News and Media

Drew University students visit the Tibb Centre
Tribal Tourism’s, a travel organisation assisting with student abroad travelling packages, contacted the Tibb Treatment Centre enquiring assistance in hosting Prof Brianne Barker with a group of nine students from Drew University located in Madison, New Jersey in the USA.
On 31st May 2023, Prof Brianne Barker and her students arrived promptly and super excited to spend time at the Tibb Treatment Centre. The main objective for their visit was based on an experiential learning initiative allowing students to study and grow by understanding and respecting various cultures which includes field- based learning in collaboration with local experts and institutions such as the Tibb Treatment Centre located in Surrey estate, Cape Town.
Students were welcomed with an overview of Tibb. Special interest in an integrative approach shared in addition to understanding the uniqueness of the Tibb Holistic approach and the impact it has on healthcare.
Professor Brianne Barker and her students expressed their gratitude to the Tibb Treatment Centre for hosting them and look forward to future endeavours.

Stellenbosch medical students complete their 4 week elective at the Tibb Treatment Centre
An elective for medical students, forms an integral component of the curriculum and is credit- bearing for the student. The student has the choice of applying at any healthcare institution, either locally or abroad, with the main aim of gaining exposure of healthcare under supervision of healthcare professional/s.
Three fourth year MBChB Stellenbosch students, applied to the Tibb Treatment Centre to complete their four-week elective in Tibb during October 2022 – November 2022. Upon completion of their elective, students submitted a short report, sharing their experience at the Tibb Treatment centre.
Aaleyah Armien: “My experience was a good one, I enjoyed working alongside the Tibb practitioners, learning from them, and having interesting discussions with them. The practitioners as well as the rest of the staff made me feel welcome and created a safe space for me to work and learn. My 4 weeks was focused on learning about the Tibb approach of Creation, Qualities, Physis, Temperament, Humours and Lifestyle Factors and the role they play in illness development as well as treatment.
I would recommend others spending time at Tibb as it aids us in our way of thinking and how we see and treat our patients. Tibb plays an important role in healthcare and others should welcome the Tibb approach so that they understand patients better and so that they can recommend Tibb as an alternative approach.”
Azhar Gire: “The main lesson I learned was what the true essence of holistic care is. In a hospital setting they emphasise the importance of holistic care but rarely is it ever implemented properly. Here I could see first-hand the many ways in which we assess holistic health and implement the care for them.
Learning how temperament plays a role in almost everything in our lives also opened my eyes to new possibilities and ways of thinking for the future. It was an interesting concept that I had never heard about before and was eager to learn about as well.
Holistic care is the main takeaway that I have seen from my 4 weeks at Tibb and the actual importance of it. All in all, it was a worthwhile, stimulating, and productive elective period that I feel all students should take.”
Saarah Abrahams: “I enjoyed my time at the Tibb Centre. The people were amazing to work with and everyone is so friendly and welcoming.
I grew my confidence in my consultation and presenting skills which I appreciate because that is something that I can take with me throughout my journey of medicine. I’d always noticed the disparity between Western and Alternative medicine. What I realised at my time at the Tibb Centre is that there is a time and place for both and that we need to find a way to bridge the gap.”

IES Abroad Summer School students visited the Tibb Treatment Centre
A group of six medical students from New York and Canada, enrolled in the IES Abroad Cape Town Summer School Program, visited the Tibb Treatment Centre on 22 July 2022. The Tibb Treatment centre staff welcomed the group of students and their accompanying lecturers. Informative presentations delivered on Tibb concepts; The unique Holistic Tibb approach; Tibb’s contribution in the healthcare system; and Tibb research; followed by interactive discussion session and a tour of the Tibb Treatment Centre.

IES Abroad Summer School medical students visited the Tibb Treatment Centre
On 22 March 2022, programme coordinators form IES ABROAD (Devonne Dimumbi; David Reiersgord) and Tulane University in New Orleans (Siena Ferra) visited the Tibb Treatment Centre, as prospective field site in preparation of the IES ABROAD Program.
IES ABROAD is a non- profit provider that offers more than 140 study abroad programs around the world for college/university students. These programmes are designed to focus on business and social impacts of healthcare, providing the student/s the opportunity to participate in short programmes or internships based on their field of study.
Since 2017, the Tibb Treatment Centre, has been one of the selected field sites for IES ABROAD USA students enrolled in the fall/summer program/s In Cape Town. At the Tibb Treatment Centre, students are provided an opportunity to learn about Tibb- the amalgamation of the holistic and scientific approach in healthcare designed to suit the uniqueness of each individual.
The Tibb Treatment Centre has always welcomed students locally and abroad interested in learning or integrating healthcare suited for the uniqueness of the individual. We look forward to future opportunities and collaboration with IES ABROAD Programmes.

A strong immune system is vital. Prof. Bhikha talks about the Corona virus from a Tibb perspective
In this video Prof Bhikha provides insight on the Tibb perspective with regards to the coronavirus. According to Tibb philosophy the virus will only lead to signs and symptoms of infection, if your immune system is compromised – even if you are tested positive. The video also details a series of consumer talks hosted by Prof. Bhikha wherein he elaborates on the Tibb philosophy and how best to strengthen one’s inner healing ability.

Stellenbosch medical student completes elective at Tibb Treatment Centres
Raeesah Moola, MBChB – a fifth year student from Stellenbosch University Medical School, applied at the Tibb Treatment Centre to complete her elective module in complementary health. Her main objective focussed on learning more about Tibb-the holistic approach including Tibb treatment/ management and Tibb therapeutic options. Raeesah managed to spend her three weeks of her elective at both Tibb Treatment Centres in Langa and Surrey estate, under the supervision of Tibb practitioners. On completion of her elective, Raeesah shared some of her views:
“ This elective was inspired by my interest in Prophetic Medicine (Tibb- Al- Nabawi) which can be attributed for two reasons, the first being my love for my religion and the second my love of food, and how I can live and promote a lifestyle that fulfils holistic wellness. In doing this elective, I found that there’s much more to Tibb than just healthy living but also complete holistic approach to medicine, an approach I felt would help me become a better doctor and bring me closer in achieving the profile of what is known as a Stellenbosch medical graduate. I have always been interested in the bigger picture of medicine and how we can alleviate, burden of disease in the community. This elective taught me a lot about preventative medicine as a cure for all disease. Going into the elective I knew that I would learn a lot about a different scope of medicine but I did not realize that I would learn so much about myself, my predisposition, my own health. In addition to this, I have learnt skills with regards to cupping therapy which I had always been very interested in.
Tibb has taught me to keep an open mind and help others see the bigger picture. It was an eye opener for me to see how many patients are healed by this and I am sure that it is taking a huge burden away from most clinics and hospitals. In my own opinion, doctors should be educated about Natural/ Herbal health care and educate their patients and the community so that they may be able to incorporate both conventional as well as Tibb for the best possible outcome. I have a better understanding of how the body, mind and soul work together and how they should not be treated exclusively but rather together to address the problem fully.”
Tibb would like to thank Raeesah for completing her elective at the Tibb Treatment Centres and well wishes for her future in patient healthcare

Prof.Bhikha honoured at 3rd National Pharmacy Council Conference
The Pharmacy Council of South Africa awarded Prof Rashid Bhikha with “The Legacy Pharmacist Award” at the 3rd National Pharmacy Conference held in Sun City this weekend.
Awarded to the Pharmacist, practicing or recently retired, whose efforts on behalf of the profession in South Africa in their career span of 45 years and more are judged to have been the most remarkable.
Prof Rashid Bhikha founded Be-Tabs Pharmaceuticals, South Africa’s first black-owned pharmaceutical company in 1974, which became the largest privately-owned Pharmaceutical manufacturer in Southern Africa. Prof Rashid has been a registered Pharmacist for fifty years (1969-2019).
“It is such an honour to be recognised by the South African Pharmacy Council. This is only possible through the Grace of the Almighty and the many hundreds of people who have been with me on my life’s journey. Accolades are never a reflection of one’s self but rather the support of family, community and everyone in one’s profession.”
Over the past eleven years, the South African Pharmacy Council (SAPC) Pharmacy Awards, initiated as part of the National Health Recognition Awards hosted by the National Department of Health, have become a means of recognising pharmacy professionals who go beyond the call of duty across a range of sectors.
The last National Health Recognition Awards were held in 2011. Thereafter, SAPC took over and hosted the first awards in their name. The first National Pharmacy Pioneer Awards were held at the National Pharmacy Conference at Sun City in 2013, followed by the second awards held at the 2nd National Pharmacy Conference at the Durban ICC in 2016. The third awards was presented at the 3rd National Pharmacy Conference for all involved in the pharmacy industry in South Africa yesterday.
The SAPC Pioneer Pharmacy Awards recognise pharmacy professionals and facilities from the community, public/private institutional, industry, academic and other sectors as leaders in the provision of quality pharmaceutical services.

IES Abroad students visited the Tibb Treatment Centre
The students from International Education of Students (IES abroad) often visit the Tibb Treatment Centres while on their exchange programs. During August, Tibb welcomed the fourth group of IES students for 2019.
IES ABROAD offers over 100 different programs during which students may enrol. Students visiting Tibb enrolled in the IES- Health, Culture and development program during their campus break. The group expressed interest in the following:
1) Compare and contrast various forms of healthcare in South Africa;
2) Acquire more knowledge;
3) Interest in preventive medicine and would like to do further research back home;
4) Understanding the body, the impact of holistic health and therapies;
5) learning more about holistic healthcare, using the Tibb approach.
Feedback from IES students:
“I experienced quality and caring care. It was clear that the doctors and professionals are educated in their field and knowledgeable about holistic care. It was also evident that they care for their patients.” Maayan
“The doctors we met at the Tibb Centre were extremely kind and knowledgeable about their holistic approach. I was very intrigued by the idea of defining people by their Temperament and using that as a guide to health. I enjoyed experiencing cupping, it was a very calming experience and definitely relaxed my muscles. I have a great respect for the holistic approach and I would like to experience it again in the future, thanks to my visit at the Tibb Centre.” Kennedy Aldrian
“The staff was so kind, welcoming and open to all of our questions. We were lucky enough to try cupping which was awesome and generous to give us your time and energy. I appreciate how you recognize the need for more westernized practices but at the same time know you have a place to better the lives of people in the best way. I really learned and experienced a lot and it has inspired me to do more research/ involvement here and back in the U.S. Thank you so much!!” Michaela Scott
The staff at the Tibb Centre have been super warm and welcoming. I learned a lot about the holistic approach they take, and so it has also made me think about the type of doctor I want to be in the future. All the questions I had were answered and I was given a lot of insight. Overall, I really enjoyed visiting and learning about the approach practiced here.” Elizabeth Lopez- Lopez
“I loved it! The atmosphere was very welcoming and inclusive. I found it awesome how affordable the treatment is. I believe it is very important to have an understanding of healthy lifestyle choices. It’s so awesome that the clinic works to provide that information here in South Africa. This experience made me think about the way I treat my body and made me want to be more conscious in the way that I treat it. I also loved the different Temperament profiles, I found that to be a very cool way of approaching what care is needed for each specific person.” Hannah Monroe

Institutes latest book "Theoretical Principles in Tibb" available for free download
In keeping with the Institute’s primary objective of promoting the training and practice of Tibb, the Institute has uploaded its latest e-book titled “Theoretical Principles of Tibb” for free download. The book provides a comprehensive overview of the philosophy, aetiology, pathology, diagnosis and treatment. This reference book can be a primary source in the training of Unani-Tibb doctors as well as medical professionals trained in Western medicine, wishing to integrate the principles of Tibb into their current practice.
The book was reviewed by international experts as listed below:
“The author has made tremendous effort to collate information on Tibb in a systematic manner which will definitely benefit not only health care professionals from Conventional Systems and allied healthcare workers, but also become a handy reference book for practitioners of Tibb (Unani System of Medicine)”. Dr. Ghazala Javed, Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine (CCRUM), Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (AYUSH), Government of India
“The work is excellent to put forth the knowledge of this centuries old medical science to the present medical world”. Prof. M M Wamiq Amin, Dean, Faculty of Unani Medicine, Aligarh Muslim University, India
“The book reveals philosophical aspects of Tibb, especially the concept of Tibb and holism, and should be of interest to anyone wanting to explore the history and philosophy of Tibb”. Prof. Hakim Abdul Hannan/Prof. Tasneem Qureshi, Faculty of Eastern Medicine, Hamdard University, Pakistan
“The beauty of this book is that in a concise manner, the basic principles, preclinical and therapeutic information, which was spread over multiple books, has been documented in a single book in well-organized and systematic chapters”. Prof. Shakir Jamil, Jamia Hamdard University, India; Former Director General of the Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine.

Long-standing community partnership continues to make a difference
n 2010, a survey in the Ennerdale area painted a grim picture of the lives of people in the local community. Statistics showed that 61% of the population was overweight, 12,6% were HIV Positive with little or no access to treatment, most had poor dietary habits and at least 43% were living below the poverty line.
The need for intervention was imperative, and Islamic Relief South Africa decided to assist the community with financial, health and lifestyle support. To that end, a partnership with The Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb was established with the introduction of a Tibb Lifestyle Advisor.
Alinah Mabaso was employed as the Tibb Lifestyle representative with focus on the following outcomes:
• Health and dietary awareness
• Home visits
• Local clinic support group
• Establish and Osizweni support group
• Community outreach and awareness programs aimed at health education
• Food programmes
• Exercise and Movement
• Geriatric support
Today this program has reached in excess of 20,000 individuals through the different platforms. Its success signifies the importance of such support for people who would otherwise not have access to this form of information. Great leaps have been made and amazing results have been noted in the individuals who have been part of the program.
The Osizweni Healthy Lifestyle Program has grown significantly over the years not only due to the empirical impact noted by the program personnel but the community at large. This has also resulted in an increase in the number of attendees at the different programs and activities conducted. In a recent poll, the population of Ennerdale reported an improved understanding of the role of healthy lifestyle, appreciating their individual uniqueness and above all, enjoying an improved quality of life.
The Institute is delighted to continue this partnership and endeavours to continue its commitment in Osizweni. On the 10th January 2019 a formal signing took place at our offices in Parktown with representatives from the Institute, Islamic Relief and Osizweni in attendance.

On the 6th of December, Osizweni hosted an awareness campaign for World AIDS day themed “get tested”. The aim was to encourage people to routinely be tested for HIV, to break the stigma associated with HIV, and to empower the community to unite in the fight against HIV, through health education and Tibb lifestyle promotion. With knowledge comes great power.

Tibb-Allied Communities network partnership takes jo’burger’s health seriously!
A group of six medical students from New York and Canada, enrolled in the IES Abroad Cape Town Summer School Program, visited the Tibb Treatment Centre on 22 July 2022. The Tibb Treatment centre staff welcomed the group of students and their accompanying lecturers. Informative presentations delivered on Tibb concepts; The unique Holistic Tibb approach; Tibb’s contribution in the healthcare system; and Tibb research; followed by interactive discussion session and a tour of the Tibb Treatment Centre.

Taking greek medicine back to Greece
The journey between Prof. Bhikha, chairman of The Ibn Sina Institute and Dr. Barrie Oldham of The Asklepion School of Tibb began over a year ago when they decided to “take Greek medicine back to Greece”. On the 30th September 2018, the Asklepion Centre of Medicine was officially opened for treatment in an exciting practice that will use Tibb principles combined with modern technology. The first of its kind, this exciting medical centre is the fruition of a lifelong dream for, Dr. Oldham and Prof. Bhikha, who have both dedicated their lives in the pursuit of effective and purposeful healthcare. In the next few months, the centre will also begin its first intake of medical professionals for a year long post graduate course in Unani-Tibb. Prof. Bhikha has worked on refining the South African academic material for over a year and together with Dr. Oldham, have culminated a lifetime of work in this comprehensive Tibb programme which will soon be accredited with leading Universities. Watch the live interview where Brittany Spence, Chairperson of the British Complementary Medicine’s Association chats to Prof. Bhikha and Dr.Oldham about Tibb in South Africa, its journey to Greece and the need for holistic medicine globally.
For more information visit:

14 students from IES Abroad (USA) visited the Tibb Treatment Centres
A group of fourteen students from the International Education of Students Abroad (USA) visited the Tibb Treatment Centres to broaden their understanding about the various paradigms of healthcare available in South Africa. The IES ABROAD program provides medical students with an opportunity to explore healthcare in South Africa, by spending time in various townships and healthcare facilities, such as government hospitals and the Tibb Treatment Centres. Students had the opportunity to shadow Tibb practitioners at both Tibb Treatment Centres, situated Langa and Surrey estate.

Stellenbosch Medical students completes elective at Tibb Treatment Centres
Amirah Majiet and Maryam Harnekar, MBChB V students from the University of Stellenbosch spent four weeks at the Tibb Treatment Centres to complete their elective module as part of their studies. These two future doctors had the privilege of shadowing Tibb practitioners at the Tibb Treatment Centres as well as joining in on community based activities at various community day hospitals.
Amirah and Maryam shares their views:
My experience at the TIBB Centre
By Amirah Majiet-Joseph
“I started my elective at the TIBB Centre on the 26 June 2018 – greeted with a warm and friendly environment. The staff was always willing to assist and were always smiling.
We received a presentation regarding what Tibb is all about and what they strive to be. It broadened my view on what herbal medicine really is and how it impacts the health of so many patients on a daily basis.
On another day we had a presentation on cupping therapy and its benefits. I was fortunate enough to have had cupping done on myself as part of the presentation. It was a surreal experience and really relaxing.
The staff and doctors at the centre were always willing to assist and help with everything and ready to explain things to you when it needed to be.
I had the opportunity of visiting both the Langa and Surrey Estate centres as part of my elective and it was amazing to see the different types of people that come into the clinics on a daily basis. We also attended talks at the Kasselsvlei day clinic where we empowered some people on the benefits of healthy lifestyles and gave them advice.
We were allowed to see the patients on our own and thereafter present to the doctors which gave us a sense of responsibility and belonging at the centre. We got to understand the whole approach and process of managing a patient at the centre which was somewhat similar to a normal clinic but also so much more.
The TIBB Centre had really opened my eyes that there is much more to treating a patient than just the disease itself.”
Elective at the Tibb Treatment Centres
By Maryam Harnekar
“Health and well-being is definitely an entity which has many aspects that needs to be explored. To think that one form of medicine is sufficient to tend to all that ails human-beings is to greatly underestimate our complexities and individuality. The Tibb system of medicine has interested me for some time now and after spending four weeks learning about it, that interest has grown.
What I found most intriguing is the temperament assessment and how the same conditions would be treated differently based on the individual. This ensures that the practitioner treats an individual holistically and not just as a disease. There is a big focus on lifestyle modifications and nutritional advice (all individualized) as this equips the patient to take charge of their own health rather than just relying on medication. I also saw first-hand how the Tibb practitioners go the extra mile for their patients which I believe stems from this approach of first getting to know the patient as an individual.
This was an enriching experience and gave me a deeper understanding of medicine and healing.”

Implementing Tibb lifestyle into City of Joburg clinics
Following the successful Allied-Tibb partnership, which began in 2015, for the training of more than 2000 Community Healthcare Workers/Ward Based Outreach Teams (WBOT’s), and Health Promoters from the 126 clinics in the City of Joburg as Tibb Lifestyle Advisors, and the successful research project “Care and Support for Improved Patient Outcomes (CaSIPO)” during the 2017-2018 year, a new contract to implement Tibb lifestyle within the City of Joburg clinics was signed.
The research carried out, in City of Joburg Region D (Soweto) focused on the impact of the Tibb Six Lifestyle Factors in health promotion in 120 clients and in 480 patients with chronic illness conditions, measured in Quality of Life parameters. The research has shown excellent results on the impact of Tibb Lifestyle Factors in the 600 case studies – Health Promotion and Illness Management.
Encouraged by the success of the CaSIPO research, phase 4 of the Tibb-Allied partnership to mentor and coach health promoters and WBOT team leaders to include this tool in their day to day routine during their course of work.
A further 3000 health workers in the Johannesburg’s city regional clinics will be trained this year to increase the health promotion department’s capacity to deliver on its mandate. Over 21000 beneficiaries, being regular clients at health facilities and in ward settings will have improved health outcomes by the end of 2019. This would further capacitate health promoters, WBOT team leaders and Community Health Workers implementing life changing programmes earmarked for a better health for all.
From its earliest days, shortly after South Africa’s democracy, self-established clinics and partnerships with local government were a priority for the Institute. Many of these initiatives are still in existence to this day.
The results so obtained will be used to strengthen Community Oriented Primary Care interventions in Gauteng and other provinces. Further, they will be of great input in the future strategic planning of both the Gauteng departmental of social development as well as well as the Department of Health.

Tibb conducts training for Unjani clinics
“Unjani” in both Zulu and Xhosa means, “How are you?” At Unjani Clinics, they believe in the holistic health of their patients, not just their physical health. Using the broad term “how are you” encompasses mental (mind), physical (body) and spiritual (soul) well-being. Here at the Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb & Tibb Health Science, we share the same values and opinions to health as the sisters at Unjani. On the 16th of February 2018 we hosted a training workshop attended by 40 of the clinic’s sisters from all over South Africa.
The workshop focused on three primary objectives for each nurse to practice
- Advising clients on health promotion according to the Tibb Six Lifestyle Factors based on the patient’s individual temperament
- To advise patients with various illness conditions including HIV & Aids, Diabetes, Hypertension, and TB on lifestyle changes.
- Empowering their patients in effectively managing their condition/s.
The workshop was successful with a 100% pass-rate from all attending nurses. We thank Unjani HQ for reaching out to have their sisters trained on the Tibb Lifestyle.

Prof Bhikha received the “Ibn-e-Sina International Award” at Aligarh Conference
In keeping with the Institute’s primary objective of promoting the training and practice of Tibb, the Institute has uploaded its latest e-book titled “Theoretical Principles of Tibb” for free download. The book provides a comprehensive overview of the philosophy, aetiology, pathology, diagnosis and treatment. This reference book can be a primary source in the training of Unani-Tibb doctors as well as medical professionals trained in Western medicine, wishing to integrate the principles of Tibb into their current practice.
The book was reviewed by international experts as listed below:
“The author has made tremendous effort to collate information on Tibb in a systematic manner which will definitely benefit not only health care professionals from Conventional Systems and allied healthcare workers, but also become a handy reference book for practitioners of Tibb (Unani System of Medicine)”. Dr. Ghazala Javed, Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine (CCRUM), Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (AYUSH), Government of India
“The work is excellent to put forth the knowledge of this centuries old medical science to the present medical world”. Prof. M M Wamiq Amin, Dean, Faculty of Unani Medicine, Aligarh Muslim University, India
“The book reveals philosophical aspects of Tibb, especially the concept of Tibb and holism, and should be of interest to anyone wanting to explore the history and philosophy of Tibb”. Prof. Hakim Abdul Hannan/Prof. Tasneem Qureshi, Faculty of Eastern Medicine, Hamdard University, Pakistan
“The beauty of this book is that in a concise manner, the basic principles, preclinical and therapeutic information, which was spread over multiple books, has been documented in a single book in well-organized and systematic chapters”. Prof. Shakir Jamil, Jamia Hamdard University, India; Former Director General of the Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine.

Prof Bhikha participates in an international conference “re-visiting surgery” at Aligarh Muslim University, India
The department of Jarahat (Surgery), Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh India organized an International Conference JCON-4 “The International Conference of Unani Medicine: Re-visiting Ilmul Jarahat (Surgery)” at Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India. Delegates from more than twenty countries participated in the conference including representatives from four Iranian universities. In keeping with this theme Prof Bhikha presented a paper on “Surgery: What is the role of Unani-Tibb?”.
His presentation touched on the possible role of Unani-Tibb in surgical postoperative care to avoid the complications of infection with Tibb medication that is known to optimise the functioning of the immune system thereby assisting Physis to deal with the consequences of surgical intervention. Whilst the development of surgery is an important area of focus to ensure that Tibb doctors can be as proficient as conventional surgeons, Prof Bhikha emphasised the need of conducting research to prevent/eliminate accumulation of abnormal humours resulting in blockages, growths and tumours, in the first place – thus avoiding surgical intervention.

Institute publishes a reference text book for the training of Unani-Tibb doctors.
The Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb is proud to announce the publication of its latest book titled “Theoretical Principles of Tibb”. The book provides a comprehensive overview of the philosophy, aetiology, pathology, diagnosis and treatment from a Tibb perspective. This reference book is aimed at medical professionals trained in Western medicine, wishing to integrate the principles of Tibb into their current practice. It will most certainly contribute positively to undergraduate students of Unani-Tibb.
In this book Prof Bhikha deals with the question as to whether Tibb is “A Science of Medicine or the Art of Care”. He describes it as a “Science of Medicine” because Tibb is based on the principle of cause and effect as described by Ibn Sina. He highlights that Tibb is indeed the “Art of Care” as Tibb provides guidelines and protocols on health promotion and in the treatment of illnesses taking into account the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of the human being.
The compilation of the book was initiated for the upcoming training of a part-time Postgraduate Diploma to be offered in Athens by the Asklepion School of Tibb, commencing September 2018. An exciting development for the publishing of the book was the offer from Lambert Academic Publishing in Germany to publish and distribute the book internationally – under a separate cover. The book is also available directly from the Institute for the South African market.
The book was reviewed by international experts as listed below:
“The author has made tremendous effort to collate information on Tibb in a systematic manner which will definitely benefit not only health care professionals from Conventional Systems and allied healthcare workers, but also become a handy reference book for practitioners of Tibb (Unani System of Medicine)”. Dr. Ghazala Javed, Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine (CCRUM), Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (AYUSH), Government of India
“The work is excellent to put forth the knowledge of this centuries old medical science to the present medical world”. Prof. M M Wamiq Amin, Dean, Faculty of Unani Medicine, Aligarh Muslim University, India
“The book reveals philosophical aspects of Tibb, especially the concept of Tibb and holism, and should be of interest to anyone wanting to explore the history and philosophy of Tibb”. Prof. Hakim Abdul Hannan/Prof. Tasneem Qureshi, Faculty of Eastern Medicine, Hamdard University, Pakistan
“The beauty of this book is that in a concise manner, the basic principles, preclinical and therapeutic information, which was spread over multiple books, has been documented in a single book in well-organized and systematic chapters”. Prof. Shakir Jamil, Jamia Hamdard University, India; Former Director General of the Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine

Prof Bhikha participates in an international conference on Unani medicine in New Delhi, India
The Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine (CCRUM), an autonomous organization under Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India organized an International Conference on Unani Medicine, as part of the celebration of Unani Day. One of the objectives of the conference was to promote the Unani System of medicine globally. In keeping with this theme Prof Bhikha’s presented a paper on “Bringing Unani System of Medicine to the Global Front – a South African Perspective. He reviewed his experience taking into account the opportunities and challenges of introducing Unani medicine in South Africa.
Whilst there is no doubt, that given the challenges facing healthcare delivery both locally and globally, Unani medicine, with its roots stretching back to the founders of modern medicine – Hippocrates, Galen and Ibn Sina – can undoubtedly have a substantial, positive and lasting impact on healthcare systems. The South African experience of introducing Unani medicine, included the many obstacles faced over the past twenty years, the strategy employed with respect to the target market and the significant benefits of Unani to Southern African healthcare was highlighted. The presentation concludes with the current status of the training and practice of Unani in South Africa, so providing guidelines for the promotion of Unani system of medicine in other part of the globe based on our South African experience.
Archived News
Three MBChB students, Bruchayla Goodwin, Shabnam Zalgaonkir and Zainab Joseph, completed their elective at the Tibb Treatment Centres, located in Langa and Surrey estate. The students were supervised during their elective period by qualified and registered Tibb practitioners. During their four (4) week elective period, the students were introduced to the important concepts in Tibb and given the opportunity to discuss various treatment options.
Stellenbosch MBChB students share their views on Tibb.
“I never knew much about Tibb medicine before embarking on this elective.
The experience at the institute has shown me the value of alternative medicine and the important role it plays in the holistic management of the patient.
There is a lot of care and time given with each consultation. The clinics deal with a variety of patients from various backgrounds. The quote by Hippocrates, “It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has” is well applied in each consultation. The affordability of care and quality of service provided by the Tibb practitioners are excellent.
Overall, this elective has challenged the traditional view from what we are taught during medical school and broadened my perspective of alternative medicine.”
Bruchayla Goodwin, MBChB IV
“After just four weeks of exposure at the Tibb Treatment Centre, my understanding of complementary medicine has changed greatly. Tibb medicine focuses on health promotion by supporting the body’s inherent healing abilities. It is a holistic approach in that it looks at “treating the patient as a whole”, rather than a particular disease.
During the consultation at Tibb, the practitioner includes a temperamental assessment in addition to the normal consultation method. The temperament system was something that was hard for me to grasp at first. But during the consultations I’ve witnessed, its validity. The system looks at the same patient/case from a different perspective and therefore is excellent in fine-tuning diagnosis and treatment options.
Contradictory to what I’ve heard previously, the practice of complementary medicine does not exclude modern medicine. In fact they built on it. It is part of their study course to learn about modern medicine, criteria for diagnosis and modern medicine treatment. Furthermore, they do refer cases that need a more aggressive treatment. I think it is important for health professions to be informed about Tibb’s scope of practice, so that more may refer to them and thus ensure the best possible patient health outcomes.
One of the advantages that Tibb medicine has is that it is all natural. Tibb medication is safe to use for all ages. In addition to this, I think it plays an important role for the future health of the public. With the rising resistance to antibiotics, antibiotic stewardship, and no new developments in antibiotic medication, public healthcare will be hugely dependent on phyto-pharmacology and complementary medicine in the nearby future.
All in all, my elective at Tibb has been an amazing and eye- opening experience. What adds to Tibb is that its staff and practitioners are truly compassionate, warm, dedicated, and also engaged in continued learning. Tibb medicine is definitely a growing field and is most certainly a tremendous asset to the health of the public.”
Shabnam Zalgaonkir, MBChB IV
The Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Iran recently invited Prof. Bhikha as a guest speaker at a conference on prophetic medicine. In addition to presenting a paper on “Rationale that underpins the wisdom of Tibb al-Nabawi”, he had the opportunity to meet PhD students conducting research in prophetic medicine. Interestingly Postgraduate students entering this research programme is offered only to medical doctors. Prof Bhikha also provided information on the Institute’s activities with respect to the training of Unani-Tibb doctors in South Africa and offered to assist in the establishment of training Tibb doctors in Iran.
Heideveldt day hospital operates in the Greater Athlone health district and runs Monday to Fridays attending to patients of the surrounding community. Tibb Treatment Centre located in Surrey estate, neighbouring Heidveldt attended the Heideveldt health day session on the 23rd of November 2017.
Moerida Higgins, Clinic Administrator, accompanied by Tibb Practitioners- Drs Yumna Abrahams, Kashiefa Domingo and James Suteka presented to the 17 staff members that attended, which included Dr Imelda Seymour, Sr Briekwa accompanied by the rest of the Heideveldt team.
An overview of Tibb and Tibb concepts such as knowing and understanding your temperament, respecting your physis, Tibb Lifestyle Factors and Tibb therapeutics discussed. Tibb highlighted the importance of the Tibb lifestyle factors and therapeutics as an integral part of treating. The Tibb holistic approach to healthy living sparked lots of interest as the staff members wanted more information on lifestyle advice on various chronic conditions.
Heidveldt day hospital thanked the Tibb Treatment staff for attending and creating awareness of holistic health and the role of lifestyle advising.
Tibb looks forward to hosting future workshops at Heideveldt and other community day hospitals.
On Friday 10th November 2017 Prof Bhikha from the Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb and Dr Barrie Oldham from The Centre for Bio-Regulatory Medicine signed a Memorandum of Understanding, to establish the “Asklepion School on Kos”, in Athens for the training of Unani-Tibb, (which literally means “Greek Medicine”). The school will commence in September 2018 with the offering of a Two (2) year part-time Postgraduate Diploma aimed at healthcare professionals with appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic skills. Details of the criteria to enter the programme as well as the structure of the course will be finalised before end December. For more information refer to
After the successful training of City of Joburg’s Ward Based Outreach Teams (WBOT) in Soweto, as Tibb Lifestyle Advisors, Sister Dumsile Dlamini commenced with the training in Roodepoort (Region C), on the 16th October 2017. This training forms part of the arrangement between the Tibb Institute and the Allied Communities Network to train 4000 WBOT’s for the City of Joburg.
This workshop has two primary objectives; Advising clients on health promotion according to the Tibb Six Lifestyle Factors based on the patient’s individual temperament; and secondly, advising patients with various illness conditions including Hypertension, Diabetes, HIV & AIDS and TB on lifestyle changes, empowering patients in effectively managing their condition/s, in health education talks by WBOT’s at various clinics and in surrounding areas. The activities of the WBOT’s are supported with Tibb health education flyers on various conditions available in five different languages.
A remarkable number of Sowetans with varied illness conditions and currently using Tibb Lifestyle Factors to improve their health outcomes gathered at YMCA Orlando East to review progress, and to interact with their Tibb Lifestyle Advisors. These are part of the 150 clients/patients who are participating in the “Care and Support for Improved Patient Outcomes” (CasiPO) research project that is aimed at assessing the role of Tibb Lifestyle Factors in health promotion and in the management of illness conditions mostly lifestyle related; diabetes, hypertension, HIV & AIDS, TB, arthritis among others.
The participants include the elderly who are on customised illness management plans and healthy young people who are on individual health promotion care plans. Reflections at the review workshop revealed positive outcomes from testimonies from those who had already been on Lifestyle care plans. Testimonies revealed an improved Quality of Life as a result of the adoption of Tibb Lifestyle Factors in their daily lives over a period of just less than three months.
The interactive session opened with a video of the testimonies of effectiveness of Tibb Lifestyle Factors in illness management in the eyes of those that have already adopted them. The programme adopting Tibb Lifestyle Factors in dealing with diseases of lifestyle was initiated by the Allied Communities Network-Tibb partnership in 2015, introducing corporative health promotion training work with the City of Johannesburg health promotion unit on lifestyle education for their health promoter’s station at clinics across the city’s seven regions.
Participants had a chance to ask the Tibb nurses and get real-time answers and individual attention. It was clear that community interest in the efficacy of Tibb Lifestyle Factors in the management of their ailments may require a fixed Tibb Lifestyle Case Management clinic in the region going forward.
The CasiPO programme continues and is poised to attract more cases for ailment management through Tibb Lifestyle Factors- judging by the tempo of the participants and their excitement on the efficacy of the intervention, construed as practical effective and affordable.
Professor Bhikha was kept on his toes answering questions on how best to align temperaments to an effective care plan for optimal positive health outcomes.
The CasiPO case studies are continuing in the City of Johannesburg Region D and will culminate in a report that will see provincial government considering Tibb Lifestyle Factors in their community oriented primary care initiatives and the fight against the burden of disease and the quest for effective joint initiatives for disease prevention at primary care level, largely on the ground.
Over the past two years the programme has trained over 108 City of Johannesburg health promoters as Lifestyle Advisors and over 600 Community Health Workers working in Region D’s NGOs as well as over 95 members of the Ward Based Outreach Teams, (WBOT) active in the City of Johannesburg’s regional clinics.
On the 2nd May 2017, Sister Dumsile Dlamini began the Tibb Lifestyle Advisors training of the first group of the 4000 Ward Based Outreach Teams linked to the various clinics in the City of Johburg at Tladi Information Centre in Soweto. The participants’ feedback was very positive with comments such as “informative” and “life changing”.
This workshop has two primary objectives; Advise patients on health promotion according to the Tibb Six Lifestyle Factors based on the patient’s individual temperament; and secondly advising patients on lifestyle changes in the management of various illness conditions including Hypertension, Diabetes, HIV & AIDS and TB. The Tibb approach will be implemented in the health education talks by the Ward Based Outreach Teams (WBOT) at their various clinics and in surrounding areas. The activities of the WBOT are supported with Tibb health education flyers on various conditions available in five different language.
Following the success of the Allied-Tibb Community Oriented Primary Care programme (COPC) launched in April 2015 and its subsequent renewal and success of its second phase in 2016, the Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb has further renewed the partnership for an additional year.
The Care and Support programme for Improved Patient Outcomes (CaSIPO), 2017-2018, is a case study on 600 clients and uses Tibb Lifestyle Factors in preventing illness in healthy clients and in disease management in clients with chronic and common ailments.
The results and data will be used to lobby and promote the use of evidence based efficacy of Tibb Lifestyle Factors in illness prevention and disease management in primary care, home and ward based care settings and in complimenting government efforts in achieving improved Quality of Life and Better Health for All.
The ultimate goal is the implementation of CaSIPO city wide and lobbying for government support of this intervention as a community based primary care intervention to empower communities in taking care of their own health.
The implementation is envisaged through civil society organisations already involved in community health care drives such as HCT, HBC, and hospice care as well as through Ward Based Outreach Teams (WBOT’s).
The following milestones attest to enormous work already made in the past two years towards achieving this goal through this partnership.
2015- Tibb-Allied partnership launched and over 307 Community Health Workers, City of Johannesburg Health Promoters in all Region D clinics and Traditional Healers trained as Tibb Lifestyle Advisors.
2016- Further 109 City of Johannesburg Health Promoters in regional clinics trained from other six regions at the request of the City of Johannesburg’s District Health System-Health Promotion Unit. Seventy-five (75) Community Wellness Clinics (CWC) set up in 75 Allied Communities Network affiliate civil organisations in region D.
Over 125 literature stands holding awareness literature and education information on healing with Tibb, common ailments such as diabetes, hypertension, TB, HIV, diet advice, asthma, backache- inter alia, were distributed at Wellness Clinics and CoJ regional clinics.
Over 6000 clients reached via direct education and health promotion messages at both Wellness clinics and conventional clinics.
Over 23000 clients reached indirectly through community radio and promotional flier distribution.
Fliers is excess of 53000 were used to support the messages.
A notable milestone was the acceptancy and appreciation by the City of Johannesburg’s District Health System Health Promotion department of Tibb’s efficacy and expediency in the City’s health promotion strategy.
This was followed by a request for the extension of the programme to cover the training of over 4200 Ward Based Outreach Teams and their team leaders as Tibb Lifestyle Advisors in 2017-2018, working year.
This culminated in CaSIPO 2017-2018. Allied and Tibb are committed to assisting government in its fight against the burden of disease using evidence based interventions.
To this end, Allied Communities Network is effortlessly lobbying City of Johannesburg health and the Gauteng Provincial Health and Social Development departments to support community organisations already implementing CaSIPO through available conduits for funding civil society programmes complimenting community health, welfare and development.
During the month of February the Institute renewed the annual contracts in the funding of Lifestyle Advisors with the Islamic Medical Association of South Africa. The Gauteng Branch was represented by Dr Yumna Hassim, whereas Sister Honey Allee, Clinic Nursing Director represented the Kwa-Zulu Natal Branch of the IMA. The four (4) Lifestyle Advisors in the Durban Branch are based at the RK Khan Hospital, Malukazi Clinic, Marianhill Clinic and also in the IMA Mobile Primary Health Care Clinic. The Lifestyle Advisor for Gauteng is based in Soweto.
The partnership between the Institute and IMA, which commenced in 2010, has facilitated the Institute’s objective of promoting the practice of Tibb medicine in health promotion and illness management. The Lifestyle Advisors devote their time to educate the community on the Tibb lifestyle factors in healthy living and in the management and treatment of both acute and chronic conditions such as, Cold & Flu’s, Backache, Hypertension, Diabetes, HIV & AIDS and Tuberculosis. The activities of the Lifestyle Advisors are supported with health education material in 5 different languages, with more than 5000 flyers distributed monthly.
During the 9th and 11th January 2017, Prof Rashid Bhikha participated in the 4th Hamdard International Conference in Unani Medicine that was held in Karachi, Pakistan at Hamdard University. The theme of the conference “Unani Medicine Past, Present and Future” had invited speakers from more than twenty different countries representing universities, Institutions of both Conventional and Complementary medicine as well as representatives from Ministries of Health and Education. The presentations aspects including:
Scientific validation of philosophies of Unani Medicine; and Clinical trials on Unani Medicine-based formulations. Prof Bhikha’s presentation provided an overview of Unani-Tibb in South Africa and acknowledged the contribution of Hamdard University Pakistan and the late Shaheed Hakim Mohammad Said. The presentation was well received by participants from other countries who are keen to collaborate with the Institute in the training of Tibb medicine in their respective countries.
On the 12th January, Prof Dr Hakim Abdul Hannan, Vice Chancellor Hamdard University extended Prof Bhikha’s honorary professorship with Hamdard University. This ceremony took place after Prof Bhikha delivered a series of lectures to the Academic staff and students of the Faculty of Eastern Medicine at Hamdard University which included “Application of the humoral theory in clinical practice”; “Critique on Anatomy as described in the Canon of Medicine” and “Unani-Tibb in South African: Challenges and Opportunities”. The visit to Hamdard Pakistan was one of the many visits over the past two decades in keeping with a Memorandum of Understanding that was signed between the Institute and Hamdard University to promote the practice and training of Unani-Tibb in South Africa.
Lecturer and Tibb practitioner Dr Faeeza Abudalltief from the University of the Western Cape accompanied Professor Addo and his 30 students from Drew University to the Tibb Treatment Centres in Cape Town.
The Drew University students visits were based on an experiential learning initiative allowing the student to study and grow by understanding and respecting various cultures which includes field based learning in collaboration with local experts and institutions such as UWC and the Tibb Treatment Centres.
These students wanted to learn more about the Holistic treatment approach that South Africans have adopted and establish whether there would be an impact on Quality of Life. Dr Faeeza provided students with a presentation on an overview of Tibb including the course structure offered at the School of Natural Medicine at UWC.
Tibb practitioner, Dr Yumna Abrahams based at the Tibb Treatment Centre provided the students with a tour of the clinic followed by cupping therapy demonstrations. Students found the cupping practical very fascinating and were eager to participate as cupping had become very popular after the recent Olympic athlete, Micheal Phelps’s show cased his cupping spots.
Professor Addo and his students expressed their gratitude to the Tibb Treatment Centre for hosting the visiting students and look forward to future endeavours.
MBChB 4th year student, Tazwin Geldenhuis, from the University of Stellenbosch, spent four weeks at the Tibb Treatment Centres, located in Langa and Surrey Estate, completing his elective in November 2016.
Tibb practitioner, Dr James Suteka, supervised Tazwin during his 4 week elective introducing him to Tibb. Tazwin learned about temperaments, the benefits and application of cupping therapy and the importance of Tibb lifestyle advising in managing patients.
Tazwin looks forward to integrative healthcare with the Tibb approach.
Tazwin Geldenhuis, enthusiastically shares his views on Tibb:
“Having never really been exposed to any alternative form of medicine, Tibb was a first for me. Before my elective I was under the impression that alternative medicine and conventional medicine were two polar opposite versions of medicine. However this was not the case. The medication and the philosophy may differ but there lies a strong underlying similarity between the two. This likeness can be attributed to the shared origin of medicine as a whole.
In my four weeks rotating between Tibb treatment centres in Langa and Saartjie Baartman. I have come to learn about the management and treatment of patients in Tibb. The approach to patients is an outstanding feature in Tibb. Patients are classed within four categories based on their physical features as well as their personality. Namely the muscular and cheerful sanguineous, the fat and bashful phlegmatic, the lean and short-tempered bilious and the skinny and anxious melancholic. I am personally categorized as having a sanguineous dominant temperament with a phlegmatic subdominant temperament. From this information we can ascertain health risk factors.
I came across some sceptics that do not trust conventional medicine, those who felt they had been let down by the system. However, the majority of patients I had come across rely on both conventional therapy as well as Tibb as a form of complementary treatment and are referred accordingly.
Patients feel comfortable receiving medical treatment at Tibb which may sometimes include getting massage therapy or cupping therapy, in a quiet, calming and serine environment. In fact there are patients who would rather book for massage therapy or cupping therapy at a Tibb treatment centre than a spa due to the both the high quality of care and affordability.
I have also learned that Tibb prides itself in its holistic management of its patients. This often includes diet, physical exercise, sleep, elimination etc. Where dispensation of medication may be limited, Tibb makes up for by actively listening to the patients’ needs and working around obstacles. Tibb offers an affordable and functioning health system which may offer relief to the governmental health system that is overburdened and understaffed.”
The Institute of Tibb, together with the Allied Communities Network, held a graduation ceremony for participants who had successfully completed the Lifestyle Advisors Training Workshops in 2016.
These participants, Health Promoters and Team Leaders, are based in clinics in the various regions of the City of Johannesburg’s Department of Health. Included as speakers at this ceremony was Ms Jabulile Rakosa (Director: DHS unit) who graciously opened up the proceedings, Ms Sara Daas (Deputy Director COJ) the programme director, and Mr Tebogo Motsepe (RHDD region C) who offered a vote of thanks to the participants, Prof Rashid Bhikha and Mr Alcon Dube. Mr Peter Mphahlele, a health promoter based in region C, who also presented a short speech, commented that “…temperament is a turning point in how we offer health advice. It is no longer generic.
Health education is now specific according to the temperament of the person…”. The Institute of Tibb is excited about and welcomes the growing partnerships between the City of Johanessburg and Allied Communities Network to create better health for all South Africans.
Prof Rashid Bhikha, and associates – Drs Mujeeb Hoosen and Wendy Staak, from the University of the Western Cape, were invited by the National Institute of Unani Medicine (NIUM), Bengaluru, to attend and present papers at the International Conference of Unani Medicine. The NIUM serves as a model for academic excellence, pioneer for research frontiers in Unani Medicine and is an example for perfect patient care. The objectives of the international conference was to review the status of Unani medicine, exploring research frontiers that need to be prioritised along with better teaching and learning methods suitable for the Unani system of medicine.
Professor Rashid Bhikha conducted his presentation on the “Treatment of humoral imbalances at a cellular/sub-cellular level” during the opening session of the conference. The presentation is based on research conducted on identifying and eliminating the excess/abnormal humours using herbal infusions and where necessary other therapeutic interventions such as cupping and massage therapy, thereby restoring homeostasis. In addition special emphasis was placed on the elimination of excess/abnormal humours via the colon and the kidneys.
In addition to Prof Rashid Bhikha’s presentation, he received an award for his contribution to Unani medicine. He is deemed the “Hippocrates of Unani-Tibb in South Africa”.
Congratulations to Prof Rashid Bhikha on receiving this auspicious and well-deserved award.
Two Grade 10 Learners from Settlers High School visited the Tibb Treatment Centres in Cape Town for two days on 19-20 September 2016 to job shadow. They were Dillon Hudsonberg and Aglaak Sanglay. The Tibb Treatment Centre is always willing to accommodate interested learners and students to spend some time in the facilities to make the public aware of what Tibb is all about and hopefully create an interest in the profession. The learners found the time rewarding and provided some feedback on their experience within the centres.
Please read their feedback below:
Our short time at both Tibb Treatment Centres were very enriching, we have been shown the different aspects of the medical field and have learnt what it means to be a part of an institution which aids it community with the medical services it provides. We were privileged enough to receive a tour of the SBCWC (shelter for abused women and children on the same premises) and were given the opportunity to sit in on medical consults with the permission of the patients. We were tasked with packaging of medication and during our breaks we interacted with the members of the community, an example of this would be engaging in sports to entertain the children that have accompanied their parents to the consultations. We have learnt useful medical skills that could be applied in everyday life. We also helped with the handing out of information booklets to educate the public. Thus we would like to thank the members of Tibb for this opportunity.
The Institute of Tibb was invited to celebrate African Traditional Medicine (ATM) Week with the Gauteng department of Health and various ATM associations on the 31st of August 2016. The week, which starts on Monday the 22nd to Wednesday 31st of August, included many activities comprising of exhibitions, panel discussions and cultural shows which aims to raise awareness on African Traditional Medicine.
The theme this year was based on the WHO Traditional Medicine Strategy 2014–2023 which aims to see traditional systems of medicine back into the mainstream of primary healthcare. Tibb is ideally suited to partner with African Traditional Medicine and Western Conventional Medicine and serve as a bridge between these disciplines of medicine.
The Institute of Tibb was invited to celebrate African Traditional Medicine (ATM) Week with the Gauteng Traditional Faith and Medical Practitioners on the 25th of August 2016. This event is held by various ATM associations across South Africa prior to the collective ATM celebration hosted on the 31st of August each year.
Tibb participated in the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) Women’s Day event held on 12 August 2016 at their Cape Town Campus. The event was arranged by the Student Counselling Department to help students thrive and succeed from a holistic perspective. This was in line with national Women’s Day that took place during this week. The event was attended by 30 female students.
Student counselling programmes at CPUT focus on holistic wellness in various dimensions which is in line with Tibb philosophy of dealing with people individually and holistically. Dr Rusqua Salasa, one of the Tibb Practitioners at the Tibb Treatment Centres, presented to the students on Healthy Living and how to approach it from a Tibb perspective. She focused on the three main concepts of Tibb, namely physis, temperaments and lifestyle factors. Her integration of CPUT’s self-care focus on women with Tibb philosophy was very good and informative, leaving the students with some valuable guidelines on how to care for themselves and their health during the stressful student years.
The focus of the event was to promote self-confidence, self-esteem and encouraging self-care in the female students. What better way to do this than to help students understand healthy living principles in order for them to take responsibility for their own health and wellbeing, empowering them to take care of themselves.
Gift bags were sponsored by the Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb to all the students and lecturers attending, providing them with some valuable follow-up information to guide their healthy living.
It has been a privilege for Tibb to be part of this event and working together with CPUT in offering some healthy living guidelines to a generation of students dealing with so many pressures, concerns and stresses that were not there in the past. The encouragement of healthy living from a natural perspective has always been a passion for the Tibb Institute.
The Tibb Treatment Centres in Cape Town provided an opportunity for three 5th year medical students in completing their elective in Complementary and Alternate medicine. The students had first-hand experience of the Tibb approach in the treatment of both acute and chronic illness conditions. On completion they shared their view of Tibb.
Electives are short periods in which medical students are required to spend time within a medical setting where the students are given an opportunity to work under the supervision and be mentored by qualified registered practitioners.
These students felt the need to broaden their capabilities as future doctors and consider future healthcare from an integrative perspective by observing Tibb practitioners and learning about Tibb medicine. The current medical curriculum does not provide lectures on alternative forms of healing.
At the Tibb Treatment Centre, student doctors were encouraged to participate in case discussions which provided an interactive platform between Tibb practitioners and student doctors after completion of supervised consults.
Collaborative healthcare is one of the objectives of the Institute. Assisting medical students in completing their elective has made them aware of Tibb being as an ideal partner in Integrative Medicine. Below is the feedback from two of the students.
The Tibb Treatment Centre (Saartjie Baartman Centre) hosted a grade 8 volunteer in order for him to do his Life Orientation community services. It is always a privilege hosting a learner from one of the nearby schools and to be part of his/her development. This is one way of assisting the community in an area other than complementary healthcare consultations for which the Tibb Treatment Centres are known in Cape Town.
Umar Allie, a grade 8 learner from Claremont High School, completed his 6 hours of community service with the Tibb Treatment Centre. He was given numerous administrative duties from filing to pamphlet preparation to assisting in the dispensary.
It was a pleasure having this pleasant young man in the centre and we believe he will make a huge success of the world of work once he enter the job market later in his life.
Community service is seen by numerous high schools as crucial in the development of the learner into the adult he or she is meant to become and it provides valuable skills to the learner. Even more important is the fact that this interaction within a working environment opens the learner to the real world and prepares them for what lies ahead after school and studies.
The Tibb Treatment Centres are always open to assist the community in whatever way possible and by assisting learners in this way, is in line with the holistic approach followed by Tibb Practitioners in that it is developing a person not only in physical health, but also in social interaction and work related duties. Having a grade 8 learner in the centre is the first step in helping young people realise that the working environment can be stressful, yet by having the necessary coping mechanisms to deal with it, is the first step towards holistic health.
On the 5th of May 2016, Dr Joy Saville facilitated the Lifestyle Advisors training workshop to health promoters of Region E, at the City of Johannesburg quarters in Sandton. The participants’ feedback was very positive with comments which included “informative” and “life changing”.
The Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb, has concluded an agreement with Dr Pedzisai Mazengenya a senior lecturer at the School of Anatomical Sciences at the University of the Witwatersrand to review Ibn Sina’s (Avicenna’s) description of human anatomy, in relation to the current understanding of anatomical structures of the human body.
Dr Pedzisai together with Prof Bhikha will critically evaluate the accuracy of Ibn Sina’s anatomy as well as focus on his philosophical approach regarding the purpose of how and why the different organs and structures exist in their present form. The research review will include the following topics: The spine; Brain and sense organs; Cardiorespiratory system; Speech apparatus; Musculoskeletal system; Vascular system; Digestive system and accessory organs; Urinary and reproductive organs; and Spleen.
In addition to the research focusing on the accuracy of Ibn Sina’s anatomy as compared to the current understanding of anatomical structures, the research will also interpret anatomy within the context of the temperamental theory which recognizes that every tissue/organ has been created with an ideal temperament and structure, for optimum functioning.
The Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb hosted front shop assistants from Khuya Health in Tembisa. The 2 day workshop comprised of an introduction to the Tibb philosophy, focused on health promotion and illness management using the Tibb Lifestyle Factors. The workshops are in line with the objectives of the Institute of Tibb to empower communities and providing better health for all South Africans.
On the 28th of April 2016, Dr Joy Saville facilitated the Lifestyle Advisors training workshop to health promoters of Region G, at the Ennerdale Civic Centre. The participants were excited about the flyers that would be made available to them after the workshop, as they felt it would assist in communicating the message of health more effectively. One of the comments received included “feeling enlightened about providing clients with a unique approach to keeping healthy”.
On the 21st of April 2016, Dr Joy Saville facilitated the Lifestyle Advisors training workshop to health promoters, staff nurses and enrolled nurses of Regions B and C, at the very grand Phelindaba Chambers at the Florida Civic Centre. The group thoroughly enjoyed the Tibb perspective to health promotion and disease management calling it “an eye opening experience”.
On the 6th of April 2016, Dr Joy Saville facilitated the Lifestyle Advisors Workshop for health promoters of the City of Johannesburg region F. This workshop has two primary objectives; Advise patients on health promotion according to the six lifestyle factors based on the patient’s individual temperament; and secondly advising patients on lifestyle changes in the management of various illness conditions including Hypertension, Diabetes, HIV & AIDS and TB. The Tibb philosophical principles are implemented in the health education talks by the health promoters at their various clinics around region F. The Tibb Institute has also made flyers available to support the information offered to patients during the talks.
On the 17th of March 2016, Dr Joy Saville and Ruvey Roets, visited IMA Durban where they facilitated the Lifestyle Advisors Workshop. This workshop has two primary objectives:
- 1. Advise patients on health promotion according to the six lifestyle factors based on the patient’s individual temperament;
- 2. Advise patients on illness management according to the six lifestyle factors.
For some, this course reinforced the knowledge that they have acquired previously from workshops run by the Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb, whereas for others this was their first encounter with the Tibb principles and philosophies. The participants have various backgrounds in healthcare which included Tibb Health educators, nursing sisters, and social workers.
One more year of commitment to improving Community Health
After the successful approval by the City of Johannesburg Health Promotion Manager of the role of Tibb Lifestyle factors in health promotion and in strengthening Community Oriented Primary Care, the Tibb Institute resolved to invest another year in taking Tibb to the City’s primary health care sector in the city’s regions.
Last year the Allied-Tibb partnership which was in its first year of inception successfully trained as Tibb Lifestyle Advisors over 287 Community Health workers serving in civil society communities as well as in the Department of Health’s Ward Based Outreach Teams.
This benevolent intervention through a community Lifestyle mentor programme resulted in the creation of 75 wellness centres in Soweto’s selected NGOs resulting in remarkable recognition of the initiative by the City of Johannesburg Health Promotion department in the region.
The Institute has renewed their implementation agreement with Allied Communities Network for another year. The second phase of the project, which will run from February 2016 to February 2017, was formalized on the 3rd March 2016 at the Tibb office in Roodepoort.
The second phase of the project aims to extend the fight against diseases of lifestyle and other common diseases to the city’s clinics through the training and sustained support of health promoters in the city’s regional clinics using additional alternative strategies such as the role of Tibb Lifestyle Factors in health promotion and illness management.
Among other outcomes, the project will:
- Demonstrate the effectiveness of Tibb interventions in community oriented primary care as well as in tackling the burden of disease in the communities of practice.
- Reduce the pressure on primary health care posts, by ensuring that communities understand disease and their individual roles in taking care of own health and in preventing illness.
- Continue the provision of coordinated and integrated community health promotion between civil society organisations and primary health facilities.
- This is based on the premise that primary health care centres are overburdened with the daily roles of curative and preventive interventions, while civil society has ample time to engage more lengthy dialogues on education with resident communities.
- The stimulation of referrals between the Community Wellness Centres and regional clinics will be promoted, so is the close working relationship between community lifestyle advisors in civil organisations and health promoters in the city’s regional clinics.
Already twenty health promoters from thirteen of the fifteen clinics in City of Johannesburg region D (Soweto) have undergone the two-day lifestyle advisor training course delivered and funded by the Institute. The training has been well embraced by the participants resulting in the deployment of information literature and stands in the clinics for use by health promoters as well as a partnership between the partnership’s Evaluation Mentoring and Reporting Officers (EMROs) and health promoters in the clinics.
As a result of the above success the City of Johannesburg has requested more training for other regional health promoters. Region C is next in line.
The Allied Communities Network Continues to coordinate this intervention and monitor the trajectory in terms of mutual outcomes –benefiting the communities and stakeholder interests in promoting a better life for all.
The intervention is aligned to all four strategic objectives of the National Strategic Health Plan; SO 1. Addressing Social and structural drivers of HIV/TB prevention, care and impact.
SO 2. Preventing new HIV, STI and TB Infections
SO 3. Sustaining Health and wellness
SO4. Ensuring protection of human rights and improving access to justice
The NSP further recognises that targeted, evidence-based combination prevention interventions are needed. Combination prevention recognises that no single prevention intervention can adequately address the HIV and TB epidemics. Rather a combination of structural, biomedical and behavioural approaches, together are likely to have the greatest impact on reducing the likelihood of transmission and mitigating individuals’ susceptibility and vulnerability to acquiring new infections.
This is the rationale for exploring the effectiveness of Tibb evidence based interventions in the panacea. The project is aiming at reaching at least all the health promoters in city’s regional clinics by close up. Availability of resources and mutual mileage in stakeholders’ commitment to the target will also be a determinant factor of the success of this intervention.
On the 2nd March 2016 Prof Rashid Bhikha, and Ms Sabera Asmal, Chairperson of the Islamic Medical Association KZN Branch officially signed an extension of their collaboration, in support of lifestyle advisory to the community for 2016. The Institute has a long standing relationship of around six years offering support to the IMA Clinics in KZN, including educational materials, equipment, information, uniforms and salaries.
In partnership with IMA, the Institute sponsors four trained Tibb Lifestyle Advisors in clinics situated in Marian Hill and Malugazi, where Thabisile Radebe and Zilungile Ncwane are based. Nokuthula Shozi is actively involved in the mobile clinic which operates primarily in the Inchanga area. A fourth Lifestyle Advisors Nomathemba Shozi is based at the RK Khan hospital.
The Lifestyle Advisors devote their time to educate the community on the Tibb lifestyle factors in healthy living and in the management and treatment of acute and chronic conditions such as, Hypertension, Diabetes, HIV & AIDS and Tuberculosis. In addition to the more than 50 patients in the clinics obtaining healthy living advice, Sister Honey Allee who oversees the clinics brought to our attention the impact that the Lifestyle Advisor at the RK Khan hospital has made with respect to the ensuring that patients with TB and HIV & AIDS are regularly attending the hospitals monthly programmes.
In addition, the Institute will provide training to 15 prospective Lifestyle Advisors including a review to the already established four Lifestyle Advisors on the 17th of March 2016. The training will be managed by Dr Joy Saville and facilitated by Ruvey Roets, at the Baytul Nur Conference Centre in KZN.
IMA has also recently employed a social worker, Sfiso Ntuli, to assist in other areas of the programme. He will also be joining the training conducted on the 17th of March.
The Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb conducted a half day workshop on the 9th of March 2016, facilitated by Prof Rashid Bhikha and Dr Joy Saville, on the individual approach to healthy living for social workers and counselors based at the Magaliesburg Rehabilitation Centre caring for patients suffering from substance abuse. This workshop provides an introduction to the main concepts of Tibb. One of the main objective of the workshop was is to provide the participants with a comprehensive n understanding of temperament. Temperament describes the uniqueness of the individual and gives the healthcare professional insight into the predisposition and possible recovery from drug addiction that can be incorporated into the daily therapeutic sessions offered by counselors and social workers.
This workshop was a follow up to the research that was conducted by Dr Christo Scheepers and supervised by Prof Rashid Bhikha at the Sultan Bahu Rehabilitation Centre in Cape Town entitled “The influence of temperament on the predisposition to and recovery from substance use disorders from the Tibb perspective”.
The Institute of Tibb hopes to partner with these organizations in an effort to reduce the burden of drug addiction and relapse, and the ever increasing prevalence of addiction to prescription medication. Discussions into future probable research studies have commenced to help uncover and better understand the complex nature of drug addiction and relapse. It is our desire to provide insight into how we can relinquish the hold that substance abuse is having on our society.
A group of 18 nursing students from Carlsund College in Motala, Sweden, is in South Africa as part of an exchange programme with the College of Cape Town. Dr Yumna Mayet, a qualified Tibb Practitioner, from the College of Cape Town, brought these students to visit the Tibb Treatment Centre to have a look at how complementary practitioners operate in South Africa.
They received an introduction to Tibb and the Tibb Treatment Centres by Christo Scheepers, the clinic administrator. Dr Yumna Abrahams gave them more in-depth information about the concepts and philosophy of Tibb while Dr Ayesha Fakir performed some practical cupping demonstrations after the group was divided into smaller groups.
They found the presentations informative and were interested in the Tibb philosophy, but the cupping demonstrations were the highlight. The students were not familiar with cupping and found this procedure, for which Tibb Practitioners are known for, very fascinating.
Cupping is a therapeutic procedure used since ancient times to facilitate healing and restoration of balance in the body. Cupping draws blood to an area bringing oxygen and nutrients to the area while toxins, impurities, pain and inflammation are drawn away from deeper tissues and organs to eliminate it.
Tibb Practitioners apply the cups with a vacuum pump in order to control the strength of the vacuum that is created on the skin. There are certain contra-indications to cupping so a consultation with a Tibb Practitioner will always precede the use of this therapeutic procedure.
It has been a privilege having the students visit the Tibb Treatment Centres where we always enjoy hosting students and educating people on what Tibb has to offer in order for people to take responsibility for their own health and live a life of wellness.
The Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb in association with Allied Health Communities Network, hosted a third Lifestyle Advisors training for the City of Johannesburg’s health promoters that are stationed in the various clinics in region D (Soweto)on the 15th and 16th of February 2016. The training to the Clinic Health Promoters provided them with insights into the Tibb approach of lifestyle in health promotion and in the management of both acute and chronic illness conditions. This training was subsequent to the second training of the Lifestyle Advisors programme during October/November 2015 during which 137 Ward Based Community Healthcare Workers were trained. These Ward Based Community Healthcare Workers are affiliated to the different clinics.
The Tibb Lifestyle Advisors Programme was initially rolled out during June and September 2015 to more than 130 Community Based Healthcare Workers which resulted in the establishment of seventy five (75) Wellness Desks in health related Non-Governmental Organizations operating in Soweto.
The training of the Clinic Health Promoters from 13 clinics in Soweto will ensure that the activities of the Lifestyle Advisors in the seventy five (75) wellness desks as well as the Ward Based Community Healthcare Workers all have the same understanding of the Tibb philosophy in health promotion and illness management. This training will convey the same message on healthy lifestyle as well as in the management of the various illness conditions which include Diabetes, Hypertension, HIV & AIDS, TB, Colds & Flu, and Asthma etc.
Every year the Tibb treatment centre receive applications from Stellenbosch medical students to come and do their elective in Alternative and Complementary medicine. Haaniem Keraan, 4th year Stellenbosch medical student decided to embark on this opportunity.
Medical student, Haaniem considers herself to be an open minded person and would like to explore all avenues of CAM, which she believes is the way forward to creating healthcare that will benefit patients.
In her four week elective, Haaniem was supervised by Tibb practitioner, Dr Ayesha Fakir at the Tibb Treatment Centres. This opportunity allowed her to explore and understand some of the philosophy and principles from a Tibb perspective in managing patients.
Haaniem Keraan shares her view on Tibb
My Thoughts on Tibb Coming from a family who are accustomed to using natural remedies in everyday life, it was important to me to make sure that I understood Tibb philosophy on healthcare as well as to understand the procedures related to Tibb. Hence, over the last four weeks, I’ve been immersed in the world of Tibb Herbal Medicine.
“It is better to know what type of person has a disease instead of what disease a person has.”- Hippocrates
The above quote is part of the philosophy of Tibb. It appealed to me as I always complain about people not getting to know me before giving advice. The truth is anyone would be more open to receiving lifestyle advice if it were coming from a person who we thought understood our personality.
An important principle of Tibb is that of Physis, which is the wisdom that the body possesses and that it uses to heal itself. Tibb practitioners aid the body in carrying out this function. They try to see the root of the problem so that the problem may not recur in future.
It was refreshing to see Tibb doctors help patients to express their emotions. They make their patients feel safe and comfortable enough to express their deepest fears. This is a facet of the human being although recognized as a cause of certain conditions is too often neglected. This allows the patient to feel better before the doctor even touches the patient.
If proof is what I was looking for then I definitely found it through the testimony of multiple patients. Patients reported instant relief from aches and pains after a mere 15 minutes of Cupping. Patients reported pain relief and better sleeping habits with the herbal tea infusions. In short, the treatments are working and they are working well. These testimonies were enough for me to refer my family members to the clinic for treatment.
The Tibb doctors that I came into contact with and the philosophy of health all encompass my definition of a good doctor and I will strive to implement the lessons that I have learnt during this elective in my own practice in future. In my humble opinion, there is definitely a place for natural medicine doctors in equal ranking to conventional medicine doctors. Like doctor Fakir says, we can learn from each other.
The Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb conducted a half day workshop on the 9th of March 2016, facilitated by Prof Rashid Bhikha and Dr Joy Saville, on the individual approach to healthy living for social workers and counselors based at the Magaliesburg Rehabilitation Centre caring for patients suffering from substance abuse. This workshop provides an introduction to the main concepts of Tibb. One of the main objective of the workshop was is to provide the participants with a comprehensive n understanding of temperament. Temperament describes the uniqueness of the individual and gives the healthcare professional insight into the predisposition and possible recovery from drug addiction that can be incorporated into the daily therapeutic sessions offered by counselors and social workers.
This workshop was a follow up to the research that was conducted by Dr Christo Scheepers and supervised by Prof Rashid Bhikha at the Sultan Bahu Rehabilitation Centre in Cape Town entitled “The influence of temperament on the predisposition to and recovery from substance use disorders from the Tibb perspective”.
The Institute of Tibb hopes to partner with these organizations in an effort to reduce the burden of drug addiction and relapse, and the ever increasing prevalence of addiction to prescription medication. Discussions into future probable research studies have commenced to help uncover and better understand the complex nature of drug addiction and relapse. It is our desire to provide insight into how we can relinquish the hold that substance abuse is having on our society.
A group of 18 nursing students from Carlsund College in Motala, Sweden, is in South Africa as part of an exchange programme with the College of Cape Town. Dr Yumna Mayet, a qualified Tibb Practitioner, from the College of Cape Town, brought these students to visit the Tibb Treatment Centre to have a look at how complementary practitioners operate in South Africa.
They received an introduction to Tibb and the Tibb Treatment Centres by Christo Scheepers, the clinic administrator. Dr Yumna Abrahams gave them more in-depth information about the concepts and philosophy of Tibb while Dr Ayesha Fakir performed some practical cupping demonstrations after the group was divided into smaller groups.
They found the presentations informative and were interested in the Tibb philosophy, but the cupping demonstrations were the highlight. The students were not familiar with cupping and found this procedure, for which Tibb Practitioners are known for, very fascinating.
Cupping is a therapeutic procedure used since ancient times to facilitate healing and restoration of balance in the body. Cupping draws blood to an area bringing oxygen and nutrients to the area while toxins, impurities, pain and inflammation are drawn away from deeper tissues and organs to eliminate it.
Tibb Practitioners apply the cups with a vacuum pump in order to control the strength of the vacuum that is created on the skin. There are certain contra-indications to cupping so a consultation with a Tibb Practitioner will always precede the use of this therapeutic procedure.
It has been a privilege having the students visit the Tibb Treatment Centres where we always enjoy hosting students and educating people on what Tibb has to offer in order for people to take responsibility for their own health and live a life of wellness.
The Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb in association with Allied Health Communities Network, hosted a third Lifestyle Advisors training for the City of Johannesburg’s health promoters that are stationed in the various clinics in region D (Soweto)on the 15th and 16th of February 2016. The training to the Clinic Health Promoters provided them with insights into the Tibb approach of lifestyle in health promotion and in the management of both acute and chronic illness conditions. This training was subsequent to the second training of the Lifestyle Advisors programme during October/November 2015 during which 137 Ward Based Community Healthcare Workers were trained. These Ward Based Community Healthcare Workers are affiliated to the different clinics.
The Tibb Lifestyle Advisors Programme was initially rolled out during June and September 2015 to more than 130 Community Based Healthcare Workers which resulted in the establishment of seventy five (75) Wellness Desks in health related Non-Governmental Organizations operating in Soweto.
The training of the Clinic Health Promoters from 13 clinics in Soweto will ensure that the activities of the Lifestyle Advisors in the seventy five (75) wellness desks as well as the Ward Based Community Healthcare Workers all have the same understanding of the Tibb philosophy in health promotion and illness management. This training will convey the same message on healthy lifestyle as well as in the management of the various illness conditions which include Diabetes, Hypertension, HIV & AIDS, TB, Colds & Flu, and Asthma etc.
Every year the Tibb treatment centre receive applications from Stellenbosch medical students to come and do their elective in Alternative and Complementary medicine. Haaniem Keraan, 4th year Stellenbosch medical student decided to embark on this opportunity.
Medical student, Haaniem considers herself to be an open minded person and would like to explore all avenues of CAM, which she believes is the way forward to creating healthcare that will benefit patients.
In her four week elective, Haaniem was supervised by Tibb practitioner, Dr Ayesha Fakir at the Tibb Treatment Centres. This opportunity allowed her to explore and understand some of the philosophy and principles from a Tibb perspective in managing patients.
Haaniem Keraan shares her view on Tibb
My Thoughts on Tibb Coming from a family who are accustomed to using natural remedies in everyday life, it was important to me to make sure that I understood Tibb philosophy on healthcare as well as to understand the procedures related to Tibb. Hence, over the last four weeks, I’ve been immersed in the world of Tibb Herbal Medicine.
“It is better to know what type of person has a disease instead of what disease a person has.”- Hippocrates
The above quote is part of the philosophy of Tibb. It appealed to me as I always complain about people not getting to know me before giving advice. The truth is anyone would be more open to receiving lifestyle advice if it were coming from a person who we thought understood our personality.
An important principle of Tibb is that of Physis, which is the wisdom that the body possesses and that it uses to heal itself. Tibb practitioners aid the body in carrying out this function. They try to see the root of the problem so that the problem may not recur in future.
It was refreshing to see Tibb doctors help patients to express their emotions. They make their patients feel safe and comfortable enough to express their deepest fears. This is a facet of the human being although recognized as a cause of certain conditions is too often neglected. This allows the patient to feel better before the doctor even touches the patient.
If proof is what I was looking for then I definitely found it through the testimony of multiple patients. Patients reported instant relief from aches and pains after a mere 15 minutes of Cupping. Patients reported pain relief and better sleeping habits with the herbal tea infusions. In short, the treatments are working and they are working well. These testimonies were enough for me to refer my family members to the clinic for treatment.
The Tibb doctors that I came into contact with and the philosophy of health all encompass my definition of a good doctor and I will strive to implement the lessons that I have learnt during this elective in my own practice in future. In my humble opinion, there is definitely a place for natural medicine doctors in equal ranking to conventional medicine doctors. Like doctor Fakir says, we can learn from each other.
The Tibb Treatment Centres were represented at the women empowerment event of the Department of Social Development and the City of Cape Town on 24 November 2015 at the Lentegeur Civic Centre in Mitchells Plain as part of the 16 days of activism. The theme of the day was Dignity in mental and physical health and since Tibb is a holistic approach to natural healthcare, it was represented at the function. Christo A. Scheepers (clinic administrator) and Dr Raeesah Hassan (Tibb practitioner) presented on The Tibb approach to holistic health.
When individuals are empowered with this knowledge, they can take responsibility for their own health in order to adjust their lifestyles positively to enhance health and wellness. Women need to be empowered with knowledge, as do men, in order to take responsibility for their own health realising that they have to look after the only bodies they have.
LIFESTYLE ADVISORS SOWETO-Chiawelo, 20 November 2015 – 137 Ward Based Outreach Teams (WBOT), Community Health Workers (CHW) and Traditional Health Practitioners graduate as Tibb Lifestyle Advisors at Chiawelo Community Centre.
The graduation ceremony was attended by Councilors from the different Wards in Region D (Soweto), representatives from the Chiawelo Community Health Center, Allied Communities Network, Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb, Soweto TV and other media.
Having successfully trained over 152 NGO based Community Health Workers from 75 organisations and implemented 75 Community Wellness Centres in Soweto, the Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb and Allied Communities Network partnership intervention has received recognition from stakeholders in the health sector.
The Johannesburg-Wits Family Medicine/ Wonca Africa embraced the initiative by requesting the extension of this programme to WBOT at Chiawelo Community Practice in ward 11.
The Allied-Tibb Health Promotion and Wellness programme launched the five training sessions between the 7th October and the 18th of November 2015, culminating in the successful completion of the Lifestyle Advisor course by over 136 CHWs, WBOT and Traditional Health Care Practitioners.
The training empowers CHWs and traditional health practitioners with knowledge and lifestyle techniques that, in addition to sharing health promotion information and education with community members on day-to-day interactions, enable them to impart practical techniques for understanding and dealing with individual health problems.
The objective of this community oriented primary care initiative is to provide a pre-PHC individually driven preventative and curative intervention designed to reduce the health bill by empowering individuals to understand their own health problems and to successfully deal with them. The head of Chiawelo Community Practice (CCP), Dr Shabir Moosa said the content of the course was pivotal in helping the community understand PHC in general.
The course is a practical tool kit for the teams that provides practical techniques that can be successfully implemented by community members. The graduates will be able to advise and educate community members on adopting lifestyles for total wellness and in the treatment of diseases of lifestyle such as hypertension, diabetes and TB.
This graduation brings the total number of trained Lifestyle advisors to 289 since the launch of this initiative seven months ago. The training is funded by the Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb a Roodepoort based non-profit and coordinated by Allied Communities Network a Soweto based non-profit organisation. Following the success of this initiative, plans are at an advanced stage to extend this two-day course to all health promoters in the City of Johannesburg’s region D clinics Soweto residents are urged to make use of CHWs at the clinics and in their wards for advice on health and lifestyle issues affecting their day-to-day lives.
For information on how to access Wellness Centres in their locality, community members are advised to call the Allied office direct on 011-079-4058 Monday to Friday during office hours.
Every year World Diabetes day is globally celebrated on 14th November to raise awareness of the growing pandemic known as Diabetes. On the 13th of November 2015, Tibb Treatment Centres based in Surrey estate and Langa dedicated time to create awareness of Diabetes by focussing on the Tibb lifestyle factors.
According to global statistics about 80% of diabetes deaths can be accounted within the low and middle income population groups (1,3). Other reports recorded over 1, 5 million diabetes deaths as from 2012 and according to World Health Organization, it estimates Diabetes to be amongst the top 7 causes of death by the year 2030 (2,3). This can be prevented if we make the necessary changes and have healthier lifestyles.
To raise awareness, the Tibb Treatment Centres focussed on screening and educating the community about the signs and symptoms, risks, managing and preventing Diabetes. Significance of the 6 Tibb lifestyle factors: Diet- food and drink, Emotions, Movement and Rest, Sleep and Wakefulness, Digestion and Elimination, Air and Breathing were emphasized by promoting healthier lifestyle choices based on the individual’s current health state.
A group of Home based carers on training at the Saartjie Baartman Centre also attended the health day and expressed their gratitude to Tibb practitioners for dedicating time to empower the community. By educating the community it will hopefully lower and prevent health risks associated with chronic illnesses such as Diabetes.
The patients appreciated the time spent with them and learnt new and interesting ways of using culinary herbs and spices to complement a healthy lifestyle for Diabetic patients. Tibb flyers were available to take home which focussed on healthy living, diabetes and dietary guidelines along with a 2016 Tibb Lifestyle calendar which they could share with family members and help plan a healthier 2016.
Tibb Treatment Centres will continue to focus on more health days which will empower our local communities on management and prevention of chronic illnesses.
- World Health Organization. Global Health Estimates: Deaths by Cause, Age, Sex and Country, 2000-2012. Geneva, WHO, 2014
- Mathers CD, Loncar D. Projections of global mortality and burden of disease from 2002 to 2030. PLoS Med, 2006, 3(11):e442.
- Diabetes Fact sheet N°312, 2015, Media centre, Available at
Dr Ayesha Fakir returned to the Tibb Treatment Centre in October 2015 after 6 years to pursue her passion as being a Tibb Practitioner.
She is proud to be one of the first Tibb graduates in 2007 from the University of the Western Cape where she completed a BSc (Bachelor in Complementary Health Science) 2005 followed by a BCM. UTM degree (Bachelor of Complementary Medicine in Unani Tibb Medicine) in 2007 from the School of Natural Medicine at UWC.
On completion of her studies she entered into the Junior doctor programme at The Tibb Treatment Centre in 2008. This programme allow Tibb graduates to gain the necessary clinical exposure and confidence required in becoming competent Tibb practitioners.
She continued to work at the Tibb Treatment Centres until 2009 and then joined the academic world by becoming a Tibb lecturer at UWC for 4 years. Since then she has become a wife and a mother of two beautiful children and has enjoyed every single moment learning about the development of her children.
Dr Ayesha Fakir believes that as Tibb practitioners we can create greater awareness about alternative medicine and therapies in South Africa and strive to promote a healthier South Africa.
SOWETO-Chiawelo, 07 October 2015 – After the successful training of over 152 Community Health Workers (CHWs) and implementation of the community Lifestyle mentor programme that has resulted in the creation of 75 wellness centres in Soweto’s selected NGOs, the Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb and Allied Communities Network partnership has received recognition from stakeholders in the health sector.
The Johannesburg-Wits Family Medicine/ Wonca Africa has embraced the initiative by requesting the training of the Ward based Outreach Teams (WABOT) at the clinics.
The Allied-Tibb Health Promotion and Wellness programme launched the first session at Chiawelo Clinic in Soweto. The training empowers CHWs with knowledge and lifestyle techniques that enable them not only to share health promotion information and education, but to give practical techniques to community members in dealing with their individual health problems before they even enter the PHC system.
Over 120 Community Health Workers from various Ward-Clinics will have acquired Lifestyle Advisor skills and will be a great assert in the management of diseases of lifestyle in the community including HIV/AIDS, Hypertension, diabetes and TB, by the 29 of October-the last day of the four sessions. Dr Moosa of the Johannesburg Wits Family Medicine exclaimed, “I like it, this will help us achieve our goal as family physicians, the striking element is the nutritional education content embedded in the short course”.
Dr Moosa also said the content of the course played a larger part in helping the community understand PHC in general. The practical components of this short course distinguishes it from all other courses rendered to this caliber of community teams as it provides practical techniques that can be used successfully by any member of the community.
Participants will be able to advise and educate community members on adopting lifestyles for total wellness and in the treatment of diseases of lifestyle such as hypertension, diabetes and TB and in prolonging life using the Tibb philosophy.
Mr. Alcon Dube, president of Allied Communities Network remarked at the start of the training “We are indebted to the Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb that has opened our eyes to realise that our people have power to own their health and be able to deal with their health problems. I am excited by local government support of the programme and this should enhance sustainability of this programme and bring the government to the party in funding this initiative beyond the seed support by the Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb”.
After the first two day training, one of the beneficiaries at Chiawelo Clinic Gundo, who is coordinator for WABOT, commented “I now know how to take care of myself, visiting a clinic is about to be a thing of the past”. “I have never heard of anything like this, I need more material to use at my clinic”, exclaimed Lungile Xaba, health promoter at Zola Clinic in Soweto.
After completion of the training on the 29th October, Soweto residents will be urged to make use of CHWs at the clinics and in their wards for advice on health and lifestyle issues affecting their day-to-day lives.
The Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb hosted a two day CPD congress at the Capetonian hotel titled “Managing pathological processes associated with humoral imbalances” at the end of September 2015. The congress was offered to all registered medical practitioners of the HPCSA and AHCSA. The material was compiled by Dr Joy Saville and Professor Rashid Bhikha. Professor Bhikha, Dr’s Yumna Abrahams, Mujeeb Hoosen, Anisha Allie and Beatrice Mukarwego co-presented over the two days.
This congress briefly described the main concepts in Tibb including Physis, temperament, humours and lifestyle factors and their inter-relationship. The humoral theory was revisited and expanded upon especially in relation to pathological processes. Normal and abnormal humoral states were discussed in detail with consideration given to qualitative and quantitative imbalances.
Eight bodily systems were described according to the philosophy of Tibb including their temperament and their predisposition to qualitative or humoral excesses/abnormalities. The pathophysiology of 18 illness conditions were interpreted according to the philosophy of Tibb.
Research conducted at the Tibb Treatment Centre on evaluating the impact of eliminating humoral imbalances with herbal treatment was presented by the clinical supervisor, Dr Abrahams. The interim results of the research which began in May 2015 targeted an approach aimed at restoring humoral imbalances at a cellular and sub-cellular level. The results of this research project were significant with resolution of long-standing illness conditions occurring within days of treatment. This pilot study had a small sample size, but the results look very promising and research will continue in this area. The research will be completed in April 2016.
Tihesha Norman, a Grade 9 pupil from Heideveld High School, approached the Tibb Medical Centres offering to do some volunteer work for the organisation as part of her Life Orientation subject practical. She unsuccessfully approached various organisations. When she approached Tibb, her offer was gladly accepted and she joined the Tibb Medical Centre team for two days in September 2015 where she assisted with some administrative duties. It has been a privilege working with her and observing her excellent work ethic.
At the Tibb Medical Centres where up to 2500 patients are seen monthly, there is always lots to do and Tihesha’s assistance was greatly appreciated.
A new filing system is being implemented and many of the older files are being archived. This is quite a process and one of the major concerns during this process, is to find patient folders when one of these patients should return to be seen by a practitioner. Tihesha assisted by putting hundreds of files in account number sequential order, making it easier for reception to find a specific patient file. She hugely assisted to smooth out operations.
It is always a privilege working with learners and to see their eagerness and willingness to learn. Giving learners the opportunity to do voluntary work within the community is also an excellent way for them to get exposure to the real life of work and business, which is part of their preparation to be ready to enter the job market when leaving school and university.
Tihesha is a very pleasant person, always friendly with a beautiful smile who really stood out as somebody than can work independently with minimum supervision while delivering very accurate work.
Dr Raeesah Hassan joined the Tibb Medical Centres in September 2015 for a period of four months as junior doctor in order to gain practical and clinical experience.
She qualified as Tibb Practitioner in 2012 with a Bachelor of Complementary Medicine degree from the University of the Western Cape specialising in Unani-Tibb Medicine. This speciality degree is preceded by a Bachelor of Science degree in Complementary Health Sciences.
The Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb offers these graduates the opportunity to work in the Tibb Medical Centres in Cape Town for a period as junior doctors to gain practical experience in the form of a non-compulsory internship where they work under the supervision of experienced Tibb Practitioners. This is usually a valuable period in the lives of practitioners, not only since they gain the necessary practical and clinical experience, but also for the confidence it instils in them as practitioners.
Dr Hassan entered her own business, Empire Wellness Studios in Johannesburg, upon graduation and her decision to join the Tibb Medical Centres for a period to gain clinical experience and incorporate Tibb more prominently in her existing business, is a decision clearly showing her dedication to be successful within private practice. She is a Pilates Trainer and a master of mind-body empowerment.
As a result, she believes that when people are centred and connected, they are more open to wellness and lifestyle adjustments which is very much in line with Tibb philosophy. Her decision to put her business on hold for a few months is thus a decision in line with her own philosophy, namely to empower herself further in order to take the mind-body empowerment to the next level and she realised in order to do so she will need more clinical exposure.
Dr Hassan was recently married so her dedication to do this should be commended and we believe that her commitment will lead to her being a more effective Tibb Practitioner.
Tibb was part of the Khuseleka Model Launch held on 26 August 2015 at the Saartjie Baartman Centre for Women and Children (SBCWC) in Athlone, Cape Town. Khuseleka is a Zulu word meaning to protect or to offer a protected environment.
The Khuseleka Model is an initiative launched by the SBCWC to make it a one-stop centre were abused women and children can receive the necessary help without having to leave the premises. As the Tibb Medical Centres are located on the same premises and also provides free natural healthcare services to the residents of the SBCWC, they did not only exhibit at the event, but also formed part of the tour of the premises where Tibb was introduced to many people not fully aware of what it has to offer.
The keynote address was done by Minister Albert Fritz, MEC of Social Development in the Western Cape. It was furthermore attended by numerous organisations like:
• The South African Police Service;
• Adv. H. Mohamed of the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development;
• Adv. Bronwyn Pithey of the National Prosecuting Authority;
• Ms. Vonita Thompson of the Department of Health; and
• Ms Joy Lange of the Western Cape Shelter Movement.
Shaheema McLeod, Director of SBCWC, gave a reflection of the past 16 years of the shelter and Rachel Peterson, one of the SBCWC employees and former resident in the shelter shared her heartfelt story about abuse and what the SBCWC meant to her on her road to recovery.
It is always a privilege to be part of such an initiative and to realise that because the Tibb Medical Centres are so well situation, it offers a valuable contribution even to an environment like this which is not directly in the medical field.
Third and Fourth year students of UWC, School of Natural Medicine spend time observing clinical practice by our Senior Doctors. Fifth year Students, under the supervision of our Senior Doctors, consults with patients. Our Clinic is well suited for their clinical practice, as it is one of the few Clinics, who offers and practice only with Natural Medicine and alternative therapies i.e. massage and cupping.
Tibb Medical Centre, sees up to 2,000 patients per month, assists the students with ganining practical experience and completing their clinical hours, within our Clinics. Therefore, not only students, who are studying Tibb Medicine, but also students who are studying the other modulaties at the UWC, School of Natural Medicine, visits our clinic
Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb was invited to speak at the Young Urban Women’s Project – a project of Wellness Foundation with support from Action Aid. “The Wellness Foundation, formerly known as The AIDS Response Trust, has been providing wellness services to organisations, community health care workers and secondary caregivers since 2001. Our mission is to mobilise and support individuals, organisations and communities through capacitating and empowering them to respond in a caring, creative and sustainable manner to the challenges they face. Our vision is to create a caring, inclusive and WELL society. We believe that wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and learning to make good choices that lead toward a longer and healthier existence.”
Dr Ferial De Jongh’s input on sexuality was well received by the group of almost 400 young women from all over the Cape Flats, i.e. Khayelitsha, Langa, Gugulethu, Nyanga, Hanover Park, Manenberg, Elsies River, Bonteheuwel etc. The participants were from different cultures, religions and aged between 15 and 35 years old.
A Synopsis of her talk: Sexuality is a lot more than satisfying a physical human need. Issues such as intimacy, sexual preference toward a specific gender, creating an emotional bond between two people as well as the purpose of procreation comes into play. Being sexy is a state of being and this differs from person to person. Dr Ferial explored how sexuality is viewed holistically, from using the Temperament Theory which recognises each individual as a uniquely created being with his or her own purpose whilst also viewing the physical body from a mind, body and spirit perspective.
As a female goes through life, physical changes take place in her body. Societal influence has a major impact on our ideas of sexuality, but in her humble opinion she believes that sexuality starts from within. As a female she believes her femininity is her greatest strength.
Fana Bombakazi, an enrolled nurse spoke to the delegates, who were mostly xhosa speaking young women about healthy living and Caroline Davids assisted with the distribution of literature and speaking to delegates.
On the 13th June, close to a hundred community based healthcare workers graduated as Tibb Lifestyle Advisors at the YMCA community hall in Soweto. This was indeed a day of celebration for the successful candidates, the directors of Allied Communities Network and members of the Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb. The event was the culmination of a training programme of project and programme officers from 84 selected community organisations in Soweto. The training that commenced at the Careers Centre in Diepkloof on the 13th April 2015, was funded by the Institute and coordinated by Allied Communities Network.
Ninety seven (97), Lifestyle Advisors from seventy five (75) community organisations successfully completed the programme. The Tibb Lifestyle Advisors will be able to advise and educate community members on adopting lifestyles changes in health promotion and in the management of illnesses including hypertension, diabetes, HIV & AIDS and asthma using the Tibb philosophy.
Seventy five wellness desks will be opened, where community members can walk in for advice on health promotion and in the management of chronic illness conditions, free of cost. The activities of the Lifestyle Advisors are supported with educational material printed in all the key South African languages. Through the relentless efforts of our partners we have been able to make a positive impact to thousands of individuals over the years.
The Institute of Tibb is delighted to be represented by such a dedicated and committed new team of Lifestyle ambassadors who will certainly carry the Tibb flag with pride.
One of the staff members at the Tibb Medical Centre in Cape Town was diagnosed with a very high cholesterol reading of 8 when taking the Vitality health check at one of the chain store outlets and he was referred to a medical doctor for investigation. After being sent for blood tests, it was found that his blood cholesterol levels were indeed 8, of which 1 was the good HDL cholesterol, leaving the bad LDL cholesterol levels at 7.
With a high cholesterol level like this, the medical doctor suggested that he takes Statin medication, a very well-known allopathic drug to lower cholesterol, for two months and then re-evaluate the situation and consider the way forward. The reason for the high cholesterol levels according to the doctor was purely hereditary since there was a history of high cholesterol and heart attacks in the family and he himself followed a very healthy diet and exercise programme. He thus agreed and started using the prescribed statins.
About a week after starting the use of the medication the side-effects started to occur and it gradually became worse and worse. The first really bad side effect was the development of pimple-like bumps all over his body which was confirmed as one of the very rare side effects of the specific medication by a pharmacist. About three weeks after the medication was started the muscle weakness occurred and it became so bad that the one weekend he was basically in bed most of the time struggling to move around and without any strength in his fingers to even hold a fork to eat with.
Then a decision was made to stop using the statin medication immediately. He was recommended to go see the medical doctor again so that a different statin without the side-effects can be prescribed, however, he decided against it and made the decision to take responsibility for his own health instead and to empower himself with the necessary knowledge to be able to make the correct decisions regarding this cholesterol matter.
He started using herbal medication to lower the cholesterol and discussed the matter with one of the Tibb Practitioners who did another cholesterol reading for him, but it once again showed as high (8). She then recommended that he should add Magnesium to the herbal product in the form of both magnesium tablets as well as Mag Phos (Tissue Salt Number 8), since Magnesium is a “natural statin”.
A week later the Tibb Practitioner did a cholesterol test and it showed as 5.81 and it stands to reason that since the blood tests indicated that 1 is good HDL cholesterol, then the bad LDL cholesterol should be 4.81. Quite a good improvement. This was confirmed by the study of Marshall (2014:45) that Magnesium can be used as natural replacement for statins.
Then some research occurred where the herbal product was not used for a while and only the Magnesium and Mag Phos were used, but the cholesterol reading was 7.38 again. It was then decided that the combination of the herbal product with the Magnesium and Mag Phos tablets were a good combination to effectively deal with the high cholesterol levels and the best part of it all is the fact that it does not cause any side-effects.
Based on Tibb philosophy it is necessary for people to be empowered with knowledge so they can take responsibility for their own health and in this instance the Tibb staff member did exactly that. When reading the article from Marshall (2014) and seeing all the side-effects from allopathic statin medication, the question is asked whether it is worth the risk to use statins in the first place.
That is a decision every person has to make for themselves, but ultimately you weigh up the benefits of having low cholesterol levels with the detriment of suffering from severe side effects. In this specific case, the side-effects were too severe to endure and the natural alternative proved to be effective.
Resource List Marshall, T.M. (2014) New Insights into the Statin-Cholesterol Controversy [online]. Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, 19(2), pp. 42-46. Available from: [Accessed 14 May 2015].
In a natural and holistic approach to medicine it is believed that the root cause of the problem should be identified and treated instead of focusing the whole treatment regime on the symptoms. In line with this, research will be conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of herbal infusions in accomplishing this by going to the root cause of conditions.
In Tibb this is done by looking at temperaments and related qualities.
Tibb philosophy is based on the temperamental and humoral theory. In order to maintain health each individual has their own unique humoral composition in relation to their unique temperamental combination. Associated with each of the humours are qualities of heat, coldness, moistness and dryness which results in every person having a unique humoural composition with an ideal combination of qualities with one quality being dominant. For example an individual with a sanguinous/phlegmatic temperament will have a dominant quality of moistness (see chart).
Changes to this unique humoural composition, occurs from the influence of the Tibb lifestyle factors which include food and drink, environmental air and breathing, exercise and rest, sleep, emotions and eliminations of toxins – with the greatest influence being from food and drink. This change to the humoural composition will most likely occur from an excess of their dominant humour/temperament. However, humoural changes can also occur from an increase into other humours. This change to the ideal humoural balance leads to pathological processes resulting in illness conditions.
Changes to this ideal humoral composition occurs from the qualitative effect of Lifestyle Factors which physis (the body’s inherent wisdom) endeavours to restore homeostasis. Changes beyond the ability of physis to restore homeostasis results in pathological processes leading to signs and symptoms, associated with various illness conditions/systems of the body – all resulting from an excess of a particular humour.
The sanguinous humour is produced mostly from Hot & Moist foods, the excess of which will result in an overabundance of the Sanguinous humour. The phlegmatic humour is produced mostly from Cold & Moist foods, the excess of which will result in an overabundance of the Phlegmatic humour. The bilious humour is produced mostly from Hot & Dry foods, the excess of which will result in an overabundance of the Bilious humour. The melancholic humour is produced mostly from Cold & Dry foods, the excess of which will result in an overabundance of the Melancholic humour.
The aim of the research is to assess the impact of eliminating humoural imbalances with herbal infusions – and if necessary, herbal infusions together with herbal medications.
Targeting the elimination of excess humours at the initial onset of the pathological processes will prevent the progression of additional signs and symptoms/illness conditions. This approach is in keeping with the Tibb philosophy of the maintenance/restoration of health where therapeutic intervention is aimed at addressing the causes and not the symptoms. The success of this study will be beneficial to Tibb Practitioners in treatment protocols that restore homeostasis by eliminating excess humours which will most likely address signs and symptoms across various systems of the body associated with the excess humour. This approach will hopefully improve the recovery time, and also have an impact on reducing treatment cost, with an improved quality of life.
The research questions to be answered with the research are:
• Are the presenting signs and symptoms/illness conditions indicative of an excess humour in the patient?
• Does the presenting signs and symptoms/illness conditions corroborate with the dominant quality/ies of the dominant/sub-dominant temperament of the patient?
• What is the impact of prescribing herbal infusions (with or without herbal medication) in addressing/relieving the presenting signs and symptoms/illness conditions associated with the excess humour?
• What is the duration, dosage of the different herbal infusions (with or without herbal medication) in the treatment of the illness conditions associated with the different excess humours?
The research will be conducted professionally and therefore it is done only through qualified Tibb Practitioners registered with the Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa. The protocols to be used have been developed as well as the necessary ethical considerations and everyone at the Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb is curious and excited to see the results of the research.
The Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb has successfully concluded an agreement with Allied Communities Network a Soweto based non-profit in implementing a community lifestyle education programme over the next nine months in order to improve community health and reduce the health bill.
The Tibb Lifestyle Advisors training programme was launched on the 13th of April 2015 at Careers Centre in Diepkloof starting with the training of 168 project and programme officers from 84 selected community organisations in Soweto. The free training of community life style advisors is funded by the Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb and coordinated by Allied Communities Network. The training will end on the 6th of May.
On completion, participants will be able to advise and educate community members on adopting lifestyles changes in health promotion and in the management of illnesses including hypertension, diabetes, HIV & AIDS and asthma using the Tibb philosophy. Eighty four wellness desks will be opened in each one of the 84 organisations for ordinary community members as lifestyle clinics where community members can walk in for advice on health and wellness, free of cost.
The Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb has entered into an agreement with Islamic Medical Association (Gauteng branch) for the sponsoring and training a Tibb Lifestyle Advisor in the IMA clinic in Orland East, Soweto. The Tibb Lifestyle Advisor will support the clinic by providing Lifestyle Advice in healthy living as well as in the management of illnesses with the focus on chronic conditions. To facilitate the activities of the Tibb Lifestyle Advisor, educational flyers in English, Sotho, Zulu, Xhosa and Afrikaans on the following illness conditions are also made available to patients attending the clinic.
These include: Diabetes, Colds and Flu, HIV & AIDS, Hypertension, Tuberculosis, Asthma, Backache, High Cholesterol. A flyer on the Tibb approach in understanding illnesses “Healing with Tibb” as well as a flyer on dietary advice in health promotion and in the management of different illness conditions is also made available.
Feedback to the IMA co-ordinator Dr Yumna Mohamed and the Tibb team, from Sister Vinolia, the Tibb Lifestyle Advisor, has been very positive. She was really excited informing us that patients appreciate the information given to them with respect to how best to manage their illness conditions with lifestyle which includes diet, exercise, rest, proper breathing exercises, managing emotions and the elimination of toxins.
Introduction to the theory and practice of Tibb Medicine
The Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb is offering a short five (5) day course aimed at providing medical doctors (or equivalent healthcare professionals) with insights into the Tibb philosophical principles of healthcare, with the objective of enabling its implementation into their current practice in the form of integrative medicine. Tibb Medicine over the centuries has been known by many different names, including Greco-Arab medicine, Western herbal and Unani medicine.
As the founding principles of Tibb are in keeping with the Abrahamic scriptures, the Torah, the Bible and the Quran, relevant Prophetic traditions will be included in the course content.
Course Outline
• Day 1: Introduction to Philosophical principles of Tibb, with emphasis on identifying temperament.
• Content: Historical overview and unique features of Tibb Medicine. The Tibb philosophical principles and concepts of: creation, physis, qualities, temperament, humours and lifestyle factors. The holistic approach of Tibb is emphasized in the relationship between the individual and the environment within the context of tissues, organs, energies, faculties and functions
• Day 2: Etiology and Pathology – discussion on health promotion and the Lifestyle Factors, principles of cause and effect, pathological pathways and processes.
• Content: Etiology – of health and disease, principles of cause and effect, causes associated with temperament structure and function, causes associated with the six major lifestyle factors that comprise: environmental air and breathing, food and drink, movement and rest, emotions, sleep and wakefulness, elimination and retention, as well as the minor lifestyle factors.
Content: Pathology – differences in pathology between Tibb and conventional medicine, pathological processes and pathways in Tibb (qualitative/humoral/infectious/morphological – structural), qualities in relation to signs and symptoms. The role of physis during pathological processes, interpreting inflammation within the context of Tibb Medicine.
• Day 3: Diagnosis and Treatment – interpreting diagnosis and treatment based on the temperamental and humoral theories.
• Content: Diagnosis – comparison of Tibb diagnosis with conventional diagnosis, principles and techniques in Tibb diagnosis, identifying qualitative/humoral imbalances in relation to lifestyle factors, interpreting diagnosis from Tibb/conventional medicine. Content: Treatment – Physis and the body’s self-healing processes, fundamental principles of treatment, therapeutic options in Tibb, including pharmacology (herbal medicine), and hands-on (eliminative) treatments, with emphasis on therapeutic cupping.
• Day 4 and 5: Supervised practical sessions on the implementation of the above Tibb principles.
Course Venue:
Tibb Medical Centre (Saartjie Baartman Centre) Corner Klipfontein and Aries Road, Surrey Estate, Cape Town, 7764.
Course Dates:
06th October – 10th October 2014 (8:30am – 5:00pm).
Course Presenters:
Prof Rashid Bhikha, Dr Joy Saville, Dr John Glynn, Dr Yumna Abrahams, Dr Anisha Allie, Dr Mujeeb Hoosen, Dr Najwa Kisten, Dr Christo Scheepers, Dr Linda Mayer.
Course cost:
R5000.00 per person. Cost includes training modules/material, teas and lunch during the 5 days.
A certificate of attendance will be issued to participants who complete the course.
For more information contact Magdalene Lees on (011) 991 7323/079 223 8561 or via e-mail:
On Wednesday 19th August 2014, Prof Rashid Bhikha delivered the keynote address at the Traditional Medicine Celebration that was organized by the Gauteng Traditional and Faith Medical Practitioners (GTFMP) in Johannesburg. This celebration was in keeping with the World Health Organization’s theme for the current year focusing on “Collaboration between Conventional Medicine and Traditional Medicine”. Prof Bhikha’s presentation included the role that the Tibb Institute could play in supporting African Traditional Medicine (ATM) in promoting the integration of ATM with conventional medicine in South Africa.
The meeting was attended by traditional healers from the various branches of the GTFMP Association, representatives from Local and National Department of Health, Department of Agriculture, Council for Traditional Healers, as well as other organizations collaborating with traditional healers.
Feedback from the Traditional Healers Council was provided by Deputy Director Mr. Bruce Mbedzi who provided information on the progress made since the establishment of the council and their commitment to promote ATM. The Assistant Director from the National Department of Health Ms. Deborah Mothopeng who emphasized the DoH position on promoting the collaboration between practitioners of traditional medicine and practitioners of conventional medicine.
Of special note at the celebration was the presentation by Ms. Nomsa Dlamini (Chief Liason Officer – HIV & AIDS THP programme) providing an update on the role of traditional healers in the campaign again HIV & AIDS.
Colds and Flu are very common during the winter months and in order to empower people with the knowledge about it, a consumer talk was held in the boardroom of the Saartjie Baartman Shelter by Dr Christo Scheepers.
Part of the audience included three fifth year medical students from the University of Stellenbosch Medical School presently doing their compulsory elective in Complementary and Alternative Medicine at the Tibb Medical Centre on the same premises. This is very exciting as Tibb is not in opposition to allopathic medicine, but rather believes in integrative medicine and therefore it is believed that both lines have benefits, but also limitations. Combining allopathic medicine with natural medicine gives patients the best of both worlds. The consumer talk thus also included the conventional medical view as well as the Tibb view on colds and flu.
It is interesting to note that both Tibb and conventional medicine believes that colds and flu are caused by viruses, however, Tibb adds to it by seeing colds and flu as a disharmony in the body due to an excess coldness and moistness.
Antibiotics are ineffective when it comes to viral infections and therefore Tibb recommends assisting the body to heal itself of colds and flu by increasing heat and dryness by means of the six lifestyle factors, namely:
• Environmental air and breathing;
• Food and Drink;
• Exercise;
• Sleep;
• Emotions and feelings; and
• Elimination.
In the past doctors have prescribed antibiotics far too easily for colds and flu leading to people becoming immune to it and when they are really in need of antibiotics e.g. for a bacterial infection, then they have built up immunity against it and it does not want to work. Therefore Tibb offers a good alternative by assisting the body’s immune system to function optimally and fight the cold and flu from the inside out.
The consumer talk gave some insightful tips on how to assist the body in fighting colds and flu and the attendees found it very informative, inspiring and rated it as excellent. One of the medical students, Faika Ryklief, described it as very interesting.
Tibb is committed to providing all our representatives with adequate training on an ongoing basis. With this in mind, and subsequent to our recent review of social upliftment partnerships, our Lifestyle Advisors from all regions had a full and interactive one-day training session on Tuesday, 5th August 2014.
Trainees were given information on the concepts and philosophy of Tibb in general as well as in-depth knowledge on conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, colds and flus, asthma, backache, HIV and Aids and Tuberculosis.
Prof. Rashid Bhikha, chairman of the Institute further elaborated, “Ensuring the Lifestyle Advisors provide suitable and beneficial information to patients and the public at large is of utmost importance to us, as our advisors not only represent Tibb, but also because they hold a great responsibility to the people they serve. With this in mind we will educate, review and assess these roles at least twice a year.”
Tibb Medical Centre hosted two learners, Zintle Kibi and Zikhona Komoma, from the LEAP Science and Maths School in Pinelands during their job shadow Programme.
It was such an honour and great experience for both the learners and The Institute. After having hosted these learners, Caroline Davids, Western Cape Manager, commented “I feel more positive about the future in our country – we are indeed honoured as the Institute to form part of contributing to these young leaders education. The qualities that they displayed were evident in what their school strives towards.”
Both these learners are interested in studying towards a medical degree, and as they were not sure which way to go, chose our clinic to see what Tibb has to offer”.
LEAP Science and Maths Schools expect excellence – particularly in mathematics, science and English – and so guide young people towards a successful future.
One of the students commented “When assisting a patient don’t solve their health problems, by giving them medication, instead try to make sure they understand their illness”
The Institute’s Medical Centres in Cape Town participated at the Ilitha Labantu luncheon for 500 elderly people in Gugulethu, in honour of Mandelay Day on 18th July 2014.
In his State of the Nation Address, President Jacob Zuma announced that it is everyone’s responsibility to honour the legacy of the Former President Mandela; and carry forth his dream in creating a safer and better society for all.
We responded to this call and staff of both Langa and Saartjie Baartman Tibb Medical Centres participated in partnership with Ilitha Labantu, at an event for Mandela Day.
A luncheon for the elderly and senior clubs to raise awareness on the protection and promotion of the rights of the elderly people, was organised. It was also a platform to thank the elderly for their commitment and support in preserving democracy. More than 500 elderly people from different elderly clubs and structures from different areas were invited, namely Gugulethu, Phillipi, Elsies River, Mfuleni, Delft, Crossroads, Newcross, and Heinzpark.
Medical staff of both Langa and Saartjie Baartman Tibb Medical Centres participated by doing Blood pressure readings, advising patients of their reading, where we found, many of the elderly with elevated blood pressure and also general medical advice was given to the elderly.
Since May 2011, the Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb has forged health partnerships nationwide in an effort to alleviate the needs of all South Africans. Our partners are primarily health and welfare organizations, who have earned sound reputations with a commitment to social upliftment. On the 9th July 2014, all Gauteng partners met for a strategic and forward planning session at the Institute’s head office in Johannesburg.
The outcomes of this successful meeting are a renewed dedication towards healthcare delivery, poverty alleviation and a greater synergy not only between the Institute and the partners individually, but collectively amongst all role players.
All of the Institute’s partnerships are implemented in accordance with the needs of the particular partner organization and the communities they serve. We thus offer support in the form of human and physical resources, training, lifestyle advice, chronic illness management, food hampers and education, thereby enabling long-term improvement in the quality of life of the people that these organizations serve.
In attendance at this year’s strategic meeting were directors and lifestyle advisors representing Islamic Relief, Osizweni Community Centre, uSizo Lwanamuhla and Soweto Footprints. Each expressed commitment to health promotion through lifestyle changes and education; as well as caring for young children, the aged, people with chronic and terminal illness conditions and improvement in primary healthcare delivery through ongoing provision of resources.
More about our Partners: Islamic Relief is an international aid and development charity, which aims to alleviate the suffering of the world’s poorest people. It is an independent Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) founded in the UK in 1984 by Dr Hany El-Banna, Dr Essam El-Haddad, Dr Mohammed El-Alfy and Dr Ihsan Shabib. As well as responding to disasters and emergencies, Islamic Relief promotes economic and social development by working with local communities – regardless of race, religion or gender. Islamic Relief has a strong presence in South Africa with a commitment to sustainable community project Osizweni Community Centre The Osizweni Community Centre was established in 2008 by Islamic Relief to cater for the educational, health and social needs of the informal settlements surrounding Ennerdale.
The Centre provides assistance to orphans and vulnerable children and their guardians, as well as educational activities aimed at social upliftment and skills development. Counseling services are also offered to support people living with HIV and AIDS, orphans, and those affected by gender-based violence and social issues.
The Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb offers support through food hampers and Lifestyle Advisors. They are an integral part of Osizweni raising awareness and educating people on practical healthy living habits and improving the management of their chronic illnesses. uSizo Lwanamuhla is an organisation aimed at integrating modern medicine and African traditional healing in the fight against HIV and AIDS; and opportunistic diseases. Usizo promotes the use of Traditional Health Practitioners (THPs) in the development of a culturally relevant and comprehensive model of HIV and AIDS in the healthcare system. Their vision is to provide stigma free community and THP driven Voluntary Counselling, Testing and Referral services. They intend to develop the largest dynamic traditional-to-western healing centre in Africa. The Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb sponsors Lifestyle Advisors who advise on healthy living and chronic illness management.
Soweto Footprints is an organisation run by retired nurses serving the needs of the very poor living with HIV and other chronic illnesses around Soweto. The Society runs a hospice for the severely ill, known as Footprints. Tibb now sponsors a Tibb Lifestyle Advisor, an assistant caregiver and their driver to assist with the care and recovery of hospice patients. After discharge they follow up with home visits to achieve and then maintain a healthy lifestyle in their difficult home circumstances.
Alongside this, Tibb also sponsors home food gardens to meet their nutritional needs, and food hampers for those most in need. Soweto Footprints has extended its reach to include education at schools and also to adults. The Ibn Institute of Tibb will work alongside this dynamic organization in the venture.
The University of Stellenbosch Medical School has been known over the years for the high quality training they provide leading to excellently qualified medical doctors going into the marketplace. Doctors trained at this medical school has been sought after not only throughout South Africa, but even abroad.
It is a privilege for the Tibb Medical Centres to accommodate some of their medical students doing their compulsory elective in Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) in their fourth and fifth year and choosing to do so in the area of Unani-Tibb Medicine. It is believed that integrative medicine is the way of the future and medical students trained in this way will definitely be able to provide their patients one day with the best of both worlds by incorporating CAM into their allopathic medical practices.
These electives usually lasts four weeks in their fourth year of training and four weeks in their fifth week of training. The students can spend all the time in one CAM profession, but usually they spend two weeks with the Tibb Practitioners in the Tibb Medical Centres and the other two weeks with other CAM practitioners like Homeopaths, Naturopaths or Chiropractors.
This week Zafira Allie and Ilhaam van der Schyff, two fifth year M.B.Ch.B. medical students from the University of Stellenbosch Medical School have been joining the Tibb Practitioners in the Tibb Medical Centres for this purpose.
It is always interesting to receive their feedback about the experience and they are usually very excited about the possibilities natural medicine offer them and usually surprised that the Tibb Practitioners uses very scientific methods for examination and diagnosis and not the “airy-fairy” techniques they usually believe CAM practitioners use for their consultations.
In the past CAM practitioners have always been frowned upon by the allopathic medical practitioners, but since the CAM industry is a multi-billion dollar international industry and growing, they no longer just reject it, but start to realise the possibilities of actually incorporating it into their allopathic practices. There are numerous medical doctors in South Africa running very successful integrative private practices and it is believed that this might be the medical practices of the future.
The camera crew from Pearl Media visited the Tibb Medical Centre on the premises of the Saartjie Baartman Centre on 2 July 2014 to film a television insert about cupping that will be aired on the programme Health 365 which is broadcast at 11:30 on Fridays on the SABC 2 channel. Dr. Anisha Allie was interviewed and a cupping demonstration was done in order to make the public aware of this fascinating natural medical procedure.
Dr. Anisha Allie is a Tibb Practitioner trained at the University of the Western Cape working for the Tibb Medical Centres in Cape Town. She has numerous years of clinical experience both in the Tibb Medical Centres and in private practice, using cupping regularly as a procedure in order improve the health and wellness of patients.
Cupping is not unique to Dr. Allie, but is a procedure known in the natural medical fraternity and used in various forms by different practitioners. The Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture practitioners uses a form of cupping where glass cups are used and vacuum is created by means of a flame and then the cups are placed on the body. Tibb Practitioners uses a different type of cup where the intensity of the vacuum can be regulated during the cupping session.
Cupping is an ancient therapy stimulating certain points on the body by creating a vacuum in a suction cup that leads to increased blood flow to the area in the body. The logic behind it is that cupping draws impurities, toxins, pain and inflammation away from the deeper tissues and organs towards the skin where it can be eliminated in order to restore balance to the body.
Cupping is a good choice of treatment when your body needs some assistance with pain relief or toxin removal. People very sensitive to allopathic medication that cannot use medication for pain relief during the working day due to them becoming drowsy, may find cupping a very good alternative. During cupping the area being cupped usually feels warm, similar to the feeling when rubbing something like Rumaflam Cream or Deepheat on the area. Afterwards the area might be temporarily red, discoloured or swollen, but after a few weeks the area should return to normal.
There are mainly three types of cupping:
• Dry Cupping – This is when a vacuum is created in a cup applied to the skin and is used to draw underlying blood and fluid to the surface of the skin away from the inflammation. This relieves congestion and improves blood flow to the site being cupped, facilitating the healing process.
• Wet Cupping – After the cups are applied the skin below the cup is cut very lightly several times so that a small amount of blood flows into the cup and can be removed. This method is used to eliminate excess body fluid and toxins that causes disease.
• Sliding Cupping – The cups are moved along the surface of the skin while the suction of the skin is active, causing pulling of the skin and muscle. This method basically “massages” the body with the cups. This promotes local blood circulation, helps supply more oxygen to the tissues and stimulates the nerves. This method can be used for the treatment of cellulite and water retention and is the method of choice for promoting lymphatic drainage.
The use of cupping is not only a procedure used by practitioners, but it is sometimes also used for religious purposes in certain religions.
Cupping has many benefits, but there are certain contra-indications so it is always encouraged that people make use of appropriately trained practitioners registered with the Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa to make sure they receive the best form of treatment, but also to rest assured that their best interests are taken care of
The congress, supported by the Turkish Department of Health, was represented by numerous local organizations as well as international participants from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Kingdom, Germany and North Africa. The congress was organized in response to the global revival of Prophetic Medicine (Tibb al-Nabawi). Numerous research papers were presented validating the practical application of Tibb al-Nabawi in the management and treatment of various illness conditions using both herbal medication as well as therapies such as cupping.
Prof Bhikha presented a paper entitled “Tibb al-Nabawi healthcare for all ages”, highlighting that the philosophical principles of Tibb al-Nabawi, based on the temperamental and humoral theory, are as relevant today as during the time of the founders of medicine Hippocrates, Galen and Ibn Sina. In addition his paper discussed incorporating these principles with conventional medicine to address the current challenges facing healthcare globally in an Integrative Model.
Whilst conventional medicine has made tremendous technological strides in diagnostics, the Tibb principles of physis, temperament, humours, qualities and lifestyle factors can greatly enhance the current practice of medicine by providing a comprehensive understanding of aeitology, pathology, diagnosis and treatment that not only address the symptoms but also the causes of illness conditions.
The congress, supported by the Turkish Department of Health, was represented by numerous local organizations as well as international participants from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Kingdom, Germany and North Africa. The congress was organized in response to the global revival of Prophetic Medicine (Tibb al-Nabawi). Numerous research papers were presented validating the practical application of Tibb al-Nabawi in the management and treatment of various illness conditions using both herbal medication as well as therapies such as cupping.
Prof Bhikha presented a paper entitled “Tibb al-Nabawi healthcare for all ages”, highlighting that the philosophical principles of Tibb al-Nabawi, based on the temperamental and humoral theory, are as relevant today as during the time of the founders of medicine Hippocrates, Galen and Ibn Sina. In addition his paper discussed incorporating these principles with conventional medicine to address the current challenges facing healthcare globally in an Integrative Model.
Whilst conventional medicine has made tremendous technological strides in diagnostics, the Tibb principles of physis, temperament, humours, qualities and lifestyle factors can greatly enhance the current practice of medicine by providing a comprehensive understanding of aeitology, pathology, diagnosis and treatment that not only address the symptoms but also the causes of illness conditions.
The Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb is wholly committed to social upliftment through provision and partnerships in the health scenario. Over the past few years, active partnerships have been established with several NGO’s and Primary Health Care Clinics who share the same vision for provision of effective medical solutions that address all aspects of a patient’s well-being.
Partnering with suitable organisations to address the needs of impoverished communities throughout South Africa is implemented in accordance with the needs of the particular organization but by and large involves human and physical resources and training, lifestyle advice and chronic illness management, food hampers and education to enable long-term improvement in the communities.
In June 2014, Prof. Bhikha, Nasima Mohamed and Nasira Bhikha will review all partnerships and re-establish contracts in an effort to improve Tibb’s service delivery and work towards new opportunites as well.
This review was kicked off with a successful meeting and renewal of contract with uSizo Lwanamuhla with whom the Institute has a long and fruitful relationship. The commonalities between Tibb and African Traditional Medicine are well-known and it is only fitting that a union of Tibb and uSizo would have a common goal of holistic health through integrative medicine.
uSizo Lwanamuhla uSizo Lwanamuhla is an organisation whose aim is to integrate modern medicine and African traditional healing in the fight against HIV and AIDS and opportunistic diseases, by promoting the use of Traditional Health Practitioners (THPs) in the development of a culturally relevant and comprehensive model of HIV and AIDS health care delivery system. Their vision is to provide stigma free community and THP driven Voluntary Counselling, Testing and Referral services. They intend to develop the largest dynamic traditional-to-western healing centre in Africa. The Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb have created a partnership with Usizo and sponsors Lifestyle Advisors who advise on healthy living and chronic illness management.
In an effort to improve the conditions of the people of our country, The Institute of Tibb will continue in its quest for health delivery with like-minded established and credible organisations who also strive for a healthier South Africa.
On 14 May 2014 a consumer talk on Stress was presented by Dr Christo Scheepers at the Radio 786 Training Venue in Athlone, Cape Town.
Statistics indicate that 85% of illness conditions are stress related and usually even the ones that are not caused by stress, are negatively affected by it. Statistics furthermore indicate that 70% of all deaths in the U.S.A. is due to chronic conditions. Stress negatively affects chronic conditions and therefore it is necessary to deal with it effectively.
Stress is not a strange word for anyone, because most people experience it at some point in their lives while others experience it over a longer term and it is normally just the severity of the stress that is different. Each person experiences stress differently, in other words, for one person it might be very stressful to drive in rush hour traffic, yet for the next person it is not stressful at all and they even use the time in traffic to listen to relaxing music.
The different forms of stress have been discussed while keeping in mind that some people put themselves in certain stressful situation and by just removing themselves out of the situation, will reduce their stress levels while others are in stressful situations that are outside their control and they have to live with it and adjust to it without the stress totally taking over their lives. Stress affects a person holistically; physically, mentally, emotionally, behaviourally and even socially. Dealing with stress should consequently be a holistic attempt and Tibb offers the ideal approach, especially since Tibb is classified as a Western Holistic Approach to wellness.
From a Tibb perspective it is believed that certain temperaments are more affected by stress than others so temperament is taken into consideration when dealing with stress, making the approach not only holistic, but also individualised for each person.
Tibb believes that stress is a result of an increase in heat and dryness in the body so these qualities are taken into consideration during any treatment or stress management programme in order for lifestyle factors to balance out any imbalance of these qualities in the body. The result is proposed to be a decrease in stress levels, but also a reduced risk in developing more severe stress related illness conditions.
Tibb offers various stress related products, but also enhances the stress management approach with procedures like massage and cupping.
Stress leads to illness conditions, but by taking responsibility for your own health and wellness by implementing a healthy living lifestyle programme, it can be effectively managed leaving you to enjoy life with reduced stress levels.
Tibb as profession falls within the Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) fraternity in South Africa formally regulated by the Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa (AHPCSA).
Tibb is seen as Western Herbal or Western Holistic Medicine and as such promotes a holistic and natural approach to patient care and dealing with illness by especially focusing on lifestyle management.
The clinic administrator of the Tibb Medical Centres in Cape Town had to undergo sinus surgery recently after pursuing various natural, holistic and even allopathic approaches to dealing with the problem. It turned out to be a structural problem for which surgery was the last remaining option. He is back at work again and with a big smile enjoys being able to breathe normally again.
This whole outing to the hospital and operating theatre highlighted once again the age old question of which approach to medicine is best; complementary and alternative medicine or rather allopathic medicine? It also brought the question to the front of whether medical approaches is better or whether more invasive treatment approaches like surgery is preferred.
It is known to everyone that most allopathic medication has side-effects linked to it and especially when using chemical medication over an extended period of time, it can lead to a person experiencing certain side effects. Does this make the use of allopathic medicine bad? Definitely not! There is a place for allopathic medicine, but there is also a place for natural medicine.
Natural medicine is especially effective for chronic conditions on its own or in combination with allopathic medication. It is important to note that if you are on allopathic medication for a condition already, it is not advised that you start using herbal products without consulting a properly qualified and registered practitioner first since natural products can clash with allopathic medication causing severe side effects or causing allopathic medication to become less effective.
Many people control their illness conditions for many years with only natural medication and by adjusting their lifestyle factors. Others may need allopathic medication. However, sometimes neither natural nor allopathic medication is working and then surgery might be the only option to bring relief.
Surgery is a very invasive procedure and not without risk, but sometimes it is the only option.
Asking the question of which approach is better; complementary medicine, allopathic medicine or surgery, is the wrong question since each of these approaches are necessary and needed.
The correct question to ask is rather, which approach is needed for each individual? Complementary medicine might work for the one person while allopathic medication may work for the next person, but sometimes only surgery might be effective for yet another person.
Tibb does not only see itself as falling within the CAM industry, but it is rather seen as integrative medicine by standing alongside various healthcare practitioners while offering a unique approach to dealing with illness conditions.
Tibb is not against allopathic medication or surgery, but believes in empowering people with the knowledge to take responsibility for their own health and therefore it is mostly suggested that with the treatment of any condition, the less invasive approach with the least side-effects are attempted first, before resorting to more invasive procedures and approaches.
On 16 April 2014 a consumer talk on Diabetes has been presented by Dr Christo Scheepers at the Radio 786 Training Venue in Athlone, Cape Town. The presentation was attended by 7 adults and 1 child.
This is a good representation of Tibb’s dedication of empowering people with knowledge so they can take responsibility for their own health, because whether 8 people attend the talk or whether 400 people attend the talk as happened last year when it was done for the Department of Social Development, it is done with dedication and determination.
The presentation proved to be a challenge as some technical difficulties were experienced between the computer and the projector leaving Christo without a visual powerpoint to use, but in the spirit of Tibb where the motto is that the only thing that is constant, is change, it was dealt with creatively. The presentation was done without any visual powerpoint, but it resulted in a very interactive discussion with many questions being answered. Even though the technology did not function as expected, the attendees enjoyed the talk and did not only experience it as very informative, but even rated it between good and excellent.
Tibb sees each person as a unique individual with a certain temperament and each temperament has certain qualities of heat, cold, moistness or dryness associated with it. It is believed that Diabetes is the result of an excess of moistness in the body and therefore the approach is recommended is to decrease moisture in the body by increasing heat and dryness through the six lifestyle factors, namely air and breathing, food and drink, sleep, exercise, emotions and elimination. These lifestyle factors can be used to effectively produce a specific quality in the body and therefore a healthy lifestyle is recommended based on it.
These lifestyle factors are essential in dealing with Type 2 Diabetes by adjusting your lifestyle to reduce the excess moisture in the body. Such a customised lifestyle programme is usually developed in consultation with a Tibb Practitioner. It is always recommended that you consult with your practitioner when you want to add any natural medication to the medication you are already taking and when you want to get a customise lifestyle programme designed especially for your unique temperament, needs and what you want to achieve with it.
Prevention is better than cure, especially when it comes to a chronic condition like Diabetes. Prevention is in the form of adjusting your lifestyle in order for you to live a healthier lifestyle by eating appropriately, getting enough sleep and doing the right exercise. It is about knowing your temperament and living a healthy lifestyle based on the factors recommended for your unique temperament.
Dr Christo Scheepers presented a consumer talk on Healthy Living on 9 April 2014 at the Saartjie Baartman Centre in Athlone, Cape Town in order to empower attendees to take responsibility for their own health and wellness.
When going to the doctor people are usually told to live healthy, to do exercise and to eat right. Why? Most people do not really know why this advice is given except for a general perception that it leads to health and wellness. In the consumer talk this was dealt with in more detail, explaining why each of the lifestyle factors can lead to health and wellness.
Tibb believes there are six lifestyle factors, namely:
• Environmental air and breathing;
• Food and drink;
• Movement and rest;
• Sleep and wakefulness;
• Emotions and feelings; and
• Elimination.
Each of these lifestyle factors were discussed focusing on the qualities it creates in the body and how it affects people individually based on the qualities associated with their respective temperaments. Living a healthy lifestyle is not only about doing exercise and eating healthy food, but it is about doing the correct exercise and eating the correct food for your unique temperament. Furthermore it is about correct breathing and elimination, dealing with emotions and feelings and getting the correct amount of sleep for your temperament.
The qualitative influence of lifestyle factors can result in health and wellness when effectively managed, but can result in disease when poorly managed. To fully understand this, the qualities associated with each temperament were discussed making it known that if the lifestyle factors increase the associated quality it can lead to disease and therefore it should be attempted to balance it out by increasing the opposite quality instead. This is done by effectively managing lifestyle factors.
Healthy living is a choice and sometimes people need to be motivated enough to make the correct choice by informing them of the pros and cons. Sometimes healthy living seems like a distant ideal, but due to being stuck in a comfort zone it seems impossible to achieve. When it is realised that healthy living is obtainable, it is much easier to choose a road to wellness instead of staying within the comfort zone.
Due to the fast paced life most people are living in the 21st century, it is much easier to buy junk food, but by making the choice to instead learn how to make healthy food fast and easy, it can lead to wellness. Making the choice to rather exercise instead of watching television might not seem like an exciting option, until you participate in the exercise recommended for your unique temperament and then realising it is not only fun, but also makes you feel good and leads to wellness. Sometimes the choice for healthy living is not a drastic change, but it starts with the intention to live healthy and then a few small changes in lifestyle may make a huge difference on the road to wellness.
The attendees really enjoyed the talk, rating it as excellent and very informative. You can also live a healthy life of wellness! Make the decision today!
The Institute has been participating at the Annual Radio 786 Health Fair for the past seven years.
This year, the Health Fair, took on a different objective, by promoting health through sport. The Sports Festival took place over two days, 29th – 30th March 2014, at the Turfhall Stadium in Athlone. Various schools, as well as sports clubs were invited to participate.
The Institute was one of the main sponsors at the event and used this opportunity to promote the Tibb brand as well as raise awareness of our Tibb philosophy.
This was not only good for our communities, but also saw many clubs in our communities, enrolling new members, in their clubs. Young and old, came out to participate over the weekend.Many older members in the communities forgot how much fun it is to participate in sport. Encouraging our children to participate in sport, will ensure our communities lead healthier lifestyles.
The Festival saw more than eight thousand people participating, in various sports codes, which included, cricket, soccer, rugby, volleyball, marching drill squads, power lifting etc.
On Sunday morning, more than a thousand runners completed a 7.86km Run/Walk, the winners finishing in less time than it seems possible, 21 minutes for the men and 24 minutes for the women. The youngest participants in prams and the oldest participant 82 years old
Thursday 27th March 2014 marked yet another milestone in the community of Ennerdale, with two major players in the fight for positive lifestyle adjustments, namely Department of Health and The Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb opened their doors to the community at the Osizweni Community Centre and offered free and convenient TB screening.
The Osizweni Community Centre was established in 2008 by Islamic Relief to cater for the educational, health and social needs of the informal settlements surrounding Ennerdale. The Centre provides assistance to orphans and vulnerable children and their guardians, as well as educational activities aimed at social upliftment and skills development.
Counseling services are also offered to support people living with HIV and AIDS, orphans, and those affected by gender-based violence and social issues.
Just days before on the 25th of March, Mr. Emran Ahmod, the Social Development Manager of the Institute visited the centre and signed an extension to the existing partnership, continuing the services of 2 Lifestyle Advisors, for the impoverished community, for a further year
AfA employs an integrated approach to HIV & AIDS management that has been delivering excellence since 1998. Their approach is to act as a care-coordinator between the funder, doctors, pathology labs, pharmacies and patients. Supported by a team of world respected clinicians in the field, they offer the optimal care of patients with an end-to-end solution.
Both Dr Mothudi and Prof Bhikha believe that the synergies and focus of the two organisations in the importance of lifestyle adjustments for HIV & AIDS patients can be a platform for a possible partnership between the two organizations[
Tibb believes in empowering people to take responsibility for their own health instead of handing all power and responsibility to a practitioner to make these decisions on their behalf.
In line with this belief, Dr Christo Scheepers presented a consumer talk on Gastrointestinal Disorders on 5 March 2014 at the Radio 786 training facility in Cape Town.
The gastrointestinal tract or digestive tract, as it is commonly known, consists of the organs responsible for food intake, digestion, absorption and elimination. Some of the gastrointestinal disorders dealt with in the talk included constipation, diarrhoea and irritable bowel syndrome.
The talk focused on causes, symptoms and general advice for dealing with each condition while overall looking at the Tibb philosophy behind explanation and treatment of each.
Many Tibb products are available to deal with the various gastrointestinal disorders, but it was recommended that a practitioner should first be consulted before making use of over-the-counter medication, especially if the patient is already using other forms of medication. This will ensure that medicine do not clash with each other while ensuring it also does not work against each other.
The attendees enjoyed the talk indicating it as excellent and very informative. The one lady attending the talk confirmed what was being said with the words that one of her family members is a medical science lecturer at UCT and what was mentioned in the talk, is in line with what he is teaching his students.
These consumer talks are presented on a regular basis at various venues throughout Cape Town to empower the community with information setting them up to take responsibility for their own health, lifestyle and conditions.
Cooking for Your Body Type – Everyday Meals to suit your Temperament provides a compilation of delicious every day recipes in combination with the Tibb philosophy. First published in 2003, the Tibb Recipe book provides detailed understanding of each person’s unique disposition and how best to enhance health and well-being through individual dietary needs. A must-have for every home, this popular recipe book is a gastronomical delight with invaluable insight to the Tibb belief in food as medicine.
The Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb once again sets a precedence through its continued support of the Islamic Medical Association clinics in Malukazi and Marianhill, an organisation assisting the underprivileged communities of Kwa Zulu Natal. IMA have been working tirelessly for approximately 32 years on developing processes and structures from within, to help the “forgotten” people of KZN. Their three on site Primary Health Care Clinics in the poorest of the poorest areas namely Malukazi, Braemer, Marianhill and a Mobile Primary Health Care Clinic serving the Inchanga area bears testimony to their contributions.
The Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb has partnered with IMA, since 2011 and currently sponsors two Community Lifestyle Advisors, whose role is to raise awareness and educate people on practical healthy living habits and improving the management of their chronic illnesses. Tibb provides training to assist in this role. To supplement the advice given with practical support Tibb also sponsors food hampers and food gardens to those in need.
On the 19th of November 2013, Prof R Bhikha, the founder and chairman of the Institute visited the IMA clinic in Marianhill. This lasting impression led to the signing of an extension to the existing partnership on the 20th of February 2014, continuing the services of 2 Lifestyle Advisors, for the impoverished communities, for a further year.
Sister Honey Allee of IMA (KZN) had the following to say: – “The partnership with TIBB providing structured Health Education to patients coming to the IMA clinics over the last two years has proved to be a tremendous highlight for these patients. As a step forward TIBB have now started providing provisions and guidance for “kitchen gardens”. This has made a significant difference in the lives of the community served by the IMA. Progress has been made towards eradicating extreme poverty and hunger by providing 25 food parcels a month reaching 125 homes in the last year. This was for patients on ARV’s and TB medication. 10 food parcels per month was provided for “Granny headed” households reaching 50 homes. Provisions of seed and gardening equipment have been supplied to five homes in Malukazi, 3 homes in Marianhill and two homes in Braemer; all thanks to TIBB.”
Staff of both the Langa and Saartjie Baartman Clinics got together to plan the year ahead. After being in operation since 2006 in Langa and 2008 at Saartjie Baartman, we have learned some valuable lessons, to this end, we are implementing a new system this year at both our clinics, that we know will enhance the services offered to our patients.
Our clinics has seen a huge increase of patients numbers over the years, last year, we had to at times, close the clinic by 12.00 to ensure that we are able to assist all the patients at our centres. Patients arrive at our clinics before we open our doors at 8.00am.
We have increased the capacity of our Clinics, in order to assist more patients and serve the under privilege communities to whom natural medicine, or an alternative approach to health, would not be accessible without the assistance of the Institute. Through the expansion, we are aiming to see more than the 15,000 patients at the Saartjie Baartman clinic in 2014.
Our clinics are funded by the Institute and thus are able to offer a subsidized fee to our patients. The Clinic at Saartjie Baartman Centre also partners with the Saartjie Baartman Centre for Abused Women & Children and offers services to their clients at no charge.
Our clinics provide employment for recently qualified Tibb doctors, the clinic is also able to build on an important resource, that of recently qualified Tibb doctors.
The Saartjie Baartman Clinic is situated near the Cape Flats, an area with extremely high rates of crime, gangsterism, child abuse, unemployment, substance abuse and violence. There are few resources available in the surrounding areas and as a result the Centre provides services to a wide range of constituencies: neighbouring townships, farming communities in the Philippi area, Gugulethu, and ‘informal’ settlements.
The Langa community in Cape Town is an area characterized by underdevelopment, poor infrastructure and a dire lack of proper and sufficient civil services. The clinic provides community members with access to affordable healthcare as well as educational opportunities regarding the holistic approach of Tibb.
Strategically situated near one of the main transportation hubs of the Langa community, the clinic is perfectly positioned to assist large numbers of patients. The clinic also, contributes significantly to community health initiatives. Situated amongst other NGOs at the St. Francis Centre in Langa, the Clinic has become the medical service provider to other partners that we share the premises with. For the 2014 year we are aiming to see more than 12 000 patients.
The Tibb Clinic participates in various community upliftment activities, also offering, consumer talks to our patients, in order to empower them to take responsibility for their own health, especially to those patients who are diagnosed with chronic illnesses, e.g. Diabetes, Hypertension, High Cholesterol etc.
In keeping with its vision and mission statement
”Assisting any worthy external Aid Organisation, Charity or NGO with the aim of uplifting the conditions of underprivileged communities in South Africa in the areas of healthcare, education, spiritual upliftment, food programmes etc”
The Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb is proud to announce its continuous support of the Mustadafin Foundation, an organisation assisting the underprivileged communities of the Western Cape. Mustadafin was established in Cape Town in 1986 to address the issues of dependency, unemployment and illiteracy in South Africa, through developing partnerships and networks, encouraging healthy lifestyles, creating self-reliant communities and advocacy.
Services include community Home Based Care, HIV/AIDS support and awareness programmes, feeding for 15,000 people daily, early childhood development centres, and a Youth and Mental Health Division.
The Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb has partnered with Mustadafin, since 2011 and currently sponsors three Community Lifestyle Advisors, whose role is to raise awareness and educate people on practical healthy living habits and improving the management of their chronic illnesses. Tibb provides training to assist in this role. To supplement the advice given with practical support, Tibb has renovated and equipped the Lifestyle Advisors office in the heart of the community, it also sponsors food hampers, toiletries and linen for identified households in need.
On the 4th of February 2014, Prof R Bhikha, the founder and chairman of the Institute signed an extension of an existing partnership with Mustadafin, continuing the services of 3 Lifestyle Advisors, for the impoverished communities, for a further year.
Sister Ghairunisa Johnstone the Director of Mustadafin Foundation had the following to say: – “We at Mustadafin Foundation would like to thank the Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb for the on-going partnership in providing health services to impoverished communities.
Through your donation, we are able to employ three Lifestyle Advisors, educate approximately 1000 people per month about healthy life style choices, monitor and advise people dealing with chronic disease and tend the aged and frail who cannot access public health. Thirteen families are also provided with a monthly food parcel. We are grateful for the difference that your support makes to those in need. May the Almighty continue to place abundant blessing in what we are to accomplish together.”
On Monday the 3rd February Prof Rashid Bhikha met with the Western Cape MEC for Health, Mr. Theuns Botha, and discussed the Integration of the Tibb Lifestyle Approach in Health Promotion and in the Management of Chronic Illness Conditions. The Institute has over the past few years gained experience in the practical application of the Tibb 6 Lifestyle Factors in health promotion and in the management of chronic illnesses such as, Hypertension, Diabetes and HIV & AIDS. This experience was facilitated by the training and placing of Lifestyle Advisors in various Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) across the country. Copies of the Training Manuals as well as patient pamphlets used in the training activities of the Lifestyle Advisors were presented during the discussion.
In turn, Mr. Theuns Botha provided information on the Wellness Programmes that the Department of Health has initiated. Mr. Botha was of the opinion that the Tibb Lifestyle approach could most certainly add value to these programmes, and promised to arrange a meeting with the relevant doctors in the Wellness Programme.
Tibb – Traditional Roots of Medicine in Modern Routes to Health was the first book to be published by the Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb in July 2000. Written by Prof. Rashid Bhikha and Hakim Muhammad Abdul Haq, this is a concise and comprehensive publication that provides invaluable advice on the Tibb Philosophy, its diagnostic approach and the link between an individual’s Temperament.
This book is key to understanding Tibb’s approach to health maintenance and specific illness treatment. It is now available as a free download.
In January 2014 a combined research project will commence between the Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb and the Sultan Bahu Drug Rehabilitation Centre. The research will investigate the influence between temperament and substance use disorders and the research topic will therefore be: The influence of temperament on the pre-dispositions to and recovery from substance use disorders from the Tibb perspective.
The aim of the research is to determine whether there is a link between temperament and substance abuse. The significance of this research is to determine the link between temperament and substance abuse in order to make it possible to understand who is more prone to addiction, and allows for guidance in treatment to improve recovery based on the temperamental theory.
Qualitative research will be conducted within the Sultan Bahu Drug Rehabilitation Centre by means of questionnaires and/or interviews and then tracking the individuals’ progress throughout the programme.
4 Temperaments – 6 Lifestyle Factors is an interesting and motivating read aimed at the consumer and gives clear, explicit instructions on how to identify ones temperament. It also offers invaluable advice on lifestyle through individualized lifestyle programmes for each temperament. Written by Prof Rashid Bhikha, the book was first published in January 2006, with huge success.
We are delighted that the book is now available as a free download. Beautifully laid out, with a wealth of information on the health science of Tibb and the impact which all aspects of lifestyle has on health, this book is a must-have for every home……
On Friday the 30th August 2013, Tibb along with our partner Usizo Lwanamuhla were invited by the Gauteng Province to participate in a programme entitled ‘Celebrating African Traditional Medicine’ held in Duduza in the Ekurhuleni Metro. Amongst the guest speakers was Mr Hope Papo, Gauteng MEC for Health, Chief whip councilor Christina Sale and Traditional medicine standardization head of SABS Amanda Gcabashe. The programme was well received with over 600 people attending, 80 % of whom were traditional healers.
Tibb was well represented with banners, literature, medicine samples and 2 Gazebo’s set up in the hall, and 2 mobile HIV testing facilities manned by Usizo outside. Tibb was once again recognized by the Ekurhuleni Metro as an important partner in primary healthcare.
Modern Medicine is respected and accepted by all Africans. Its benefits and advancements can never be dispelled. Why is it then that over 80% of the continent’s population still relies on traditional medicine for their basic health needs? The answer is as deep rooted as our African culture and tradition because healing forms an integral part of the African belief system. It hardly matters whether you turn to your local Inyanga, Sangoma or o’dokotelo, the quest for good health has many paths and we need to pursue all of them. What is important is that we respect the benefits of the different treatment modalities and recognize that there is a time and place for each one. With such a large percentage of the population still relying heavily on traditional forms of healing, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has called on African governments to create conditions necessary for the use of traditional medicine to thrive on the continent. WHO’s African Regional Director has said that since 80 percent of Africans use traditional medicine for their healthcare needs, it is important for governments to promote its rational use and integration into their national health systems. He further noted that traditional medicine should be accorded with the status and respect it deserved.
This has led to greater awareness of the benefits of traditional medicine, to the extent that the last week in August is now recognized as National Traditional African Medicine week, with traditional healers and doctors working together to find auniquely African system of medicine.
What do we mean by African Traditional Medicine?
African Traditional medicine is a holistic discipline dating back more than 3500 years and involving the extensive use of indigenous herbs, sometimes combined with aspects of spirituality through prayer. It is often passed on from one generation to the next. Colonialism led to the misconception that African traditional Medicine was paganistic and implied that traditional healers were involved in witchcraft. These negative connotations have distorted the truth, wisdom and effectivity of this ancient form of healing.
In fact, history shows that the first form of medicineas we know it today did in fact originate right on the African continent. Imhotep, an Egyptian physician could arguably be considered as the founder of medicine, and it is from him that we find the first evidence and link between modern medicine as we know it today and African Traditional Medicine that is practiced throughout the continent. Many of the herbs, tools and practices used by Imhotep and his disciples form the core of both modern medicine as well as many forms of traditional healing.
In the last century, through various factors including westernization, urbanization and the decline in cultural awareness, traditional medicine has faced many challenges. The germ theory and growth of modern medicine has also shadowed the value of traditional healing. However, the fact that it remains the first port of call for so many Africans cannot be simply because of the cost effectiveness as claimed by modern medicine but rather because of the numerous benefits it still offers. Nevertheless, African Traditional Healers, together with the Department of Health government and healthcare providers have to take active strides in formalizing and structuring the modality to give it the longevity it deserves.
Tibb is a system of healing that has the same roots as African Traditional Medicine. It shares many of core principles and relies on the healing power of herbs and plants for many illness conditions. The Tibb system of healthcare, which is extensively practiced in Asia, has been introduced in our country since 1997. Tibb doctors have conducted extensive research on the link between the different forms of healing and are of the opinion that integrative medicine is possible as an answer to Africa’s health needs.
Both African Traditional Medicine and Tibb recognize the importance of spiritual health and the role it plays in the manifestation of physical disease. They also share common philosophies around the importance of elimination of blood or humoural cleansing. Tibb has therefore been active in addressing some of the educational needs of African Traditional Medicine including training on cupping therapy, the importance of lifestyle in maintaining health and managing diseases.
Let us celebrate the ancient wisdom of our ancestors not only through what we have learnt and gained, but also through commemoration, acceptance and remembrance by teaching our children. We live in a time and age where we are blessed with options. With regards to our healthcare, let us draw from the familiar and integrate into the modern to ultimately form a total and complete form of healing. We are, after all, blessed to have Africa coursing through our veins.
It is with great honour that the Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb announces the appointment of its Founder Professor Rashid Bhikha as an Honorary Professor at Hamdard Al-Majeed College of Eastern Medicine, Hamdard University, Pakistan.
The Institute and Hamdard University have had close collaboration since 1994 when Prof Bhikha met with the late Hakim Mohammed Said and with whom a Memorandum of Understanding exists. We are confident Professor Bhikha will fulfill this role with the same tenacity he has shown at the institute.
The Institute is committed to social development and spent its 67 minutes on the 18th of July at the Osizweni centre in Southern Johannesburg. The Insitute has partnered with Osizweni over the past 2 years assisting the organisation in fulfilling its mandate to the local communities. They provide a day-care and after-care facility caring for orphans and vulnerable children in the community.
Children from birth to 6 years receive daily meals at the day-care and are provided homework support at the after-care.
Osizweni also assists in helping the orphans apply for social grants, do home visits and distribute food parcels once a month. They run support groups for caregivers. In addition they teach community members aged 18 to 22 years income generating skills such as sewing, beadwork and gardening.
Osizweni’s services include: Child Abuse Prevention, Therapy and Treatment; Economic Empowerment Programmes; Educational Support; HIV and AIDS; Information Provision and Referral Services; Life Skills Training; Nutritional Support; Psycho-Social Support; Recreational Activities; Social Welfare/Support.
Prof Rashid Bhikha presented a paper on “Ibn Sina’s Medicine: Training and Practice in the 21st Century”, at an International Symposium on: “Bridging Cultures: Celebrating Ibn Sina on the Millennial Anniversary of his Qanun fi al-tibb” – that was held at Bahcesehir University, Istanbul Turkey.
Representatives from numerous countries including Canada, Syria, Azerbaijan, United States of America, China, Germany, together with many research scholars in Turkey, were invited to participate in the conference.
Topics covered included:
• An Introduction into the Life, Interests and Most Important Works of the Great Ibn Sina;
• Ibn Sina’s Theory, History and Meteria Medica;
• Cosmos, soul and body – Healing in the context of Ibn Sina’s philosophy;
• Potentials of the Qanun (Canon of Medicine): Contemporary applications;
Prof Bhikha’s presentation included the recognition of Unani-Tibb with the Department of Health, the various training initiatives including the training of Unani-Tibb doctors, the establishment of Unani-Tibb medical practices, as well as the public awareness campaign of the Tibb medical discipline. The delegates at the conference commented positively on the progress that was made in South Africa, on the globalization of Tibb.


Osizweni Community Centre, a centre for orphans and their guardians who are infected and affected by HIV AIDS, is celebrating the completion of its roof covering on 19th January 2013. The solid timber and steel awning has been sponsored by the Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb, and a number of private donors and Islamic Relief Worldwide SA. The awning enables activities to take place while protected from the sun and rain. This benefits support groups and community events, as well as the daycare and aftercare children who now have the space to eat and play.
The Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb sponsored a vehicle to the Aurum Institute on the 14th May 2012.
The vehicle will enable the Aurum Institute to reach prospective clients in local SMEs in Selby, Booysens and other areas. The vehicle is branded with both the Institutes logos further cementing the partnership between these Institutions.
Prof. Bhikha handed over the keys to the vehicle to Aurum’s representative at the premises on the Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb.
The Footprints Hospice home based care service got a big boost all thanks to the Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb’s R240 000 sponsorship.
Hospice manager Marry Jwani said they applied for the sponsorship in October 2011. “An inspection was carried out by the Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb and they were impressed by the work and efforts on the hospice”. The funds will be used to pay the salaries of the community health nurse, the ancillary health worker and the driver. Lucy from the Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb said.
“This enables them to provide health education, preventative advice, medicine support, diet improvements, practical exercise sessions and other services”. The funds also provide for food hampers and the food garden.
Prof Rashid Bhikha presented a paper on the “Progress in Education and the Practice of Unani-Tibb in South Africa”, at an International Conference on: History, Culture and Science: Asian and European Perspectives on Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) that was held at Ruhr-Universitat Bochum Germany. Representatives from numerous countries including Iran, France, United Kingdom, Australia, India, Pakistan, together with many research scholars in Germany, were invited to participate in the conference.
Topics covered included: (1) Medical Knowledge and Culture Identity- Historical Perspectives; (2) Worlds Apart? Comparison of Medical Concepts, Methods of Diagnosis and Therapy; (3) CAM Pharmacology between Medical Practice, Science, and the Market; and (4) Medical Pluralism Today: State, Society, and Globalization, in which Prof Bhikha participated.
Prof Bhikha’s presentation included the recognition of Unani-Tibb with the Department of Health, the various training initiatives including the training of Unani-Tibb doctors, the establishment of Unani-Tibb medical practices, as well as the public awareness campaign of the Tibb medical discipline.
The delegates at the conference commented positively on the progress that was made in South Africa, on the globalization of Unani-Tibb.
Osizweni Community Centre, an educational and counseling centre for orphans and their guardians, held a Healthy Living Day on 23 February. Many local NGOS took part, including Jozi Hlomile, Siyathuthuka, and Hlergiwe Women of Destiny.
Representatives from Government were also there, including the Community Worker Programme and the Department of Environmental Health. The event started off energetically at 7am with a vigorous 5km walk around Ennerdale involving the young and young-at-heart, men, women and children. Marshals in luminous yellow jackets and a bakkie containing first aiders helped to make this part of the day go smoothly.
Participants gathered to run races inside the perimeter of Osizweni, before different community groups performed songs. The local Department of Health led an exercise programme for everyone to join in. The Centre Manger, Lettie Ngubeni, and Alinah Mabaso, the Tibb Lifestyle Advisor, then celebrated the launch of the Homestead garden project – distributing 60 wheelbarrows donated by Tibb to those who were making the most effort with their gardens. 280 families from the community have now begun to establish homestead gardens. Women sold vegetables from individual gardens and from Osizweni’s community garden to those attending.
And people queued patiently for the final item on the agenda: a nutritious and balanced lunch, which included centre-grown vegetables. Anna Motloung, 58, from Mountain View, who won a medal for winning the walk and who also received a wheelbarrow, said: “I feel very happy with how Osizweni is helping me and others around me. They are encouraging me to live a healthy lifestyle, and now I have a garden I don’t struggle buying vegetables and I feel much better.”
The Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb has a proud history of providing healthcare and life practices founded on age old principles of preventative integrated care and developed through rigorous scientific research. The Tibb health sciences are perfectly suited to the South African environment that requires empowering, effective and sustainable forms of health care.
In keeping in with its commitment to community health the TIBB Institute works with and supports many health and care-giving NGO’s, especially in communities suffering from the devastating effects of HIV / AIDS and TB. On 3 February 2012, the Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb agreed to provide R500 000 in funding to the Aurum Institute to advise on lifestyle adjustment for people living with HIV and TB within Johannesburg’s inner city.
The joint initiative will be centred on Aurum’s well-established health clinic at the busy Bree Street Taxi Rank, through which 500,000 commuters pass every day, driven by more than 500 drivers. Over 20,000 people have been tested for HIV or TB by the Aurum clinic team since inception in 2008. ’This initiative with Aurum is particularly ground-breaking’ said Professor Rashid Bhikha, founder and chairman of the Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb. ‘We will assist in providing Tibb-trained nurses who can show tested patients how to take simple but important steps to improve their own health.’ Tibb will also fund a vehicle enabling Aurum to reach prospective clients in local SMEs in Selby, Booysens and other areas. ‘We’re very pleased with this new partnership, which will give a new dimension to our counseling endeavours, particularly in assisting clients to understand the importance of diet, exercise, nutrition and other health-seeking behaviours in an holistic view of health’, said Aurum Deputy CEO Dr Dave Clark, ‘and we look forward to sharing this knowledge with the City of Johannesburg Higher Ability Selection Test (HAST) Programme’.
The Aurum Institute is an internationally recognised, specialist research and health programme implementation organisation. Aurum has spent the last decade focused on researching, monitoring, treating and managing the HIV and TB co-epidemic, making a substantial and measurable difference to the lives of the people of Southern Africa.
The Tibb Institute presented a cupping workshop to the 33 members of the Gauteng Traditional and Faith Medical Practitioners (GTFMP) on the 24th November 2011, in support of the partnership drawn up between the two medical bodies. The GTFMP use U Ku-Gcaba, an eliminative therapy, which has a similar premise to that of cupping. The workshop was aimed at empowering traditional healers on the rationale and clinical benefits of cupping. Tibb practitioners Dr. Joy Saville and Professor Rashid Bhikha presented the workshop. This is the first of the workshops in the partnership between the institute and the GTFMP
Dr Mujeeb Hoosen was invited by Mr Eugene Daniels, the Director of the Department of Eduction, Metro South District, to facilitate a talk on “Temperaments and relations in the workplace” on 10 June 2011 at their staff teambuilding, which included all staff i.e. Management as well as Support Staff.
Mr Daniels attended a previous talk of Dr Hoosen and was very impressed and invited him to speak to the staff, as they had lots of conflict in the Department.
The talk brought about many “lightbulb” moments for the staff, lots of laughs and understanding of their colleagues once they identified their different temperaments, hopefully which will resolve some of this tension and conflict within their workplace.
GF Jooste Hospital, has received over R2 million to upgrade its Emergency unit. This donation was made by the Ibn Institute of Tibb, a family trust managed by the Oasis Crescent Fund. These investors donate non-permissible incomein terms of Shari’ah investment principles to charity via the Oasis Crescent Fund Trust.
“The Oasis Crescent Fund Trust feels fortunate to bring this meaningful relief through this generous donation from Tibb, to the communities of Manenberg, Gugulethu, Nyanga and Klipfontein,” says Shaheen Ebrahim, Chairman of the Oasis Group and the Oasis Crescent Fund Trust.
“We saw the pressures placed on the existing Emergency Unit was and took the opportunity to assist the Western Cape Department of Health in upgrading and refurbishing the Unit. Through this donation our organization supports the WC Department of Health’s mission to provide equitable access to quality health services in partnership; says Professor Rashid Bhikha, Chairperson of the Tibb Foundation.
Minister Theuns Botha, Health Minister for the Western Cape welcomed the generous donation from the Tibb Institute. “The unit is an adult Acute medicine and Emergency Unit, with a team of three doctors and 10 nurses. It has a four-bed resuscitation area with ventilator support. The new improvement will also create a dedicated gynecology area for the improvement of women’s health. Thank you to the Tibb Foundation in making this much needed upgrade possible, says Minister Theuns Botha.
GF Jooste has one of the highest volume of emergency cases in the Western Cape. The hospital last received infra structural improvement in 1996.
Botha added that the provincial government’s investment into capital projects and upgrades are the biggest the Province has ever undertaken at one given time. “The Khayelitsha and Mitchell’s Plain Hospitals that are under construction are milestones in the history of this province. In addition the Department has 30 capital projects under construction, 18 capital projects in planning stage and 13 projects in retention. At present there are 88 in feasibility stage.”
The total estimated cost of all capital projects for the next five years exceeds R8 billion. These projects vary in size and extent, the smallest being an ambulance station of R10 million and the largest being the estimated R1 billion restorations and re-development of Valkenberg Hospital.
For more information, please contact: ● Mr Sithembiso Magubane, Snr. Communications Officer, Western Cape Provincial Department of Health on (021) 483 9981 or 0713153581.
Ms Caroline Davids, Provincial Manager, Western Cape, Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb on 021-6384487 or 083 748 1021.
Tibb has agreed to fund the renovation of the Muslim Aids Programme Children’s Care Home in Fordsburg. This renovation work is greatly needed and will significantly improve the quality of life of the young children living there. Building work is scheduled to start in June. The Children’s Care Home houses between 15 and 20 children aged between birth to late adolesence.
The Muslim Aids Programme (MAP) is a joint project of the Jamiatul Ulama, Islamic Careline and Islamic Medical Association.
MAP runs workshops, trains Aids educators and caregivers, holds seminars and uses the media to promote Aids Awareness and training.
Tibb has offered the services of a community Health worker at The Osizweni Community Centre in Ennerdale, Johannesburg. Tibb was invited to a ‘Water Education Day’ on the 24th March 2011
Review of the event by Islamic Relief:
A Water and Sanitation workshop was held at the Osizweni centre on the 24 March in efforts of Water week. The workshop was hosted by Islamic Relief and members of the Department of Health, Safety and Agriculture.
The workshop was attended by approximately 100 members of the Ennerdale Community, including the caregivers of Islamic Relief who work with sponsored orphans and their families. The workshop opened with songs and poems sung by the orphans at the Day Care Centre. The programme included a talk by Gabisele Mbhele, an Environmental Health Practitioner from the Health Department at Ennerdale in which she explained the importance of water and sanitation to the beneficiaries.
Guest speakers from the Agricultural Department and Fire and Safety Department taught the beneficiaries important lessons about gardening and flood relief .The community was very excited when they received water bottles from Tibb . Islamic-Relief and Osizweni are grateful that we have formed a partnership with TIBB and it is a great achievement. The focus area between Osizweni and Tibb is a comprehensive health care program for our beneficiaries and children. The Tibb information was very well received and people learnt how to take care of their water needs, how to identify signs of dehydration, and how we need to maintain the 70% water in the body.
The workshop concluded with feedback to the community regarding the way forward and their responsibilities towards keeping their environment and homes hygienic. The beneficiaries were also served lunch which was prepared by the caregivers at Osizweni
Tibb Total Wellness has been active at Wellness Days in Gauteng, Kwa-Zulu Natal and the Western Cape since January 2011. The Western Cape division has also hosted several Stress Management Workshops to businesses and corporations Wellness day at College of Cape Town Gugulethu Campus earlier this year.
A Stress Management workshop to the Department of Education professionals (their inspectors, psychologists, social workers etc.) was held at Blaauwklippen in the Western Cape in March 2011
“It is with great sadness that we mourn the passing of dear friend, leader, family man, doctor and example to humanity…Dr. Flangeni Manxiwa.
I first meet Flangeni when both of us were appointed by the Minister of Health as Community Representatives of the Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa in 2001. At that stage Flangeni was practising as a Primary Healthcare nurse. Our common concern for healthcare in the country, and more particularly in underprivileged areas where Flangeni was actively involved, was the foundation of a warm loving friendship. Flangeni was part of the first batch of Postgraduate students in the PG programme at UWC in 2003. I remember well how, together with Dr Florence Jara, he attended every monthly lecture travelling from Eastern Cape either to Durban or Joburg, purely out of passion for Tibb and his love for knowledge. This epitomise his passion for the profession.
After qualifying as a Tibb Doctor, Flangeni commenced the training of the PG programme in East London which he continued until the first batch of Undergraduate students entered their final 2 years of their Bachelor of Unani-Tibb degree. Again, because of his commitment to see Tibb grow, Flangeni moved away from his home and family and set up base in Cape Town whilst undertaking responsibility of the Undergraduate training. Not only was Dr Flangeni involved in education, but he also actively promoted and recruited many of the PG students – who today remain part of the Tibb family.
Above all, Dr. Flangen Manxiwai was a person with compassion, integrity and a zest for life. I have no doubt that he will always be remembered for his kind nature, infectious sense of humour and willingness to share his knowledge and experiences.
Understandably, as the training of Unani-Tibb in South Africa is still in its infancy, there have been challenges, but Flangeni’s commitment and enthusiasm never wavered – even through the difficult times when Unani-Tibb was to be phased out at UWC in 2009, he continued to hold resolve and determination.
For me, my friend, Flangeni, was an absolute pillar of strength. Together with Ms. Caroline Davids, his indeterminable faith in seeking for the truth, is something I will always be most grateful for. Tibb in South Africa will always be indebted to Dr Flangeni Manxiwa, together with Hakim Abdul Haq, for their contribution in the establishment of the profession and their dedication to providing- ‘Tibb Ye Afrika’ (Medicine for Africa).
With a heavy heart I pray that the Almighty reward him abundantly for a life of integrity and his commitment to Tibb. May his soul rest in peace and May God grant his family strength through this difficult period.
Your very dear friend Uncle Rashid.”
The Tibb School’s Programme has been effective in the Western Cape since 2008. This year, we have introduced the course to Life Orientation Teachers as part of the curriculum to Grade 10 and 11 learners. It has been most positive to note that all four of the districts in the Western Cape Region have accepted the course with great enthusiasm.
Tibb Trainers, together with Professor Bhikha have already embarked on several ‘Train the Teacher’ workshops. Teachers are taught about the Philosophy of Tibb, Temperament, Diet and Lifestyle, which has been adapted to suit young adults. All course material is supplied by Tibb and subsidized to schools unable to afford the costs.