People behind the vision

Prof Rashid Bhikha
FOUNDER (1945-2023)
Prof Rashid Bhikha has left a legacy on the world in his capacity as a renowned pharmaceutical manufacturer, as a Professor of Unani medicine, and his invaluable contribution to healthcare. He is considered a visionary and one of the most knowledgable philosophers of Unani-Tibb in modern times. He founded the Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb in 1997, and remained active in his role as chairperson until 2023.
Prof Rashid Bhikha began his career as a pharmacist in 1969. In the late nineties, he introduced Unani-Tibb to Southern Africa after researching different health therapies worldwide following a personal life trauma. He initiated the training of Unani at the School of Natural Medicine at the University of the Western Cape in 2001. In 2004 he completed his doctorate in education exploring the integration of Unani-Tibb, or Tibb as he termed it for the African Region, as a solution to meet the challenges facing healthcare in the country. Prof Bhikha remained passionate about suitable and affordable medical delivery to all South Africans throughout his lifetime. He dedicated his life to health provision and philanthropy.

Zain Bhikha
Zain Bhikha contributes to the overall activities of the Institute in his role as Strategic and Financial Director. He oversees all Tibb clinics and is responsible for spearheading all role players in the growth and continuity of Unani-Medicine.

Dr Riyaadh Mohamed
Training and Research Medical Director
Dr Riyaadh Mohamed – completed his MBBCh at the University of the Witwatersrand in 2017. He has experience in both the private and public sector, and growing up in a ‘Tibb’ home, has always had an interest in integrative medicine and primary healthcare. Dr Mohamed will focus on the training of Tibb doctors locally and globally.

Nasima Mohamed
Mrs. Nasima Mohamed, is also one of the founding members of the Institute and has been a core member of the Tibb team for more than 25 years. Her background in complementary medicine enables her to promote Tibb.

Nasira Bhikha-Vallee
Mrs. Nasira Bhikha-Vallee, has a background in pharmacy and creative writing. She is responsible for the promotion of Tibb, for consumer and academic Copywriting, Marketing and Public Relation activities at the Institute. She is the third founding member of the Institute.

Zaheera Bhikha
Mrs. Zaheera Bhikha, also a Director of the Institute, is a graduate teacher currently promoting the Tibb School programme.

Dr. Yumna Abrahams
Clinical Head and Research Administrator
Dr Yumna Abrahams is a Unani-Tibb Practitioner who qualified from the University of the Western Cape in 2009. Dr Abrahams believes that there is no limit to the diseases that can be treated with Tibb medicine. She manages the clinical practices at the Tibb Treatment Centre in the Western Cape and facilitates the Institute’s Research projects.

Dr James Suteka
Tibb Doctor & Researcher
Dr James Suteka is a Unani-Tibb practitioner registered with the Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa since 2014. He currently has six years of experience practicing as a senior and supervising doctor at the Tibb treatment centre in Cape Town. He holds the position of Director and Chairperson of the South African Tibb Association whereby his primary focus is to enhance the Tibb profession through its practitioners. He continues to demonstrate his passion in primary health promotion and empowerment at the Institute.

Dr Tahiera Manuel
Tibb Doctor & Researcher
Dr Tahiera Manuel is a registered Unani-Tibb practitioner with the Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa, who graduated at the University of the Western Cape in 2021. She is currently working as a Tibb practitioner and a researcher at Tibb Treatment Centre, in Cape Town. Dr Manuel is a firm believer in preventive medicine and patient-centered care.

Dr Pinky Mphahlele
Clinical Research Consultant
Dr Pinky Mphahlele is a qualified Clinical Nurse Practitioner, African Traditional Healer and Reiki master. In 2007 she completed the post-graduated diploma in Unani-Tibb at the University of the Western Cape. She currently runs her own practice in Johannesburg integrating, the principles of Unani-Tibb, conventional medicine and African Traditional Medicine. Dr Mphahlele was also previously the Chairperson of the South African Tibb Association.
Previous Contributors of the Institute

Nadia Moola
Social Media Co-ordinator
Nadia Moola has been managing the Tibb Institute’s social media platforms since 2020. She has a background in strategic marketing and brand management. Her role includes spreading the wisdom of Tibb Institute to as many consumers as possible on various social media platforms.

Magdalene du Sart
Head Office Manager
Mrs Magdalene du Sart – ensures that the office functions efficiently and is involved in many of the Institute’s partnership and education initiatives. Her role extends to all facets of daily affairs including updating the Tibb website and digital forums.

Dr (Hakim) Muhammed Abdul Haq
Clinical Consultant
Dr (Hakim) Muhammed Abdul Haq – was awarded a degree in Eastern Medicine and Surgery and lectured at a number of prestigious institutions for more than fifteen years including Hamdard University and joined the Institute in 1999. He provided the foundation of the training of Unani-Tibb in Pakistan and contributed to the Institute’s publication of the first reference textbook published in 2000. Dr Haq was actively involved in the training of the Postgraduate students in the Institute’s clinic until 2009 after which he opened his own practice and became a consultant until 2014.

Dr John P. Glynn
Dr John P. Glynn – has a PhD in biochemistry from the University of Leeds, UK. For the past twenty years he has been involved in several Tibb development programmes, as well as assisting in the research and writing of articles at the Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb.

Dr Mujeeb Hoosen
Educator and Clinical Research Consultant
Dr Mujeeb Hoosen is a qualified Unani Tibb practitioner since 2010. He obtained a MSc. degree in Medical Bioscience which tested the effects of Unani Tibb herbal formulations and African herbs on the immune system. He is a current PhD candidate and the Co-ordinator of Unani Tibb at the University of the Western Cape. His research has been presented at many national and international scientific events.
Since 2018, he represented South Africa on several World Health Organization (WHO) committees for Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine. This includes the WHO Benchmark Committees for the Training, Practice and Medical Terminology of Unani Medicine. Dr Hoosen has been affiliated to the Institute since 2007 and continues to serve the profession through education, research and community engagement.

Dr Joy Saville
Dr Joy Saville – graduated as a Unani-Tibb practitioner in 2009, and joined the Institute from 2010. In addition, to her contribution on the Institute’s research and training modules, Dr Saville was also a member of the Professional Board at the Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa. To develop her expertise in integrative medicine Dr Saville has completed her studies in MBBCh (Western medicine) at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.