functional Anatomy of the Spine as Viewed by Avicenna (980-1037 AD) published in the Research Journal of Medical Sciences

The above research paper authored by Dr Pedzisai Mazengenya and Prof Rashid Bhikha has been published in a peer reviewed international journal – Research Journal of Medical Sciences 10(6):676-682, 2016, ISSN: 1815-9346.



06 February 2017

Evaluating the impact of eliminating humoral imbalances – Final Report

The Tibb Institute has recently concluded a final report on the above research that was being conducted in its clinics in Cape Town. Patients with various conditions were treated with herbal infusions, as a standalone therapy, and where necessary together with medication, massage and cupping. After the second interim report of 60 patients was concluded in May 2016, the impact of the herbal infusions on various illness conditions, including hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes as well as additional pathological tests are included in this final report consisting of 100 patients.



01 February 2017

A critical appraisal of Ibn Sina’s treatise on vascular anatomy: Comparison with modern anatomic descriptions

The sixth in the series of research articles that critically reviews Ibn Sina’s (Avicenna’s) description of human anatomy, in relation to the current understanding of anatomical structures of the human body.



23 January 2017

Prof Bhikha participates in the 4th Hamdard International Conference on Unani Medicine

During the 9th and 11th January 2017, Prof Rashid Bhikha participated in the 4th Hamdard International Conference in Unani Medicine that was held in Karachi, Pakistan at Hamdard University. The theme of the conference “Unani Medicine Past, Present and Future” had invited speakers from more than twenty different countries representing universities, Institutions of both Conventional and Complementary medicine as well as representatives from Ministries of Health and Education.



20 January 2017

Prof Bhikha’s Honorary Professorship extended by Hamdard University.

On the 12th January, Prof Dr Hakim Abdul Hannan, Vice Chancellor Hamdard University extended Prof Bhikha’s honorary professorship with Hamdard University. This ceremony took place after Prof Bhikha delivered a series of lectures to the Academic staff and students of the Faculty of Eastern Medicine at Hamdard University which included “Application of the humoral theory in clinical practice”; “Critique on Anatomy as described in the Canon of Medicine” and “Unani-Tibb in South African: Challenges and Opportunities”.



19 January 2017

Drew University students visit the Tibb Treatment Centre

Thirty (30) students from Drew University, USA visited the Tibb Treatment Centre on the 5th January 2017, chaperoned by Dr Faeeza Abdullatief from the University of the Western Cape. Drew students tour to South Africa was based on an experiential learning initiative allowing students to evaluate and respect various cultures and models of healthcare in South Africa. At the Tibb Treatment Centre Drew students had the opportunity to learn about Tibb healthcare in South Africa.



13 December 2016

MBChB 4th year student Stellenbosch elective at Tibb Treatment Centres

MBChB 4th year student, Tazwin Geldenhuis, from the University of Stellenbosch, spent four weeks at the Tibb Treatment Centres, located in Langa and Surrey Estate completing his elective.



07 December 2016

A critique on Avicenna’s (980 – 1037 A.D) studies on anatomy of the musculoskeletal and peripheral nervous system

The fifth in the series of research articles that critically reviews Ibn Sina’s (Avicenna’s) description of human anatomy, in relation to the current understanding of anatomical structures of the human body.


01 December 2016

City of Joburg’s health promoter’s graduation ceremony

The Institute of Tibb, together with the Allied Communities Network, held a graduation ceremony for participants who had successfully completed the Lifestyle Advisors Training Workshops in 2016.



10 November 2016

National Institute of Unani Medicine

Prof Rashid Bhikha, and associates – Drs Mujeeb Hoosen and Wendy Staak, from the University of the Western Cape, were invited by the National Institute of Unani Medicine (NIUM), Bengaluru, to attend and present papers at the International Conference of Unani Medicine. The NIUM serves as a model for academic excellence, pioneer for research frontiers in Unani Medicine and is an example for perfect patient care. The objectives of the international conference was to review the status of Unani medicine, exploring research frontiers that need to be prioritised along with better teaching and learning methods suitable for the Unani system of medicine.



12 October 2016

Tibb, a natural companion for ageing

Tibb says that there is much more to dealing with the ageing process besides looking after the face and skin. What about the really vital organs and body activities? Tibb offers a balanced approach to supporting key activities like the heart, brain, liver and immune system.



28 September 2016

Grade 10 Learners

Two Grade 10 Learners from Settlers High School visited the Tibb Treatment Centres in Cape Town for two days on 19-20 September 2016 to job shadow. They were Dillon Hudsonberg and Aglaak Sanglay. The Tibb Treatment Centre is always willing to accommodate interested learners and students to spend some time in the facilities to make the public aware of what Tibb is all about and hopefully create an interest in the profession. The learners found the time rewarding and provided some feedback on their experience within the centres.



22 September 2016

The structure and function of the cardiorespiratory apparatus. An analysis of historical vignettes by Avicenna (980-1037 AD)

The third in the series of research articles that critically reviews Ibn Sina’s (Avicenna’s) description of human anatomy, in relation to the current understanding of anatomical structures of the human body.



20 September 2016

Tibb Position Statement: Hypertension and Tibb

Hypertension is a common chronic disorder of lifestyle where our blood pressure is permanently higher than normal. Although there are usually no symptoms, it does cause insidious damage to our organs like the heart, brain and kidneys. Tibb is well placed to deal with this important, long-term disorder, providing practical lifestyle advice and a number of treatment options.



15 September 2016

ATM Week with the Gauteng Department of Health

The Institute of Tibb was invited to celebrate African Traditional Medicine (ATM) Week with the Gauteng department of Health and various ATM associations on the 31st of August 2016. The week, which starts on Monday the 22nd to Wednesday 31st of August, included many activities comprising of exhibitions, panel discussions and cultural shows which aims to raise awareness on African Traditional Medicine.



13 September 2016

African Traditional Medicine Week

The Institute of Tibb was invited to celebrate African Traditional Medicine (ATM) Week with the Gauteng Traditional Faith and Medical Practitioners on the 25th of August 2016.



05 September 2016

Tibb and Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is turning into a major health concern. More and more people are developing this morale and energy sapping disorder of lifestyle. And sufferers are becoming younger and younger, as inadequate diet, a sedentary lifestyle and more intense sporting activities take their toll on long-suffering knees, hips and other body joints. Read about Tibb’s approach to this emerging threat …



02 September 2016

Benefits of amaranth plant

Amaranth leaves and seeds have powerful medicinal properties that demonstrate the great extent to which diet influences human health. With outstanding benefits such as boosting fertility and preventing birth defects, it is clear that the amaranth plant has a lot more to offer than we realize.



30 Aug 2016

Why okra is good for you

Okra is a highly nutritious vegetable and its immense benefits serve as a firm reminder that vegetables are an indispensable part of a healthy diet. Studies continue to link diets rich in multiple vegetables to a dramatically reduced likelihood of obesity and chronic illnesses.



16 Aug 2016

CPUT Women’s Day Event

Tibb participated in the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) Women’s Day event held on 12 August 2016 at their Cape Town Campus. The event was arranged by the Student Counselling Department and while Dr Rusqua Salasa and Christo Scheepers represented Tibb. Gift bags were sponsored by the Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb and Dr Rusqua Salasa presented to the attending students about Healthy Living from a Tibb perspective.



04 Aug 2016

Three 5th year medical students from Stellenbosch University complete an elective at Tibb Treatment Centres.

The Tibb Treatment Centres in Cape Town provided an opportunity for three 5th year medical students in completing their elective in Complementary and Alternate medicine. The students had first-hand experience of the Tibb approach in the treatment of both acute and chronic illness conditions. On completion they shared their view of Tibb.



01 Aug 2016

Tibb position statement – Infection, healing and Tibb

Alarm bells are ringing. Many pathogenic microbes are becoming increasingly resistant to many antibiotics used to treat pneumonia, cystitis, food poisoning and other serious bacterial infections, not only in South Africa, but globally. Tibb has a different take on infection. It adopts a three-pronged approach – strengthening Physis’ natural defenses, building up resistance, and supporting therapy with herbal and other measures. A new Tibb Position Statement expands on the nature of infection, and outlines the measures we can adopt to both prevent and treat it.



27 July 2016

Reducing stress naturally

Stress is something people have to deal with as part of life. While it is not realistic to expect a stress-free life, lifestyle interventions can help keep stress under control. Failing to manage stress may interfere with someone’s ability to handle daily tasks and also result in serious health problems.



25 July 2016

Beets health benefits

Beets have a multitude of health benefits that counter different chronic conditions that have become commonplace. The immense disease fighting properties of beets also attest to the fundamental influence of diet on people’s health and the massive contribution healthy eating habits make towards preventing premature death.



22 July 2016

Volunteering Learner

The Tibb Treatment Centre (Saartjie Baartman Centre) hosted a grade 8 volunteer in order for him to do his Life Orientation community services. It is always a privilege hosting a learner from one of the nearby schools and to be part of his/her development. This is one way of assisting the community in an area other than complementary healthcare consultations for which the Tibb Treatment Centres are known in Cape Town.



20 July 2016

Lifestyle Advisors Training for Khuya Health

The Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb hosted front shop assistants from Khuya Health in Tembisa.



08 July 2016

Critical review of Ibn Sina’s anatomy from the Canon of Medicine

The Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb, has concluded an agreement with Dr Pedzisai Mazengenya a senior lecturer at the School of Anatomical Sciences at the University of the Witwatersrand to review Ibn Sina’s (Avicenna’s) description of human anatomy, in relation to the current understanding of anatomical structures of the human body.



07 July 2016

Health benefits of black jack

Black jack, known locally as muxiji or gewone knapseherel and scientifically referred to as bidens plosa, has myriad health attributes. Like other fruits and vegetables found in indigenous African diets, black jack is associated with blood sugar control, reduced cancer risk, improved cardiovascular fitness, and so many more benefits.



01 July 2016

Yoga and pilates: analyzing the rewards

Yoga and pilates are two exercises gaining popularity due to their immense health benefits especially relating to mental well-being. Other healthy advantages of practicing yoga and pilates include optimum cardiovascular health, blood sugar control, and improved sleep. Furthermore, research continues to uncover numerous ways yoga and pilates are beneficial to health.



29 June 2016

Tibb and the Breath of Life

Breathing properly is a very important part of a healthy way of life. This was stressed by early Tibb pioneers like Hippocrates, who put it number one in the Lifestyle Factors. It applies even more so these days, where our air quality often leaves a lot to be desired. It is now, belatedly, recognised as a key wellness activity.



09 June 2016

Evaluating the impact of eliminating humoral imabalances with herbal infusions – interim report 2

The Tibb Institute has recently concluded a second interim report on the above research that is being conducted in its clinics in Cape Town. Patients with various conditions were treated with herbal infusions, as a standalone therapy, and where necessary together with medication and cupping. After the first interim report of 28 patients was concluded in November 2015, the impact of the herbal infusions on hypertension, hypercholesterolemia as well as diabetes was included in the interim report consisting of 60 patients.



02 June 2016

Four foods that fight cancer

The extremely low incidence of cancer, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and other chronic illnesses in rural Africa attests to the immensely powerful medicinal properties of the traditional African diet. TIBB provides valuable insight into remarkable cancer fighting attributes of four traditional African foods.



30 May 2016

Indigenous foods that control hypertension

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a key health issue in South Africa. Many people are now aware that diet plays a role but few realize the vast capability of the traditional African diet to curb hypertension. TIBB profiles some of the indigenous African foods that possess powerful anti-hypertensive properties



26 May 2016

Tibb Position Statement: DIABETES

Diabetes was a relatively rare disease not long ago, but now affects more than two million South African adults. As it is mainly a disorder of lifestyle, Tibb is well placed to help out in the prevention and treatment of this serious disorder and its consequences.



18 May 2016

Lifestyle Health Promoters – City of Johannesburg Region E training

On the 5th of May 2016, Dr Joy Saville facilitated the Lifestyle Advisors training workshop to health promoters of Region E, at the City of Johannesburg quarters in Sandton.



05 May 2016

Lifestyle Health Promoters – City of Johannesburg Region G training

On the 28th of April 2016, Dr Joy Saville facilitated the Lifestyle Advisors training workshop to health promoters of Region G, at the Ennerdale Civic Centre.



04 May 2016

Lifestyle Health Promoters – City of Johannesburg Region B & C training

On the 21st of April 2016, Dr Joy Saville facilitated the Lifestyle Advisors training workshop to health promoters, staff nurses and enrolled nurses of Regions B and C, at the very grand Phelindaba Chambers at the Florida Civic Centre.



21 April 2016

Tibb Position Statement: Autoimmune disease

More and more chronic disorders are being classified as autoimmune disorders, where the person’s immune system for some reason, begins to attack the body’s own tissues and organs. Tibb has a number of reservations about this conventional explanation, and offers alternative reasons.



13 April 2016

Lifestyle Health Promoters – City of Johannesburg Region F training

On the 6th of April 2016, Dr Joy Saville facilitated the Lifestyle Advisors Workshop for health promoters of the City of Johannesburg region F



12 April 2016

Lifestyle Advisors Workshop

On the 17th of March 2016, Dr Joy Saville and Ruvey Roets, visited IMA Durban where they facilitated the Lifestyle Advisors Workshop.



04 April 2016

Resting helps in Sickness and in health

Are you getting enough rest? Resting is one of Tibb’s Lifestyle Factors. When combined with meditation it not only relieves stress and anxiety, but also improves mood. There are other benefits as well: it can lower blood pressure, relieve pain, and improve our immune and cardiovascular systems.



17 March 2016

Tibb & Allied Lifestyle Advisor Programme enters another phase

One more year of commitment to improving Community Health

After the successful approval by the City of Johannesburg Health Promotion Manager of the role of Tibb Lifestyle factors in health promotion and in strengthening Community Oriented Primary Care, the Tibb Institute resolved to invest another year in taking Tibb to the City’s primary health care sector in the city’s regions.

Last year the Allied-Tibb partnership which was in its first year of inception successfully trained as Tibb Lifestyle Advisors over 287 Community Health workers serving in civil society communities as well as in the Department of Health’s Ward Based Outreach Teams.



16 March 2016

Tibb continues collaboration with IMA KZN

On the 2nd March 2016 Prof Rashid Bhikha, and Ms Sabera Asmal, Chairperson of the Islamic Medical Association KZN Branch officially signed an extension of their collaboration, in support of lifestyle advisory to the community for 2016. The Institute has a long standing relationship of around six years offering support to the IMA Clinics in KZN, including educational materials, equipment, information, uniforms and salaries.



14 March 2016

Tibb Institute partners Crescent of Hope to combat addiction

The Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb conducted a half day workshop on the 9th of March 2016, facilitated by Prof Rashid Bhikha and Dr Joy Saville, on the individual approach to healthy living for social workers and counselors based at the Magaliesburg Rehabilitation Centre caring for patients suffering from substance abuse. This workshop provides an introduction to the main concepts of Tibb.



08 March 2016

Visiting Swedish Students

Dr Yumna Mayet, qualified Tibb Practitioner, of the College of Cape Town, brought a group of 18 nursing students from Carlsund College in Motala, Sweden, to visit the Tibb Treatment Centre to have a look at how complementary practitioners operate in South Africa. They received an introduction to Tibb and the Tibb Treatment Centres by Christo Scheepers, the clinic administrator. Dr Yumna Abrahams gave them more in-depth information about the concepts and philosophy of Tibb while Dr Ayesha Fakir performed some practical cupping demonstrations.



23 February 2016

Lifestyle Advisors training to clinic health promoters

The Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb in association with Allied Health Communities Network, hosted a third Lifestyle Advisors training for the City of Johannesburg’s health promoters that are stationed in the various clinics in region D (Soweto)on the 15th and 16th of February 2016. The training to the Clinic Health Promoters provided them with insights into the Tibb approach of lifestyle in health promotion and in the management of both acute and chronic illness conditions. This training was subsequent to the second training of the Lifestyle Advisors programme during October/November 2015 during which 137 Ward Based Community Healthcare Workers were trained. These Ward Based Community Healthcare Workers are affiliated to the different clinics.



02 February 2016

Handling Stress the Tibb Way

Stress is a disagreeable experience we all share at some time or other. It’s part of our everyday life in South Africa. Chronic unrelenting stress, however, can have a detrimental effect on our health. For example it reduces our ability to ward off infections, and can lead to body weight gain. It can also aggravate existing ailments like sleeping difficulties, heart disorders, high blood pressure, and even certain nervous maladies. Tibb explains what stress is, and offers practical advice on how to deal with it.



28 January 2016

The relationship between Tissues of the Body with Tibb

Describes the four main tissues of the body, namely, epithelial, muscular, connective and nervous tissues. The structure and functioning of the tissues work harmoniously with the organs when the ideal qualitative state is in sync with the temperament of the individual.



22 January 2016

Tibb Position Statement: Cancer

Cancer is one of the prime causes of poor health and premature death in South Africa. The conventional routes to eradicating the cancer, whether by chemotherapy, radiation or surgery are, alas, highly prone to severe side effects which often have a devastating impact on the victim’s quality of life. Unfortunately little importance is attached to natural ways of avoiding and treating cancer. Learn about Tibb’s take on this highly important healthcare issue.


Tibb Consultation: Book Now
tibb students graduation

Sharing the training of Tibb doctors in South Africa to the World

Established in 1997, the Institute has been at the forefront of the development of the training of Tibb, also known as Greco-Arab Medicine, Unani Medicine, Medicine of Hippocrates, Galen, and Ibn Sina etc. Over the past twenty-five years, 12 research projects and 17 research articles  have contributed extensively to the philosophical principles of Physis, Temperament, Humours, and Lifestyle Factors within the context of Aetiology, Pathology, Diagnosis, and Treatment.

An overview of the training modules will be emailed to Universities interested in the training of this holistic system of medicine. Kindly provide your email address by contacting us directly on:


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