Education & Training
The effective practice of Unani-Tibb is undertaken by knowledgeable practitioners who undergo extensive medical training covering a wide range of subjects. Many of these are in keeping with modern medical paradigms, and consider anatomy, physiology and pathology holistically, in-depth and with scientific evidence.
Since inception, the Institute has remained committed to its vision of promotion and provision of Tibb through practice and training. Education, under the umbrella of training has undergone several changes, as well as avenues of dispensation. Regardless, it remains one of Prof. Bhikha’s legacies. He strived to provide training of Unani-Tibb across the globe and his textbooks are highly regarded in academic training.
Tertiary Education
Tertiary Education
In 2001, the Institute together with the South African Tibb Association initiated the recognition of Unani-Tibb (UT) with the Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa (AHPCSA) which was approved and the register for UT practitioners opened in August of the same year.
Over the next couple of years, the Institute and the AHPCSA negotiated the inclusion of the training of UT, together with Naturopathy, Phytotherapy and Chinese Medicine at the University of the Western Cape (UWC). In 2002, the Institute, with academic support from International Universities including, Hamdard University Pakistan, Aligarh University, and Jamia Hamdard University from India, developed the course material for the training where international experts reviewed all training material prior to commencement of acceptance by the university.
In 2003, the training of Unani-Tibb commenced, effected by a Memorandum of Understanding between the Institute and the university. This included two in-depth courses. The first was a 5-year Undergraduate (UG) programme which included a 3-year BSc Complementary Health Sciences degree followed by a 2-year specialization degree in Unani-Tibb, Naturopathy, Phytotherapy or Chinese Medicine. The second course was a 1-year Postgraduate (PG) Diploma in Unani-Tibb specifically aimed at medical doctors and diagnostic primary healthcare nurses. Practical training for both courses was conducted under the guidance of Tibb doctors at the Tibb Treatment Centres in Surrey Estate and Langa in the Western Cape. Between 2003 and 2006, over 110 Unani-Tibb doctors graduated from the Postgraduate and Undergraduate streams at UWC.
In 2007, unfortunately, a decision was made to phase out UT from the UWC. This decision, however, was ultimately reviewed, with assistance from an objective international panel, resulting in the Undergraduate programme being reinstated. Whilst the Postgraduate training of UT was halted, representatives and graduates of Unani-Medicine continued to facilitate training of the Undergraduate programme. The Institute provided unconditional support to the department, and students were welcomed for practical training at the Tibb Treatment Centres in Cape Town. The Institute also continued to provide academic and financial support to UT graduates wishing to set up medical practices and worked tirelessly towards upholding its vision to participate in the promotion of healthcare provision locally and internationally through quality, cost-effective, integrative medicine.
Worldwide there is a shift back towards traditional healing, driven by the rising prevalence of chronic lifestyle diseases and a desire for more holistic approaches to health and wellness. The practice of Unani-Tibb in particular, is progressively gaining global recognition and Unani-Tibb has the potential to be at the forefront as an alternative provider of primary healthcare. In keeping with current training of Unani-Tibb, we have taken measures to remain abreast of the latest research in the discipline with active strides taken towards academic publishing of an array of academic articles, including, amongst many others, “Ibn Sina Institute’s contribution to the Medicine of Hippocrates” which provides an overview of the various research projects conducted between 2003 and 2020, validating the philosophical principles of this holistic system of medicine.
Training material for the Tertiary programmes was developed over many years by the Institute of Tibb with academic support from global universities. In 2018, the Institute published a revised reference textbook based on the Institute’s research projects. Entitled: “Theoretical Principles of Tibb”, this publication was reviewed, with commendation, by leading Unani practitioners, researchers and academics.
One of the main objectives of the Institute is for the continued training of Tibb practitioners, locally and globally. The Institute is therefore open to collaborating with any interested Universities, be it on the development of a new course or integration into existing programmes. With the combined local expertise of the Institute and Tibb Practitioners in South Africa, we have the necessary resources and knowledge to advance and maintain high-quality education and training in Tibb. The Institute has also maintained ties with various international institutions who are willing to assist with the development of the training material and provide teaching support.
For more information, please contact us at
e-Learning Courses
E-Learning Courses:
The Institute is committed to the provision of training through a variety of programmes. Our online courses are comprehensive and engaging, providing detailed explanation on the philosophies underpinning Unani medicine. Register for our online consumer course today:
Short Programmes
Short Programmes
The Institute offers several workshops and selectively designed programmes to interested consumers, schools and organisations. Workshops are hosted intermittently throughout the year at our Johannesburg offices and the Tibb Treatment Centers in the Western Cape. Upon request, our facilitators will offer specialized workshops tailor-made to suit an organisations’ criteria with a minimum of fifteen (15) participants. Some of our programmes include:

Individual Approach to Healthy Living
This 4 hour workshop, aimed at consumers, is based on the book “4 Temperaments 6 Lifestyle Factors” and provides participants with a personalised lifestyle programme on healthy living.
Stress Management
is a 4-hour workshop aimed at consumers and offers practical guidelines on managing stress from the Tibb perspective.

Living with Hypertension
is a 4-hour workshop aimed at consumers and provides a comprehensive understanding of the risk factors, causes, and management of Hypertension from the Tibb perspective.

Living with HIV & AIDS
is a 4-hour workshop aimed at consumers that provides a comprehensive understanding of the risk factors, causes, and management of HIV & AIDS from the Tibb perspective.

Living with Diabetes (type 2)
is a 4-hour workshop aimed at consumers and provides a comprehensive understanding of the risk factors, causes, and management of type 2 Diabetes from the Tibb perspective.

One hour talks
aimed at consumers, providing information, from the Tibb perspective, on the management and treatment of the following illness conditions: Arthritis; Backache; Asthma; Cholesterol; Cold & Flu; Diabetes; GIT Disorders; HIV & AIDS; Hypertension; Skin Conditions and Stress. Also available is a one hour talk on Healthy Living and Identifying Temperament.

Enquire about our Short Courses
Kindly select the course you may be interested in and we will contact you shortly.